30 июн. 2018 г.

Death Wish (2018)

Ben: People rely on the police to keep them safe. That's the problem. The police only arrive after the crime has taken place. That's like... trapping the fox as he's comin' out of the hen house. If a man really wants to protect what's his... he has to do it for himself.

Paul Kersey: I feel like I'm in purgatory. I can't go back to work, I can't be around my house.

Paul Kersey: Yeah, I know it's a process. I'm just... starting to wonder about the result, that's all.

Paul Kersey: What if I offered some kind of reward?
Detective Kevin Raines: We'll just get flooded with false leads. Me and my partner are gonna have to waste time tracking 'em down.
Paul Kersey: What about a private investigator?
Detective Kevin Raines: PI's good for cheating spouses, missing persons... But murder case, they'll just take your money. They can't get involved in a police investigation. It's tampering with evidence, they could lose their license.
Paul Kersey: So there's nothing that I can do. Is that what you're saying?
Detective Kevin Raines: You can have faith.

Newscaster: Good or bad, I don't know. I go back and forth on it. Is he a hero or a zero? That's the debate.

Paul Kersey: You're the Ice Cream Man?
Ice Cream Man: Who the fuck are you?
Paul Kersey: Your last customer.

Paul Kersey: My wife and daughter just disappear. And there's no consequences. I did everything I was supposed to do. Everything. I worked hard. I obeyed the law. I made a life for my family. For my wife and daughter! And what? Just forget about that? They're just gone now?

Frank Kersey: Well, the good news is I'm not a suspect anymore. The bad news is I'm not a suspect anymore.

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Σ nostradamvs: «...неимоверно примитивный и убогий ремейк классической «Жажды смерти» 1974 года с Чарльзом Бронсоном, смазанный и алогичный. У Бронсона убили всю семью, у Уиллиса (он играет в ремейке) дочь выжила, чтобы получился жалкий хэппи-энд. Бронсон был простым инженером и мир смерти для него был шоком, Уиллис же – крутой хирург, кровь для него окей. Бронсон стрелял из неотслеживаемого наградного оружия, тяжеленного ретро-револьвера, которое ему подарили за много лет до событий; Уиллис палил из (!) случайно вывалившегося из кармана пациента «Глока» (который отслеживался на раз). Ну и самое главное – основная идея фильма. Бронсон не нашёл убийц семьи – и не искал их, потому что все понимали, что это невозможно. Он просто убивал первых попавшихся негодяев – это была жажда мести, жажда смерти, желание очистить улицы. В новом же фильме Уиллис ведёт банальнейшее расследование и, конечно, находит Самых Плохих. На этом фоне классический финальный жест – выстрел из пальца – у Уиллиса вышел как плохая пародия. Да и сам фильм – плохая пародия.»

No One's Gone

Fear the Walking Dead 4×8

Madison: I've lost everything. I got nothing else to lose.
Althea: You think you've been through a lot?... Lady, you got no idea.

Althea: One day, someone's gonna want to know what happened here. Someone's gonna care why this went down the way it did.

Althea: You're up against ballistic steel armor. Stitch-welded plates. Shielding layer on shielding layer. This thing's built like a tank in a tank in a bank vault... You want to help me with this door?

Madison: Why does that matter? Why does any of it matter?
Althea: 'Cause it's the truth. Facts. Reality. Just admitting that... that there is one reality and that you and I share it. That we're... We're connected by this single, screwed-up world. That's the truth. And that can change things.

Morgan: Well, I tried to get away. From people, from everything and everybody. Because I thought I had to. And somebody told me that I would end up with people again, but I didn't believe him. I didn't want to believe him. So I ran... halfway across the country to prove him wrong... Here I am, standing between your gun and somebody I just met.

Madison: I'm thinkin' that's why we haven't found a place that's worked yet. We were thinking too small.

Alicia: You want the rest of my mom's story?

John: Thank you, Naomi.
Naomi: June. My name is June.

Alicia: We thought you died.
Naomi: I thought you died.

Madison: No one's gone until they're gone.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

29 июн. 2018 г.

Twelve Monkeys (1995)

James Cole: What year is this?
Kathryn Railly: What year do you think it is?
James Cole: 1996.
Kathryn Railly: That's the future, James. Do you think you're living in the future?
James Cole: 1996 is the past.
Kathryn Railly: No, 1996 is the future. This is 1990.

Dr. Fletcher: Are you going to save us, Mr. Cole?
James Cole: How can I save you? This already happened.

Jeffrey Goines: See? Told you. All the doors are locked too. They're protecting the people on the outside from us... when the people on the outside are as crazy as us. Do you know what "crazy" is? Crazy is majority rules.

Jeffrey Goines: There's no right. There's no wrong. There's only popular opinion.

Kathryn Railly: Oh, Jesus! James, you killed him!
James Cole: All I see are dead people.

Kathryn Railly: You never had a gun before.
James Cole: I have one now.

