12 окт. 2017 г.


Inspector: You have to ask yourself... what brought the person to this point. What was seen in his face, his manner, that channeled him here. You have to convince yourself... that this person has something hidden that you have to find. You check his bags, but it’s his face... his gestures that you’re really watching.

Francis: I didn’t like to feel tense around my friends when I was your age either.
Tracey: But you do now?
Francis: No, it’s not a question of liking it or not. It’s just something that happens.
Tracey: Why?
Francis: Um... well... as you get older... you become aware that the people you meet and the person you are... um, as carrying a certain amount of baggage. And, and that baggage creates tension.
Tracey: So what do you do about it?
Francis: Well, you can pretend it’s not there... or you can choose not to have friends... or you can acknowledge that it’s there and have friends anyway.

Eric: Listen, I waste so much time, you know? I just— My days just slip by, you know?
Christina: Isn’t that what days are supposed to do?

Zoe: Why did you believe him?
Christina: I made a choice.

Francis: You know that feeling you get sometimes, Tracey... that you didn’t ask to be brought into the world?
Tracey: Yeah. Well, then who did?
Francis: What?
Tracey: If you think that you didn’t ask... to be brought into the world... then who did?
Francis: All I’m saying is nobody asked you if you wanted to be brought into the world. You just ended up getting here. So the question is, now that you’re here...
who’s asking you to stay?

Eric: But just remember... we’re only ever just a dream away... wherever that is.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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