1 июл. 2021 г.

Chapter 17. In All the Old Familiar Places

The Kominsky Method 3×1

Sandy Kominsky: I've been trying to figure out how to pay homage, uh, to this man. And then I remembered one of his favorite sayings, "The truth is a good fallback position." So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fall back on the truth...

Martin Schneider: Did you see they got sushi from Nobu?
Sandy Kominsky: Mmm.
Martin Schneider: Yeah. This is unbelievable. He's got baked crab and miso cod and yellowtail, the whole deal.
Sandy Kominsky: That's nice.
Martin Schneider: Nobody knows how to mourn like the Jews, huh?
Sandy Kominsky: Practice, practice, practice.

Sandy Kominsky: You know how many of my friends have died in the last couple of years?
Mindy Kominsky: No.
Sandy Kominsky: Me neither. I've lost count.
Mindy Kominsky: Well, still, it's important that you talk to somebody about it.
Sandy Kominsky: Why? Who says we have to share how we feel about every fucking thing that happens to you?
Mindy Kominsky: 'Cause keeping it inside is not healthy.
Sandy Kominsky: Yeah, well, maybe I don't want to be healthy.

Yvette: First time I thank you for finding him is free. Second time is $2,000.

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