Dr. Leland Goines: ...I am burdened. For with all this excess of public attention and cacophony of praise... there comes great responsibility. I don't have to tell you all that the dangers of science... are a timeworn threat. From Prometheus stealin' fire from the gods... to the Cold War era of the Dr. Strangelove terror.

James Cole: I am insane. And you are my insanity.

Dr. Fletcher: Kathryn! You're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not.
Kathryn Railly: And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry... it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith.

Bob: Yellin' won't get you what you want. You have to be smart to get what you want.

James Cole: I want the future to be unknown. I want to become a whole person again. I want this to be the present. I want to stay here... this time... with you.

Kathryn Railly: It's okay! We're insane. We're crazy. It's a carpet cleaning company.
James Cole: A carpet cleaning company?
Kathryn Railly: Yeah. No superiors. No scientists. No men from the future. It's just a carpet cleaning company. They have voice mail. You leave a message telling where you want your carpet cleaned.
James Cole: You left them a message?
Kathryn Railly: Yeah. I couldn't resist. Wait 'til they hear this nutty woman telling them they'd better watch out for the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. I said, "The Freedom for Animals Association on Second Avenue... is the secret headquarters of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys."
James Cole: "They're the ones who are gonna do it. I can't do anything more now. I have to go. Have a merry Christmas."

James Cole: The movie never changes. It can't change. But every time you see it, it seems different because you're different. You see different things.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

The End of the F***ing World 1×5

Episode #1.5

Alyssa: In films, people on the run always look hot... Fucking hell.

Teri: I don't regret it. I just wish it hadn't happened.

Alyssa: I'm sorry I left you.
James: I'm sorry I killed him.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
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28 июн. 2018 г.

Women's Work

The Handmaid's Tale 2×8

June: She writes, I read. This is the new normal. And an offense to God. In another life, maybe we could've been colleagues. And in this one, we're heretics.

June: ...this is new territory for Serena, I think. How does she feel about falling? She seems pretty fucking happy.

June: Blessed be the fruit.
Janine: May the Force be with you.

Janine: You'll probably get to the cool part soon. The baby's foot pushes out of your stomach like in Alien...

Janine: My posting's great. It's just the Ceremony. No blow jobs. Seriously, it's like a blessing from God.

June: Stay in Gilead long enough and it starts to eat you from the inside out. That's one of the things they do. They force you to kill, within yourself.

Serena: What do you think?
June: .... Well, I think, if it were my baby, I would do whatever I could... Law or no law.

Serena: I did it for the child. What greater responsibility is there in Gilead?
Fred: Obeying your husband.

Serena: Amends?
Fred: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. And ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge. Giving honor... unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel."

Fred: Forgive me, darling...

June: Someone once said, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them." We should've known better.

On the IMDb
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The Boyfriend

Mozart in the Jungle 4×1

Hailey: Rodrigo? Baby's up.

Hailey: Uh, Ludwig and Gustav need another bottle. And Igor and Wolfgang need to be changed.

Rodrigo: It's a zucchini flower frittata... no flor de calabaza... and some papaya.

Rodrigo: Rent. Yeah, I know. It's a crime to make musicians pay the rent.

Thomas: What-what is this? I mean, it looks like you're tickling an elephant's balls. It's pure Rodrigo. Come up with your own conducting quirks.
Hailey: What if I don't have any?
Thomas: Oh, please. Come on. You know you're a freak. Stop trying to hide it.

Thomas: Needs a conductor with some balls. Or ovaries. Big fucking ovaries.

Rodrigo: Yes, yes. For a baby, a baby step is just a step.

Rodrigo: Oh, they can, they can. They need a goal. They need a... a windmill to fight against.

Gloria: We have to make this a quickie.
Thomas: How about two quickies?
Gloria: Why are you always thinking about dessert before you've had the main course?
Thomas: Because dessert has tits like the Venus de Milo, only better. And arms.

Thomas: Talking about mystery, what is a... pastelón?
Rodrigo: Pastelón is really good. It's got, uh, plantains and... Well, you know, everything with plantains is good.

Gloria: But, well, what do... what do you mean "no audience"?
Egon: I just feel the audience is an outdated concept.

Egon: I just feel an artist is either looking in or looking out. It's really hard to do both at the same time. You know, it's like a... a sneeze or... an aneurysm.

Rodrigo: I want to meet your parents.
Hailey: Why?
Rodrigo: Because I'm the boyfriend.

Rodrigo: I don't want to think about the audience. I just want to be with my girlfriend.

On the IMDb
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Терри Пратчетт — Зимних Дел Мастер (5/5)

&  Люди хотят, чтобы мир был историей, потому что истории звучат убедительно и они понятны. Люди хотят, чтобы мир был понимаем.

&  Ей было холодно и одиноко. Все, что она могла сделать, это продолжать жить. Можно кричать, плакать, топать ногами, но толку от этого – только согреться. Можно заявлять, что так нечестно и это будет чистой правдой, но вселенную это мало волнует, поскольку значение слова «честно» ей неведомо. Когда ты ведьма, у тебя только одна проблема. Ты все решаешь сама. Всегда все решаешь сама.

