18 сент. 2012 г.

Damsels in Distress

& Lily: The guys you know, are they all Greeks?
    Violet: What?
    Lily: Are all the guys you know Greeks?
    Violet: Excuse me. I don’t understand.
    Lily: Are... all... the guys... you know... Greeks?
    Violet: I don’t think we know any Greeks.
    Lily: Greeks, like frat boys.
    Violet: Oh, yes. Fraternities. You mean members of the Greek-letter fraternities.

& Violet: Speaking of suicide prevention, do you have a boyfriend, Lily?

& Violet: Where do you live or reside?
    Jimbo: Doar Dorm.
    Heather: Oh, my God. Yuck.
    Jimbo: What?
    Violet: The smell, it’s notorious.
    Jimbo: What smell?
    Violet: You’re right, it’s more like a stink.
    Violet: Unclean clothing, I’d say, mostly.
    Rose: Vomit.
    Heather: Stale beer.
    Rose: Pot. Cheap deodorant. There might be a vermin infestation.
    Violet: Did you know a good-smelling environment... is crucial to our sense of well-being? Have you tried to find a better-smelling place?

& Violet: You know, Lily, you’re a bit harsh. This obsession with intelligence. Do you think it has some magical quality transforming everything? The intelligence line is not an immutable barrier. Love can cross it. You can love someone whose mental capacity is not large. I know. I have.

& Violet: Do I look like one of them?
    Highway Worker-1: I don’t know. Maybe.
    Highway Worker-2: Messy people, suicides. Think only of themselves and their own deaths. Not what comes after.
    Highway Worker-1: They leave quite a mess. They don’t stick around to clean it up.
    Highway Worker-2: Uh-uh.

& Violet: Lily’s got that slender, delicately swelling beauty... that no man can resist... Poor Lily. Just think of all Xavier put her through... He just used her body. And not even the right side.

& Heather: What’s that?
    Violet: I think Rose is sleeping.
    Heather: Am I boring?
    Violet: No, not at all. When you have problems, it’s great to hear someone else’s idiotic ones. Please go on.

& Rose: Isn’t the Ed School essentially a teacher’s college?
    Violet: Yeah.
    Rose: What concerns me, if they can’t even destroy themselves... how are they going to teach America’s youth?

& Fred: Normally I’d be reluctant to comment on anyone’s religion, but....
    Xavier: What?
    Fred: I’m sorry. I guess... I guess I’m a bit of a bigot. I just... I could never take seriously any religion that worships on Tuesdays. Major religions require worship on the weekend. Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I find it just really laudatory... that people sacrifice their weekend time to worship God. Having the Sabbath on Tuesday always seemed very bizarre to me. It’s not right.

& Violet: Sometimes our struggle reminds me of the myth of Sisyphus.
    Heather: Who?
    Violet: The myth about the guy... who pushes an enormous rock only to have it keep rolling back.
    Heather: Oh, yeah. What a knucklehead. The important thing to remember is that he was mythical.

& Lily: Violet, can we talk?.. What’s the plural of doofus?
    Violet: Doufi.
    Lily: Not doofuses?
    Violet: You can say either. “Doufi” respects the Latin root and is preferred. “Doofuses” is also correct, although a bit inelegant.

& Rose: Nice? Fine. I’m fine. Those are not adjectives I like to use. God gave us abilities. He requires that we use them. Good, better, best, excelsior, higher. Only excellence can glorify the Lord. Vulgarity is, in essence, blasphemous.

+ quotes on the IMDb

Σ In general, not quite got it. Overflowed with dialogues.

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