14 дек. 2017 г.

Charles (Manson) in Charge

American Horror Story. Cult


Trump: If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS...
Winter: I wonder if this is how black people felt when Obama became president.

Winter: There's no way people are buying this shit. I'm telling you, she's gonna flip Texas and maybe even Arizona. It's gonna be the biggest loss in electoral college history.

Kai: You guys don't see it. Your precious O-bummer has shielded you from what's really going on out there.

Kai: The world isn't this progressive, happy place you think it is, okay? People tolerated the black guy, but nobody wants a woman president. Not even other women.

Bebe: I'm an old-school, OG feminist. And do you know who my favorite politician of all time is?... Donald J. Trump.

Bebe: For thousands of years, mankind has built civilization with a single intention: to keep woman contained. Face down, ass up. Compliant. .... And with every catcall, every put-down, every slap and pass-over at work, the anger compounds. As the orgasm inequality builds, so does the rage. We are sitting on the biggest bomb the universe has ever seen. Do you know what it is, Mr. Anderson?.. Female rage. The patriarchy has dammed it up for millennia, and Donald J. Trump is the first world leader to start hammering away at that dam.

Bebe: With every tweet, with every eye-roll, every pussy grabbed... he is slowly releasing the fury.
Kai: It's beautiful.
Bebe: And do you see how you-- smart, charismatic, angry, woman-hating Kai Anderson-- need to take your own hammer to that dam? How you must be the spear for that movement because you are so very, very special?

Bebe: Repeat after me. I am a turd. A lowly, abject turd...

Kai: I've saved the best tale for last... Cielo Drive, Beverly Hills, August 8, 1969. What looked like the work of a bunch of psychopaths was actually a part of something much, much larger. Something that in 50 years' time would be remembered and repeated repeatedly. Charles Manson was playing the long game here, and on Cielo Drive, he was just lighting the fuse.

Kai: Manson sent his Family to wake up the world... The Summer of Love was over.

Kai: Am I clear?
Beverly: Perfectly clear, Divine Ruler.

Charles Manson: It's always the bitches, man. Can't trust the bitches.

Charles Manson: Look, as long as there's hate in your heart, there'll be hate in the world.

Bebe: Valerie always said the male was a biological accident, a walking abortion.

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