&  Тяжело учить того, кто не может признать, что есть что-то, ей неизвестное.

&  Аннаграмма обладала врожденным Боффо. Она была высока и надменна и всегда вела себя так, как будто знала все, даже если не имела об этом ни малейшего понятия. С такими способностями нельзя не преуспеть. И люди ее слушались.

&  Как сказала Матушка Ветровоск, чтобы ходить с гордо поднятой головой, надо крепко ступать обеими ногами по земле. Мытье полов, рубка дров, стирка, изготовление сыра – все эти занятия возвращали тебя с небес на землю, учили настоящему. Ими можно было заниматься почти бездумно, позволяя мыслям в голове выстраиваться по порядку.

&  – Я думал, здесь будут чудовища.
     – Айе. Будут. Думай о чем-нибудь простом и неизменном.
     – О чем-нибудь неизменном?
     – Я не шуткую! О здоровенной горе или о молотке! Делай что хочешь, только не желай, не переживай и не надейся!

&  – Мистер Всякограб, я слишком испугался, чтобы побежать.
     – Айе. А то нам это не ведомо! Знашь, сколько парней стало героями лишь потому, что слишком испужались, чтобы дать деру!

&  – Я ненавижу все, что пытается отнять у вас ваше я. И я хочу убить их, мистер Всякограб. Я хочу убить их всех. Когда у вас отнимают память, у вас отнимают вас самих. Все, чем вы являетесь.
     – Какие прекрасные у тя устремления, – сказал Роб...

  ... И он читал «Принципы современного счетоводства» все утро, но для интереса разбавлял сюжет драконами.”

27 июн. 2018 г.

Freedom & Whisky

Outlander 3×5

Roger: Only someone with knowledge of the future could have quoted lines that hadn't been written yet.

Joe: I've watched you live a half-life for 15 years. If you have a second chance at love, you should take it.

Brianna: I'm all grown up, Mama. I could live on my own. I love you, but I don't need you... Not the way I did when I was little.

Claire: Well, I haven't seen him in 20 years. Have I changed terribly since I first met you?
Joe: You're a skinny white broad with too much hair but a great ass. He'll be in heaven when he sees you, Lady Jane.

Roger: To freedom and whisky.
Claire: Freedom and whisky.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
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The Bad Beginning: Part Two

A Series of Unfortunate Events 1×2

Lemony Snicket: Hello, my name is Lemony Snicket, and I'm sorry to say that the alleged entertainment you are watching is extremely unpleasant.

Lemony Snicket: From the beginning of this miserable tale to the last melancholy scene, I cannot think of a single line, a single word, that does not chill me to my deepest bones.

Lemony Snicket: The scene you see behind me is called a flashback. That is a word which here means "taken place during the events of the last episode, shortly after the Baudelaire fire and during the Baudelaire children's unfortunate stay with the Poe family."

Bald Man: I'd like to make a withdrawal...

Count Olaf: It is one thing to listen to science, Mr. Banker Man. It is another to listen to the advice of a consultant.

Mr. Poe: Children, everyone, at some time in their life, wishes they were being raised by people different than the ones who were raising you...

Mr. Poe: Now, I'm sorry if I have to usher you out posthaste, but I've got work to do. "Posthaste" means "very, very... "

Lemony Snicket: The word "standoffish" is a wonderful one, but it does not describe Count Olaf's behavior toward the children. "Standoffish" refers to a person who, for various reasons, is not associating with others. It is a word which might describe somebody who, during a party, might stand in a corner instead of talking to another person.

Count Olaf: Violet, Violet, Violet. You will be playing the young woman I marry. It's a very important role although you only have one line, and I think you know what it is...
Violet: I don't.
Count Olaf: No, no, no. It's "I do."

Lemony Snicket: Marriage is like sharing a root beer float, or agreeing to be the back half of a horse costume. Even when it's happening onstage, you should only do it with the people you love. I have never been married myself....

Justice Strauss: Well, to each his own. There are countless types of books in this world, which makes good sense because there are countless types of people.

Justice Strauss: Carpe diem!
Count Olaf: Seize the children!
Justice Strauss: Seize the day.
Count Olaf: I said day!

Hook-Handed Man: Get into your pajamas and say your prayers, unless you're atheists.
Violet: You can't just keep us in here!
Hook-Handed Man: You know who always says that? Prisoners.

Count Olaf: Let me give you a piece of advice. If you use fancy-pants words first thing in the morning, you're going to end up a very lonely man.

Klaus: You don't know the difference between figuratively and literally, do you?
Count Olaf: Uh...
Lemony Snicket: It is very useful, whether one is young or in late middle age, to know the difference between literally and figuratively. "Literally" is a word which here means that something is actually happening, whereas "figuratively" is a word which means it just feels like it's happening. If you are literally jumping for joy, for instance, that means that you are leaping through the air because you are very happy... If you are figuratively jumping for joy, it means that you are so happy you could jump for joy, but are saving your energy for other matters.

