24 дек. 2017 г.

The Big Scary U

The Walking Dead 8×5

Gabriel: I might die. I very likely will die. I'm not asking to live. You've given me redemption, and it's that which makes me no longer fear death. What I fear... is a fruitless death. What I ask for... after you have given me so much... is purpose.

Simon: You said you could solve the problem... Today's the day, Gregory. You fill your belly up with my love, and then you solve it.

Gregory: Negan, let me lay this down straight for you. I know how it is... negotiating the slippery, steep terrain of managing resources and the population and... the big, scary you. But you might know, it's called the unknown.

Gregory: Negan, I don't like killing people any more than you do--
Negan: I like killing people.
Gregory: Oh. Well, I--
Negan: I say it's about killing the right people. So, you kill the right people at the right time... everything falls into place. Everybody's happy... Well, some people more than others. But you kill one, and you could be saving hundreds more. And that is what we are all about... We save people.
Gregory: That's... That's why you're called the-- the Saviors. Oh.

Negan: People. Are. A resource. Money on the table!

Negan: Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you confused about who we are? Are you confused about who is in charge?

Negan: Your friend Rick is an asshole.
Gabriel: You're an asshole.
Negan: Yeah. I am. But he's gonna get people killed.
Gabriel: By you.
Negan: See, I killed the widow's husband and the ginger. But I didn't get them killed. That was your boy Rick. Big difference.

Gabriel: Maybe this is the reason.
Negan: What?
Gabriel: I think... I'm here to take your confession.

Gavin: Sometimes it doesn't take a gun. The right kind of rat... can kill plenty of people with just some talk.

Simon: Good meeting, people. Now let's make today the best today it can be.

Eugene: I'd like to express my sincere thanks for your support at the recent confab. I was doing my level best to stay fully on the DL, but sometimes the mouth-brain neuronal connection experience is a misfire, and foot met mouth at an unavoidable velocity.

Eugene: I fully understand the reasoning behind yours truly being prime suspect in pretty much any Benedict Arnold type situation. And in light of that, I'm doubly grateful to have you watching my six.

Gabriel: Why are you weak?
Negan: That's the wrong question. It is how I am weak. You see, the thing is, I am also strong. Everyone is a mix. You can use your weaknesses to drive your strength, and obviously, I am strong as shit.

Gabriel: Tell me how you're weak. We might be dead soon...

Daryl: We gotta win.
Rick: Yeah, we gotta... Choke hold's illegal, asshole.
Daryl: Mm-hmm. Yes, it is.

Gabriel: You're forgiven.
Negan: Thanks... You can keep your gun.

Negan: You ever done this trick with the guts before?... These are putrid, decaying organs, dead blood, piss, and shit that have been cooking all day in the Virginian sun. None of your people ever gotten sick from this?
Gabriel: We're from Georgia.

Negan: Well, here's a little refresher on who the hell I am... I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille, and my nutsack is made of steel.

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