29 июл. 2021 г.

A Little Harmless Stalking

Lucifer 5×13

Amenadiel: Being God isn't simple. It's... It's a big job. The biggest. How would I even go about making that decision?
Lucifer: Well, in situations like these when much is at stake, I like to ask myself, "What's your knee-jerk reaction?" "You obviously want this, so leap before you look."

Lucifer: You have wanted this your whole life.
Amenadiel: I've never said that.
Lucifer: You don't need to say it, brother. Words are just words. I know how you feel.

Lucifer: Therapy has ruined me! I've been overthinking all of my decisions when really, the answer is at our feet! "Just do it." Well, not my feet. I'm clearly a Louboutin man, but you know what I mean.

Lucifer: Sorry. It's just, my French horn.

Chloe: I can't wait, and it's not because you didn't say, you know, those words, 'cause, look, words are just words. And I think I know how you feel, but I...

Lucifer: Let's just do it... It's obvious we want to be together, so let's just stop overthinking it and just be together!

Lucifer: Daniel, are you overthinking this? Careful, it could ruin your life.

Chloe: Why?!
Linda: I think the more important question is, why is it so hard to take me at my word? Trust issues usually stem from a problematic relationship with a parental figure... Mother, perhaps?
Lucifer: Oh, Detective, don't be fooled by her sneaky therapist ways. She's trying to trick you into overanalyzing your emotions. And before you know it, you'll be second-guessing every decision. I say we just do it.
Chloe: Do what?
Lucifer: This. Doctor...

Linda: A little harmless stalking never killed anyone.

Amenadiel: You don't wanna know, trust me. It's a lot to take in.
Dan: Bro, I've had my mind blown, figuratively and literally, so pretty sure I can handle it.
Amenadiel: I think I'm gonna become God.
Dan: I'm sor... What?!

Lucifer: No, no, no, the detective told us to wait for her here.
Chloe: What happened to Mr. I-follow-my-gut?
Lucifer: Ooh! Therapists... Always using your own words against you.

Ella: God is in the details.
Amenadiel: Speaking of God... Can I ask you something?.. Is there anything that you would change about him, you know, if you could?
Ella: Change? About God?.. No. I mean, that's the whole point of faith. Acceptance.
Amenadiel: Right, but... just for argument's sake. Imagine if God was standing right here in front of you, asking you... "How can I do a better job?" There's gotta be something you would say.
Ella: No. No. I mean... God is always there for me. Always. He loves me. Probably more than anyone should, really.
Amenadiel: What does that mean?
Ella: I have... I have a lot of darkness. And the big guy knows and... he doesn't care. He's all good. Which is why I don't deserve him.
Amenadiel: I disagree, Ella. I do. You see, I think if God was standing right here, right now, in front of you, that he would tell you to take some of that faith that you have in him... and put it in yourself.

Lucifer: ... Someone worthy.
Amenadiel: Who?
Lucifer: Me, of course! This is exactly what I need to prove myself.
Amenadiel: What?!
Lucifer: You heard me, brother. I've just decided. I'm going to be God.

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