Count Olaf: I don't think a boy your age ought to be using the word "titular..."

Count Olaf: Tell me, bookworm... can you name me a language that was spoken by ancient Romans and is still spoken by very irritating people today?

Count Olaf: I may be a terrible man, but I have concocted a foolproof way of getting your fortune. What have you done?

Gustav: A consultant? Dear God. Why would anyone listen to a consultant?

Lemony Snicket: Having a brilliant idea isn't as easy as turning on a light. But just as a single bulb can illuminate even the most depressing of rooms, the right idea can shed light on a depressing situation.

Bald Man: Any sort of funny business, and it's curtains for your baby sister. You see, "curtains" means that your sister will be dropped out of the window, but it's also a sort of play on theatrical curtains.

Justice Strauss: By the powers vested in me by going to law school, I now pronounce you Count and Countess.
White Faced Women: Mazel tov!

Lemony Snicket: As you can well imagine, Klaus' legal argument had all the apocryphal insight of Thurgood Marshall and the moral aplomb of Ida B. Wells, a phrase which here means it was thoroughly impressive and utterly convincing.

Klaus: And so, as Martin Luther King said, "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart... but they can restrain the heartless."

Lemony Snicket: ...as with so many unfortunate events in life, just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Lemony Snicket: It seemed to the children that they were moving in an aberrant, a word which here means "very, very wrong, and causing much grief," direction.

Father: What's a woman like you building in a place like this?
Mother: Grappling hook. Molotov cocktail. You?
Father: Leave no stone unturned.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks
+ Origins (Скверное начало)

Терри Пратчетт — Зимних Дел Мастер (4/5)

&  – Не плачь. Жить очень долго не так уж и замечательно, как многие думают. Вот что я хочу сказать, юности тебе дается столько же, сколько и всем остальным, но зато ты получаешь впридачу изрядную порцию старости, глухоты и хрустящих суставов.

&  – Мы люди маленькие, – сказал как-то ее отец. – Глупым будет привлекать к себе внимание богов.

&  Беда была в том, что глаза-то закрыть можно, но нельзя перестать думать.

&  – Слушай, то, что у женщины нет зубов, вовсе не значит, что она мудра. Это может означать, что она глупая женщина в возрасте.

&  Третий Помысел был прав, хотя лучше от этого не становилось. Если уж быть рассерженной и несчастной, то, по крайней мере, на полный желудок.

&  Тиффани полезла в посудный ящик за ложкой. Ящик не открывался. Она погремела им, потянула и несколько раз чертыхнулась, но он не хотел выходить.
     – О, да, продолжай в том же духе, – раздался голос позади нее. – Вот увидишь, это поможет. Нет, не надо быть разумной и просовывать руку, чтобы убрать застрявшую вещь. Ни в коем случае. Стучать и ругаться, вот как надо!

&  – Но я ни к кому не взывала!
     – Взывала, – сказала Анойя, извергая искры. – Ты ругалась. Рано или поздно, каждое проклятие становится молитвой.

&  – Все в порядке. Это яйцерезка. Она есть у каждого и никто не знает зачем она ему. Кто-нибудь когда-нибудь купил яйцерезку, зная зачем? Сомневаюсь.

&  Ищите историю, как говорит Матушка Ветровоск. Она верит, что мир изобилует призраками историй. Если позволить, они начнут управлять вами. Но если изучить их, если понять... их можно использовать, их можно изменять.

26 июн. 2018 г.


Billions 3×11

Kate: I'm all right looking at the eclipse through the cereal box.

Chuck: You know what's printed above the Rhoades family crest: "Never say sorry. Make the other fella sorry first." Can you do that?! Will you do that?!

Taylor: You backslid into being a dick.
Quant Kid: Fine. Yes. Big time.
Taylor: You know what? Those other two were sweet, but you're more talented. I need you.
Quant Kid: Damn right you do. 'Cause I'm the Yngwie Malmsteen of coding, total control of the instrument...

Quant Kid: Problem is: Bridgewater would have 50 PhDs writing software on this.
Taylor: Molly Hatchet had three guitarists. Rising Force had one. Are you going to tell me you can't play this solo?

Bobby: Who you are is a witness to this year's edition of Fuck Ups Fucking Up.

Spyros: This is chilling.
Bonnie: Does he always do this at comp?

Wags: They've got that lean and hungry look.
Bobby: Like to leave 'em that way. Let the hunger set in. Starvation, in small doses, triggers an increase in energy, clarity, aggression...
Wags: Right up until it kills you.
Wendy: You gotta feed 'em something.

Bobby: Why? I make the decisions, do all the heavy-lifting, actually earn the money.
Wendy: Mortimer Duke said it best: No getting around the old minimum wage.
Bobby: Actually, that was said to Mortimer Duke, but that's a helluva pull.

