20 окт. 2017 г.

Maiden Quest

Grimm 5×4

«After three days and nights,
whoever tries
and does not succeed
shall be put to death.»

Brothers Grimm, «The Twelve Dancing Princesses»

Adalind: I fed you. I changed you. I burped you. Why are you doing this?

Adalind: I’d like you to stay with us in our room again tonight. It’s just I sleep a lot better knowing that you’ll kill whatever walks through that door.

Adalind: How’s work? Wow, sound so domestic.
Nick: Work was...
Adalind: You don’t have to tell me.

Wu: Axes, swords, and golden feathers. Anyone else think this is getting a little mythological?

Rosalee: Honey, would you slay a dragon for me?
Monroe: Oh, my God, a flock of them. Or whatever you call a great gathering of dragons.
Rosalee: My knight in shining...
Monroe: But I don’t do armor. I got a nickel allergy.

On the IMDb

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