31 окт. 2017 г.


Life 2x7

Crews: Studies show 80% of all lottery winners regret ever having won it.
Tidwell: You just made that up.
Crews: No. It’s the truth.
Tidwell: Then the truth is stupid.
Crews: Could the truth be stupid?

Tidwell: The heart wants what the heart wants.

Dani: You’re climbing his fence to do it?
Crews: Yeah. I was first in my fence climbing class at Pelican Bay. Failed out of tunneling, though. You ever try to dig with a spoon? Tough stuff.

Crews: I do that, too... Tell a total stranger the absolute truth. It helps sometimes.

Tidwell: ...you don’t want to talk to me about it, which is okay because, I mean, I look at myself sometimes in the mirror, and I say, if I wasn’t me, I wouldn’t want to talk to me either, you know.

Tidwell: Come on, I’ll make it easy on you. I’ll concede to your list of demands.
Dani: How could you possibly know what my demands are?
Tidwell: Oh, it’s easy. To go to dinner with me... public place, well lit, someplace no one you know will see you with me, no bar, no sex talk, no use of the word «sex.» Am I close? I’m close, right?

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