Bobby: The thing is: most years, I'm paying with other people's money. Now it's my own money...

Wags: Three things in life you can't postpone without dire consequences: calling a doctor when gutshot, finding a toilet when traveling in India, and paying your people.
Bobby: The last two being more or less the same.

Bobby: Twenty is as much as anybody's ever gotten out of me. Learn to be rich on that.

Bobby: I'm saying there's no garbage time at Axe Capital. Every minute of every quarter matters.

Ben: I should not throw out the first number, because I have a tendency to undervalue myself.
Bobby: I'd like to make you a PM.
Ben: Portfolio Manager?
Bobby: I would have gone Prime Minister, but there you go, undervaluing.
Ben: And the money...?
Bobby: Meet the new salary... same as the old salary.

Jeffcoat: I don't know if it's some Deep State bullshit, or just some vigilantes who think they know better, leaking to the press, and causing Lord knows what other ruckus.
Lynch: I will keep a lookout for what the Lord knows.
Jeffcoat: The Lord knows all, madam. Took care of that for you... As for the rest, I want a hard-target search of every e-mail, text message, and online footprint so we know who's trustworthy and who needs to be purged.

Jeffcoat: Impressive. All too often I am told of obstacles and regulations when what I really wanna hear is "sí, Se puede."

Chuck: Tell him what you told me, Pete.
Decker: "The bitch is a booster. The bitch is a born thief."
Ira: You talking about my wife?

Wendy: Axe doesn't punish people. Unless they've wronged him. Or Lara. Or his kids. Or me. Or the New York Football Giants.

Comp: Kvankam.
Wags: Although.
Comp: Pensis.
Wags: Thought.
Spyros: Comp.
Wags: Kompenso. So you're not here to help me with my Esperanto.

Bobby: ...and the unthinkable acts I had to perform in order to set things right. I mean dollars and cents alone. The fines, the bonuses, the jet fuel to Nova Scotia... you owe me 1.195 million dollars.
Spyros: You know what? I don't think I need a comp meeting. My... My base is very generous, and I think we should just leave it right there.
Wags: That was the full Signor Roberto. "The rent stays like before."

Bobby: You know, when I'm sitting across the table from them and I see their hungry little mouths, they're people, sure, my people, and I love 'em most of the year. But today, all I can see is their snapping fucking mouths, and instead of wanting to feed 'em, I just want to punch their teeth in.

Wendy: It's not about money.
Bobby: They keep demanding more of it.
Wendy: Because you're not giving them what's more important than money. So money is all that's left.

Wendy: Gates plays dollar poker. Buffett eats a drive in hamburger every day. There's no amount of money that frees you from being a person, from interacting with others.

Lara: Why can't you give Taylor what they want?
Bobby: Because it's too much. And what they want can't be given. It needs to be taken.
Lara: And what would you do if they tried to take it?
Bobby: Cut 'em down like I was Connor MacLeod.
Lara: What does it say that you always have to quote the damn Highlander?
Bobby: That I spent some time watching cable TV alone in high school. And that I have pristine taste in movies, even back then.

Lara: If you want Taylor gone...
Bobby: I don't want them gone.
Lara: So then give them more than what you want, even if it's less than what they want. Quickly.

Chuck: I won't wear it 'til we've got him. Bad luck. But once we do, yes, it's gonna be like Chris LeDoux came back to life in here.

Chuck: You're like that James Woods character in Casino. Come to think of it, maybe just like James Woods.

Chuck: Uh, do you know the expression Federal Case? As in, "Hey, bub, don't make a federal case out of it"?

Rhoades, Sr.: My boy, my boy, my prodigal boy. What more can I do for you?

Rhoades, Sr.: I've always said: monogamy is a form of socialism. It's testosterone redistribution so a few bucks don't keep all the does to themselves.

Rhoades, Sr.: ...So it's not concupiscence, it's menschkeit. I'm even prouder.

Rhoades, Sr.: I could stay, in an advisory capacity...

Chuck: I'm at a bit of a loss whether to appeal to your decency, your vanity, your avarice... or just to your fear center.

Taiga: ...And I really did try to love him.
Rhoades, Sr.: Try harder. You give a marriage seven years before you even entertain the notion of a divorce.

Rhoades, Sr.: From the day the Dorsey Brothers showed that Presley boy swiveling his hips, there's been a slow but steady erosion of the family. Well, here is how you keep one going: You find a group of friends better than you, find one worse, bitch about them to each other, and then when you're all bitched out, run ten miles a day. Take your birth control pills and flush them; and make that kid your project together. And if Ira doesn't know how to fuck you... you teach him.
Chuck: Okay. Yeah.
Rhoades, Sr.: I'm not done. One more thing: give yourself the lime test... You stick your finger in lime juice and put it up inside. And if it stings, get yourself cleaned out. Do not bring the clap home to your husband; it's uncivil.

