16 мая 2013 г.

The Longest Day

Revolution 1×17

& Miles: What’s wrong?
    Nora: Look, we’re winning a few fights. But odds are, once this thing’s out, one of us is gonna watch the other one die. So why make it harder?

& Neville: No matter how hard you try, you are never gonna get rid of me. I think I’ll stick around... You and I are gonna be together for a very long time.

& Miles: Can Ben get the lights back on, or can’t he?
    Rachel: We both can... Miles, what did you think, that I was just sitting around making him Martinis? I was project lead.

& Rachel: The capsule is first-generation nanotech. It kept Danny alive. Fixed his lung tissue. You can reprogram it to do almost anything... Stitch bone, heal skin... Like fix my leg, if it works.
    Aaron: And if it doesn’t?
    Rachel: Could cook us from the inside or... Ignite the air. Hard to say.

& Rachel: You think that we haven’t heard the stories? General Matheson, the butcher of Baltimore. You think that we’re going to give you the ability to kill more people? You are a monster. We are ashamed to call you one of our family.

& Miles: Maybe nobody heard that.

& Jason: I don’t understand you. Why are you doing this?
    Neville: Look... I know what kind of man I am. I have done every bad thing in the good book. I have lied, I have stolen, I have killed, and worse. I don’t care if you’re the devil himself, everyone draws a line somewhere, and leaving my only son to die alone... I guess that’s where I draw the line.

& Aaron: What is the point of... of having power if we can’t at least try to help people?
    Rachel: What makes you think that I’m in it to help people?

& Miles: Rachel... You know how bad this is gonna get for you?

& President Foster: Monroe is gonna come marching into this city like Sherman! Carpet bomb my streets and lay claim to the rubble. I have an obligation to save as many of my people as I can. So... I don’t know if you have any brilliant ideas, but if you do, it’s time to hear them, because otherwise... I’m gonna surrender.

& Monroe: Nora... What a pleasure to see you again.

On the IMDb

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