22 сент. 2012 г.

Over the Top

& Mike: I hate you!
    Lincoln: Then hate me. We have to start someplace.

& Lincoln: If you’re hungry, there’s a great place up here for good steak.
    Mike: What do you say we stop? You’re going to be a victim of cholesterol poisoning. Later in life, you’ll just start to rot away.
    Lincoln: You’re just full of good humor, aren’t you, Mike? Well, let’s try it, anyway.

& Lincoln: How do you like the place, Mike?
    Mike: I never did like the zoo, sir.

& Mike: Excuse me. For a man who exercises, you don’t know much about nutrition. A fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes has 1,000 calories and 50% fat. These fats have been linked to heart disease and some cancer.
    Lincoln: So, what would you like?
    Mike: Tuna salad, whole wheat toast and spring water with lemon.
    Lincoln: Double that.

& Lincoln: You can do it. Keep your wrist straight. Good. That’s it, Mike. Now put some muscle into it.
    Mike: There’s more to life than just muscles.
    Lincoln: Meaning what?
    Mike: Meaning I don’t see any books around. You don’t read much, do you? No offence, but you’re just simply on a different social scale.
    Lincoln: Oh, you wanna tell me more about this social scale?
    Mike: It’s been said that the average mental age for an adult is 15, just three years older than I am. For a trucker, it has to be in the 11- to 13-year range. Maybe 14, if they have good genetics.
    Lincoln: You know, Mike, it’s really great driving with such a... tremendous intellectual like you. It’s a real blessing.

& Lincoln: You lost back there because you beat yourself. You let yourself get beat. I know you can do it. You’re a special kid. You’re my boy, do you understand? But you’re also a spoiled rich brat who’s always had everything done for him. It’s time to do it for yourself, and you can do it. I’m telling you, the world meets nobody halfway. Do you understand that? If you want it, Mike, you gotta take it. Do you hear me? You gotta take it. Go in there and try. I know you can win. But even if you don’t, so what? So you lose. As long as you lose like a winner, it doesn’t matter. Cos you did it with dignity. If you don’t go in there, you’re gonna be sorry. You’ll regret it your whole life, you know what I mean? Go on. I know you can do it. Will you do it for me? Come on. Let’s get him. You can do it. You can beat him. You’re twice as strong as he is. You just gotta believe.

& Lincoln: Mike, I want you to remember something. The world meets nobody halfway, remember that. You gotta do what’s best for you. Always do that.

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