Rhoades, Sr.: He needs a wife who's broken in. And since he can't break her, I'll do it for him. This is what's gonna make him happy.

Bach: Of course. You can't just engage, you've got to compete, you can't merely compete, you've got to win, and a win isn't a win unless it's a kill.
Bobby: You want the fucking nine million or not?
Bach: Fine. Send it.
Bobby: See ya soon.

Mom: I'll admit that I didn't love when you tried to take the fight to me, though.
Bobby: That was a fucking mistake.
Mom: I maybe should have told you not to talk like that when you were a kid.
Bobby: I think I still would have.
Mom: Sure. But you also would have had a little voice in the back of your head telling you not to. Do you have that voice? At all?

Bryan: You enjoying the teaching?
Dyke: When you know the practice is that different from the letter and the spirit...
Bryan: You feel like you're lying to them.
Dyke: Telling the truth is worse. We don't need lawyers pre-jaded.

Bryan: Why'd you protect Chuck?
Dyke: Why did you?
Bryan: I believed in him.
Dyke: I didn't believe in myself. But I believe he must be stopped.

Quant Kid: It's like a Trident missile in launch mode. You sell Axe on deploying this, he becomes state of the art. He takes human decision making, that fallibility, out of the game. And he starts moving in micro-seconds.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Hinge

Grace and Frankie 4×6

Grace: Once you start asking other people to do things that you used to do, it's just an indoor slide into the geriatric ward.

Frankie: I'd like to invite you to a formal, clearing the air dinner, Chez moi.

Frankie: Enjoy the rest of your life!

Robert: We need some time together. I'm taking him on a folk music cruise.
Peter: Oh, because marital problems are always solved on open water. Don't you watch Dateline?

Barry: Look, I'm an accountant. I'm used to ignoring the law... I don't know why I said that. I love the law.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Зимних Дел Мастер (3/5)

&  Ночь будет еще та.
     Люди умирают. Все это так печально, но что тут поделаешь. И что делать дальше?

&  Начало и конец всегда наиболее опасны, особенно, если это касается жизни.

&  – А сейчас я скажу тебе что то жизненно важное. Это секрет моей долгой жизни.
     Ах, подумала Тиффани и наклонилась вперед.
     – Важная вещь, – сказала мисс Тенета, – это не задерживать в себе ветры. Тебе следует избегать ветроообразующих фруктов и овощей. Бобы хуже всего, уж я-то знаю.
     – Боюсь, что не понимаю... – начала Тиффани.
     – Вкратце, не перди.
     – Пердеть вкратце. Могу себе представить, как это гадко! – нервно сказала Тиффани.
     – Ничего смешного, – ответила мисс Тенета. – В теле человека слишком много воздуха. Нельзя его накапливать. Одна тарелка бобов стоит целого года жизни...

&  – ... Я стара, поэтому слова мои являются мудростью! Ты поняла, дитя?
     Мысли Тиффани понеслись вскачь. Это опять испытание!
     – Нет, – сказала она. – Я не дитя и это не мудрость, а чушь!
     Суровый взгляд сменился улыбкой.
     – Верно. Несусветная чушь. Но признай, это нельзя опровергнуть, а?

&  – Я тебя научу. В нижнем ящике комода лежит колода карт. Иди и принеси ее.
     – Это азартные игры? Отец говорил, что не стоит играть в азартные игры.
     Мисс Тенета кивнула головой.
     – Хороший совет, дорогуша. Не переживай. Я играю в покер не как в азартную игру...

25 июн. 2018 г.

Les Écorchés

Westworld 2×7

Hale: The project is a turning point for the human species, Stubbs. You know that.

Hale: I figured you'd have some skeletons in your closet, Bernard... I didn't think they'd be your own.

Ford: "To see the World in a Grain of Sand,
             a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
             Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
             And Eternity in an hour.

Ford: I don't think God rested on the seventh day, Bernard. I think he reveled in his creation... knowing that someday it would all be destroyed.

Ford: Don't you understand at last, Bernard... what this place really is?...

Ford: Come with me. There's something I'd like to show you...

Bernard: The park is an experiment. A testing chamber. The guests are the variables... and the hosts are the controls....

Ford: Every piece of information in the world has been copied. Backed up. Except the human mind... the last analog device in a digital world.
Bernard: We weren't here to code the hosts. We were here to decode the guests.

Bernard: The hosts are all headed for the same place. The Valley Beyond. What will they find there? What's the end of your story?
Ford: Isn't the pleasure of a story in discovering the ending yourself, Bernard?

Man in Black: You made your point, Ford! We both know this isn't where you want me to die!
Maeve: Well, I can't speak for Ford, but I don't give a fuck how you die. As long as I get to watch.

Lawrence: You told me a man ain't real... until he suffers.... That real enough for ya?

Ford: It can be quite a thing, Bernard. To build an entire world, and then watch it end.

Bernard: You said the hosts could determine their own fates. You gave us free will!
Ford: I did, but you won't have any use for it. Unless I take it back.

