St. Valentine's Day
& Drew: How ’bout... Friday?
Liz: Oh, no. On Friday I have a stupid... show. How ’bout Saturday?
Drew: Saturday, uh... Okay. I guess that doesn’t have to be weird.
Liz: Okay then.
Drew: Okay. Valentine’s day it is.
Liz: Saturday is Valentine’s day?!
& Jake: I’ll be in church.
Liz: What? Why?
Jake: Elisa is deeply religious.
Liz: If I had those knockers, I’d be thanking God too.
& Jake: Imagine a dessert for two... Tahitian vanilla bean in a pool of ice cream... drizzled in the world’s most expensive chocolate, Amadei porcelana... Covered with shaved white, black,and clear truffles... And topped with edible
Elisa: I don’t know, you ever put a doughnut in the microwave?
& Priest: Don’t you have faith?
Jake: I have faith in things I can see, and buy, and regulate. Capitalism is my religion.
& Priest: I don’t know what to say.
Jake: I don’t want you to say anything. I already made that clear.
Priest: Then what... brought you here tonight?
Jake: What brought me here? What brings anyone anywhere? Why do men build bridges? Why are there jets? I was hoping to have sex tonight! Have you ever made love to a woman, father? Come on, man. Imagine cradling your face into the curve of a velvety-soft... neck. Your hands cupping the warm heft of the greatest pair of...
Priest: I need backup! Harvard did not preparme for this.
& Drew’s ’Ma’: Mandy, you look terrible.
Liz: Oh, I’m not Mandy. I’m Liz.
Drew’s ’Ma’: Mandy, you have to tell Drew something for me. The woman he thinks is his sister is really his mother.
Liz: What?!
Drew’s ’Ma’: I’m his grandmother. You have to tell him, or I won’t get into heaven.
& Jennifer: Well, if you could’ve talked to me, what could you have said?
Ken: That you’re the sweetest, prettiest, blindest girl I’ve ever met. And when I’m with you, my heart jumps like a frog on July asphalt, right before it dies.
Jennifer: You’re so beautiful on the inside, Kenneth Parcell... Can I feel your face?
& Jake: Boy, does that guy’s not planning to kill her and eat her?
Elisa: Jack, you’re such a romantic.
+ quotes on the Imdb.
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