5 июл. 2021 г.

Murder on the Orient Express (1974)

A.D.C.: I hope we did the right thing booking you into a hotel on the European side rather than the Asian side.
Hercule Poirot: I have no prejudice against either continent.

Ratchett: Mr Per-oh... $5,000. No? Ten thousand? Fifteen thousand?
Hercule Poirot: Mr Ratchett, I have made enough money to satisfy both my needs and my caprices. I take only such cases now as interest me and, to be frank, my interest in your case is, er... dwindling.

Dr. Constantine: Mr Ratchett has been frontally stabbed... ten, eleven, twelve times.
Bianchi: Dio...
Hercule Poirot: Mon pauvre, if you must go whoop-whoop, please go whoop-whoop not to windward but to leeward. Help him, Pierre.

Mrs Hubbard: ... And I was nearest to his murderer.
Bianchi: You mean you saw the man? You can identify the murderer?
Mrs Hubbard: I mean nothing of the kind. I mean there was a man in my compartment last night. It was pitch-dark, of course, and my eyes were closed in terror.
Bianchi: Then how did you know it was a man?
Mrs Hubbard: Because I've enjoyed very warm relationships with both my husbands.
Bianchi: With your eyes closed?
Mrs Hubbard: That helped.

Hercule Poirot: Bianchi. Doctor. Has it occurred to you that there are too many clues in this room?

Hercule Poirot: And, er... Pierre, since you are here already, we can conveniently start by questioning you. Your full name is Pierre Paul Michel.
Pierre: Correct, monsieur.
Hercule Poirot: Two male saints' names. You must be greatly blessed.
Pierre: I've had my share of good fortune, monsieur. So, and of bad.

Hercule Poirot: Let us talk of less distressing matters...

Hercule Poirot: Ah! Godmother! Now you have accidentally said something valuable.

Hercule Poirot: Mrs Hubbard, you have afforded me a great deal of help in this difficult case. Thank you, if I may so express it, for playing your part.

Hercule Poirot: Allowing for the difference in pens, the duplication seems exact. There would be little point, then, in asking whether this handkerchief is yours.
Countess Andrenyi: Since it contains neither of my initials, no point whatsoever, monsieur.
Hercule Poirot: And even less point in asking the colour of your dressing gown.
Countess Andrenyi: None, unless monsieur takes a professional interest in apricot silk.
Hercule Poirot: I take a professional interest in crime, madame.

Hercule Poirot: You never smile, Madame la Princesse.
Princess Dragomiroff: My doctor has advised against it.

Hercule Poirot: Forgive me, Miss Debenham. I must be brief. You met Colonel Arbuthnot and fell in love with each other in Baghdad. Why must the English conceal even their most impeccable emotions?
Mary Debenham: To answer your observations in order, of course, yes, yes, and I don't know.

Hercule Poirot: Would you kindly ask the chief attendant to arrange the tables and chairs so that Signor Bianchi, Dr Constantine and myself can confront the passengers with the solution of the murder?

Hercule Poirot: Ladies and gentlemen, you are all aware that a repulsive murderer has himself been repulsively and perhaps deservedly murdered. How and why? Here is the simple answer. There is evidence supporting the theory that the murderer was a stranger to us all. ...... Who was he? I am inclined to agree with Mr Foscarelli, who believes that he was a rival member of the Mafia, exacting private vengeance for a vendetta whose precise nature the Yugoslav police will undoubtedly identify. But is that all? No. No, no, no, no. No, it is not. I said, er... here is the simple answer. There is also a more... complex one. But remember my first solution when uh... when you've heard my second.

Hercule Poirot: If all these people are not implicated in the crime, then why have they all told me under interrogation stupid and often unnecessary lies? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Dr. Constantine: Doubtless, because they did not expect you to be on the train. They had no time to concert their cover story.
Hercule Poirot: I was hoping someone other than myself would say that.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

Murder on the Orient Express (2017)

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