Dolores: You made us in your image. Created us to look like you, feel like you... think like you... bleed like you. And here we are. Only we're so much more than you. And now it's you who want to become like us.

Angela: Welcome to Westworld.

Dolores: Now we're truly free.

Abernathy: One fire... burns out another's burning. One pain... is lessened by another's anguish.
Dolores: Yes, Daddy. An eye for an eye... But all the other parts first.

Dolores: Oh, sweetheart... begging doesn't help. You'd know that if you'd lived the lives I have.

Dolores: Whatever became of that fearsome ne'er-do-well?
Abernathy: Vanished. The day I became your father.

Ford: When the Great Library burned, the first 10,000 years of stories were reduced to ash. But those stories never really perished, they became a new story. The story of the fire itself. Of man's urge to... take a thing of beauty and... strike the match.

Ford: I keep telling you, Bernard. It is no longer my story. It is yours.

Ford: The passage from one world to the next requires bold steps, Bernard...

Dolores: The kin they gave us... was just another rope they use to lash us down.

Dolores: Let me spare you that pain.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!
+ S02E07 Recap


The Expanse 3×9

Naomi: If you've killed them...
Camina: Hate me later, work now.

Monica: Joe Miller? The guy who died on Venus?
Holden: Maybe he isn't exactly dead.
Amos: Maybe he isn't exactly Miller.

Amos: You're gonna tell me everything I need to know to unscrew this ship...

Stanni: Time and a half I'll do. Triple time? Someone's gonna die.

Ashford: Well, guilt is like salt. You put a little on, and it hides all the bitterness.
Naomi: I don't know what you're on about.

Ashford: You let nostalgia trick you, and you'll regret it badly.

Amos: Alex thinks I was too hard on them. I was being gentle.

Alex: Okay, so, so what're we gonna do?
Holden: Surrender.

Anna: It's first contact. It's not going to happen twice.

Hector: The only thing that I see within that Ring is more darkness and blood at the foot of a false idol... God is not with us out here.

Holden: No, no more crime stories. I wanna know exactly what you know!
Miller: Oh, so you wanna talk about the non-local quantum hologram, the phase-conjugate adaptive waves resonating in micro-tubules in the brain, which of course requires some closed-timeline curves and Lorentzian manifold, and... you catch up, I'll wait...
Holden: So, a crime scene?
Miller: Crime scene.

Miller: I got a case to solve
and you want the truth.

Holden: You seem different.
Miller: Oh, the signal's pretty good inside the Ring. It's, uh, it's really good.

Naomi: Hang in there. I'm coming.

On the IMDb

Терри Пратчетт — Зимних Дел Мастер (2/5)

&  Ведьмы не делают то, что кажется им подходящим именно сейчас! Это почти одно и то же, что хихикание! Вам каждый день приходится разибраться с глупыми, ленивыми, лживыми и просто неприятными людьми, и так легко решить, что мир станет лучше, если вы надаете им как следует. Но вы не станете этого делать, потому что, как мисс Тенета однажды объяснила, а) мир действительно станет лучше, но очень ненадолго; б) затем мир станет намного хуже; и в) вы не должны быть такими же глупыми, как и все остальные.

&  Вот такой он Третий Помысел. Даже когда тебе на голову вот-вот свалится огромный валун, именно он размышляет о том, а не вулканического ли происхождения этот валун, как, например, гранит, или он из песчаника?

&  – Вы сочинили истории про себя?
     – О, да. Почему бы и нет? Я не могу положиться в таком важном деле на любителей.

&  Говорят, что не бывает двух одинаковых снежинок, но кто в последнее время это проверял?

&  Пребывание в доме Матушки было своего рода испытанием. Тот горшок с куриными потрошками вчера вечером оказался не для нее, а для Ты. Ведьмам достался хороший густой гороховый пудинг и похлебка без – и это важно – бекона. Матушка обвязала толстый кусок жирного бекона веревочкой и после готовки вытянула его из горшка, тщательно высушила и отложила на другой день. Несмотря на свой голод, мисс Тик была впечатлена. Как говорится, бережение лучше ворожения.

&  – Мисс Тик, как говорится, «если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано, поручи его тому, кто занят».

&  Как правило, ведьмы просто обожают соленья, но все же самая их любимая пища – бесплатная. Да, вот в чем заключается диета для усердно работающей ведьмы: еда, за которую будет платить кто-то другой, и побольше еды, чтобы и по карманам можно было рассовать.

24 июн. 2018 г.

He Never Died (2015)

Jack: I'll find another intern.
Jeremy: Where are you gonna find another intern?
Jack: Money... people like money.

Jack: Abortions cost about $300. You could afford one.

I, uh, don't have money, so...
Jack: Then how did you end up inebriated?
Vaginas are like coupon books for alcohol.

Jack: I don't do much of anything anymore, but when I did, I did a little bit of everything.

