15 дек. 2017 г.

The Tesla Recoil

The Big Bang Theory 11×8

Sheldon: This one's going to be great. This is about the rivalry between a cool renegade scientist, Nikola Tesla, and his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison.
Leonard: It's the greatest scientific feud of all time! I mean, you can forget about Leibniz and Newton.
Penny: Done.

Penny: So, Tesla's the one that invented the electric car?

Penny: You don't have to be so smug about it. You know, you went to see that movie It because you thought it was about scary I.T. guys.

Penny: Didn't he invent the lightbulb?
Sheldon: That's what he wants you to think. But without the foundational work of Ebenezer Kinnersley, Warren de la Rue and James Bowman Lindsay, you wouldn't know Edison any more than you know Ebenezer Kinnersley, Warren de la Rue or James Bowman Lindsay.

Sheldon: And worse than that, Edison filmed the first on-screen kiss, so he's basically a pornographer... Although every time I put that in Wikipedia, someone takes it out.

Raj: Uh, okay, what you're saying sounds nice, but the way you're saying it is causing my testicles to take cover in my abdomen.

Amy: Well, you are building on their work and taking the credit for it. That's a classic Edison move.
Sheldon: Oh, yeah? Well, if I'm Edison and you love me, then what does that say about you?

Sheldon: You know whose fault this is?..
Amy: I do. Yours.
Sheldon: No, my mother's. "Go make friends, Sheldon." What happens? 20 years later, they call me names.

Raj: ...Did she get a laugh at a meeting yesterday by calling you "Pregnadette"? Big one.

Amy: Well, if it helps, you all behaved terribly and you deserve what you got.
Sheldon: Well, that doesn't help at all. You know, sometimes your social skills are very poor.

Penny: You know, maybe you're all more like the guy who didn't invent the electric car and less like the guy who didn't invent the lightbulb.
Leonard: She's right. Maybe we're all a bunch of Teslas after all...
Amy: Didn't Tesla die penniless, forgotten and insane?

On the IMDb

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