10 дек. 2017 г.

The Geology Methodology

The Big Bang Theory 11×7

Sheldon: Bert, I'm a gift horse. Don't look me in the mouth.

Howard: I don't get how you can enjoy cricket. It makes no sense.
Raj: Did you just come here to complain?
Howard: Yeah. That's the sport of my people.

Sheldon: That's actually a dark matter model of my own creation. I call it the Cooper Boson.
Bert: Cool. I got to name a rock once. I named it Moderately Sedimented Shale.

Sheldon: For future reference, the best surprises are the ones I know about three days in advance.

Sheldon: They're very different. Physics answers the question: what is the nature of the universe? Geology answers the question: what'd I just trip over?

Penny: Well, I've got a figure of speech about how sexually promiscuous you can go be with yourself...
Sheldon: ... And what is it?

Raj: Are you saying that you don't believe two people fall in love?
Ruchi: Of course they do. It's just that what people call “love” is actually a series of biochemical reactions in the brain that fade over time.
Raj: Yes. Like the old song, “When a man has a biochemical reaction for a woman.”

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