7 июл. 2021 г.

The Wilderness

The Handmaid's Tale 4×10

June Osborn: You won't be able to shut him up... Weak men, hmm? They do make the world go round.

Moira: ... And then he's a free man. He's free to just set up wherever the fuck he wants, with his Viking-ass wife.

Moira: I mean, shit, they've gotta listen to you. You're June fucking Osborn!

June Osborn: Well, I told my story. I got up, and I told them everything. They know what he was. What he did and how it felt. They made a deal with him anyway. So maybe what he's giving them is more valuable than what he took from me.

Serena Joy Waterford: She will refer to him as "Commander", or this interview will end.

Serena Joy Waterford: The Commander needs much faster Internet access. The press requests are becoming overwhelming, and he has a constituency that he has every right to communicate with.
Mark Tuello: Already done.
Serena Joy Waterford: Excellent. Now, house hunting...

Mark Tuello: You plan on living with the Commander... as husband and wife?
Serena Joy Waterford: As a family. Of course.
Mark Tuello: Can you explain that to me, Serena?
Serena Joy Waterford: .... I don't believe I have to.

June: My mom... My mom used to always tell me if you wanna know what they believe in? Remember that they bought a shitload more copies of the Old Testament than the New.
Emily: It's a much better read... The righteous will rejoice in vengeance and wash their feet in the blood of the wicked. It's good stuff.

June: A good mother would be able to let go. A good mother. A good mother would be able to let go.

Waterford: It's funny. I do find myself missing her.
June: Who?
Waterford: Offred. I realize that must sound strange to you.
June: No. I miss her, too. Some things, so much... I miss her strength.
Waterford: She was very special. Inspiring, in a way.
June: Mmm... To Offred.
Waterford: To our Offred.

June Osborn: I'm going to put Fred on the wall. ... On the fucking wall.

Commander Lawrence: June Osborn. As I live and breathe.
June Osborn: Joseph.

June Osborn: Joseph. Don't be a dick.
Commander Lawrence: It was worth a shot. Uh, I do have another offer. A trade, if you will...

Commander Lawrence: Glad you haven't lost your touch.

Commander Lawrence: It won't be enough, you know. Whatever happens to him if we get him won't be enough for you.
June Osborn: God bless you, Joseph.

Emily: What do you want?
June: I want him to be afraid. Because I was afraid for so long.
Emily: How afraid?
June: Like in the woods when I was caught. And they took Hannah.
Emily: More than that.
June: Mmm. I want him to be scared to death.

Serena: Call me when you land.
Waterford: Yes. Um, we could try to Zoom. I'd like to see you.
Serena: Sure, Fred. We can Zoom.

Waterford: This is absurd. This is insanity! I have rights! I'm a man, and I have rights!

Mark Tuello: You're going home, Commander.

Commander Lawrence: Go in grace, Fred.

Waterford: You're in No Man's Land, Commander... Do not be deceived. God is not to be mocked. For whatever man sows, so shall he reap. You did this to yourself, Commander.

June Osborn: Choose.

June Osborn: Run.

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