22 мая 2013 г.

A Good Day to Die Hard

& Murphy: It’s not good, John.
    John: Hospital or morgue?
    Murphy: Worse.

& John: He’s still my kid.
    Murphy: I know. It’s Russia. They do things differently over there.
    John: Me, too.

& Lucy: Dad? Just try... try not to make an even bigger mess of things.

& John: Traffic sucks here, too, huh?
    Taxi driver: Sex? You want sex? Sexy clubs?
    John: No. No sex. It sucks, this traffic.

& John: Do you think I understand a word you’re saying?

& John: I’m on fucking vacation!

& Komarov: In Russia, we have word for men like him. “Krutoi.” It means “tough,” “hard.”
    John: In America, it means “juvenile delinquent.”

& John: Need a hug?
    Jack: We’re not really a hugging family.

& Alik: Hi. I don’t know if I’m saying this right. Hi. Do you know what I hate about the Americans?.. Everything. Especially cowboys.

& Jack: I can’t believe she betrayed her father for Chagarin. I don’t understand that.
    John: Someday you will. Kids...

& John: Are we really going to Chernobyl?
    Jack: Yeah. The Chernobyl.
    John: The radioactive joint? Meltdown?
    Jack: That’s the one.
    John: It’s not the Chernobyl in Switzerland, right? With all the skiing and the snow and everything?
    Jack: You mean Grenoble? No, sorry, we’re not going to Grenoble.

& John: All right. Let’s go kill some motherfuckers.

& Komarov: You’re out of your jurisdiction, Detective McClane, aren’t you?
    John: I wouldn’t worry too much about being arrested. See, my boy is in the CIA. No phone call. Spy shit.

& John: The shit we do for our kids... Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!

& Jack: Let me ask you something. Do you go looking for trouble or does it always just seem to find you?
    John: You know, after all these years, I still ask myself the same question.

+ quotes on the IMDb

Σ For the "tick" only.

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