21 дек. 2011 г.

Terra Nova 1x11&12


& Maddy: I really think we’ll be fine. I mean, a defensible location is key. It forces the enemy to play offense, which everybody knows is the more difficult position... Mark gave me a book on military strategy.
    Josh: Romantic.

& Jim: No matter how bad things get... you can always count on me showing up... right here every time. ’Cause I make it my mission in life to always find my way back to you.

& Lucas: You want the good news or the bad news first, Sheriff?
    Jim: Surprise me.

& Elisabeth: Have you ever heard of Trichomonas Sastrei? It’s a parasite known to cause heart lesions* in slashers*. In humans, the larvae* attack the central nervous system and sort of burrow their way into the brain stem. From what I understand, it’s... quite an excruciating way to die.
    Weaver: Why are you telling me this?
    Elisabeth: Because you’ve just been injected with half a million Trichomonas larvae.
lesion — поражение
slasher — A horror movie usually with one central homicidal maniac who usually uses cutlery to systematically slaughter his victims.
larvae — личинки

On Imdb.


& Zoe: If you need another hug... just ask.

& Taylor: We’ll survive. But first... let’s kick some ass.

& Lucas: So, you really ready to do this? Lure my father into an ambush?
    Skye: Yeah, I’m ready. Uh... for the ambush part anyway.

& Weaver: We got a problem... a big problem!

& Mira: What are you talking about?
    Phoenix Sgt: We’re stuck here... forever.

On Imdb.

And this was

The End of Season 1

__ Looks like a Season 2 is possible, but what's a chance to the series renewal? Seems fairly low.

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