28 июл. 2021 г.

Scene of the Crime

Why Women Kill 2×4

Narrator: From the moment the phone rang, Alma Fillcot knew she was in trouble. As every housewife knows, good news... never calls before 9:00.

Rita Castillo: I admire women who try to remake themselves. Reject the hand they were dealt, become someone new. Smarter, prettier, stronger. When women like us do it well enough, no one can imagine we were ever anyone else.

Alma Fillcot: What're you doing?
Bertram Fillcot: The party's over.

Bertram Fillcot: I want our things back. I liked my home the way it was. I like you the way you were. I love the woman in this photograph.
Alma Fillcot: Well, I don't! In fact, I hate her. She wanted so much out of life. Others convinced her that she wasn't worthy. So, she told herself to be happy with the scraps that were thrown her way. She gobbled them up with gratitude. One day, she realized that... she deserved more.

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