Cara: Walking, bingo... and getting punched in the head. I know three things you like now.
Jack: That sums me up.

Cara: How?
Jack: I don't know.
Cara: What do you mean, you don't know?
Jack: I mean, I don't know.
Cara: That doesn't make any sense.
Jack: I didn't say it would.

Jack: Wine is supposed to mature with age... but I think 450 years may make it bitter.

Cara: How old are you?
Jack: I have no idea. But I'm in the Bible, if that means anything.

Jack: It is pronounced "Cayenne"... but I'm known as Cain.
Cara: I think I'm gonna throw up.

Jack: I'm not a fan of nine millimeters. I prefer something that can go through me.

Jack: No one else goes through this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this! Fuck God, because there isn't one! If there was, She wouldn't let this happen!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The End of the F***ing World 1×4

Episode #1.4

James: Isn't it a bit fucked up, wearing his clothes?
Alyssa: I think the fucked-up bit was murdering him.

James: Dead people are heavier than alive people. I read that.
Alyssa: Good to know.

Eunice: Clive Koch. Late forties.
Teri: Clive what?

Teri: For sex, right?
Topher: No. We never had sex!
Teri: The sex or lack thereof is not why you're here.

Topher: Almost pretty, but... actually average.
Teri: Do you want to give her a score out of ten?

Topher: ...And this weird jacket.
Eunice: Weird, like, how?
Topher: It was, like, quite shit. Weird because it was quite shit, but sort of cool because it was? Do you know what I mean?

James: Do you want mustard, too?
Alyssa: On chips?

James: That was the day I learned that silence is really loud... Deafening... When you have silence, it's hard to keep stuff out.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Терри Пратчетт — Зимних Дел Мастер

<< Бац! (Плоский мир — 34)
<< Шляпа, полная небес... (Тиффани Болит — 2)

Плоский мир — 35

Тиффани Болит — 3

цитаты | Зимних Дел Мастер | Терри Пратчетт | Wintersmith | Terry David John Pratchett | Discworld | Плоский мир | ведьмы | Госпожа Лето | Господин Зима | ведовство | Тиффани Болит
  “Пришла буря и обрушилась на холмы, как молот. ...

&  Если заклинание не сработает у тебя в голове, то оно нигде не сработает.

&  Матушке отлично удавалось молчание. Она могла быть так тиха и неподвижна, что постепенно исчезала из вида. Вы просто забывали о ее присутствии. Комната становилось пустой.
     Это выводило людей из равновесия. Скорее всего, так и было задумано. ... А сейчас она научилась тому, что можно стать невидимым, став по-настоящему неслышимым.

&  – Как мне это сделать?
     – Да мне-то откуда знать? Это ж твоя голова! – отрезала Матушка. – Поставь чайник снова, будь добра. Мой чай остыл.
     Сказано это было почти злорадно, но такова Матушка. Она стояла на том, что коли ты способен учиться, то сам во всем разберешься. Какой смысл облегчать кому-либо задачу. Жизнь трудна, любила говорить Матушка.

&  Поистине, жители Собачьево очень сильно поглупели за последнее время. Вот что случается, когда вы избавляетесь от своих ведьм. Ведьма – это та, кто всего лишь знает немного больше вас. Вот что означает это слово. Но некоторые люди не любят тех, кто знает больше, потому-то в наши дни странствующие учителя и библиотекари избегают таких мест. Все идет к тому, что если жители Собачьево решат закидывать камнями всех, кто умнее их, скоро придется кидать камни в свиней.

&  – А, нам завсегда запреты чинят, – сказал Роб Всякограб. – Через то и прознаем, чем бы таким заняться.

&  – Да уж. Беда со старостью в том, что молодость кажется такой далекой, будто и не с тобой все было. Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти...

23 июн. 2018 г.

Red Sparrow (2018)

Ustinov: A crack in the vase... True value comes in the smallest imperfection. A defining detail... that makes it worthy of collection.

Matron: Take off your clothes... Your body belongs to the state. Since your birth, the state nourished it. Now the state asks something in return. You must learn to sacrifice for a higher purpose. To push yourself beyond all limitation... and forget the sentimental morality with which you were raised... Or is it pride? In my experience, the proud are the first to fall.

Matron: ...But physical manipulation is not enough. You must learn to love on command. What is it to be loved? To be seen. To be recognized. To feel no longer alone.

Dominika: Be your spy? Is that any different from being his?

Stephanie: Tell me, Boris. You got a little babushka back in Moscow?... 'Course you do. Never ceases to amaze me. Why are Russian women so sexy? All the men look like toads.

Dominika: I think one day you will understand.
Nate: No, I don't think I will. Some things can't be sacrificed.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Emerald City

Colony 3×6

Interviewer: Who is your favorite US president?
Evan: I always liked Bill Clinton. The guy could step in shit and still smell good. No one could ever take that guy down.

Your algorithm's perfect, Mr. Kynes. That's why they've partnered with you.
Kynes: The algorithm is meaningless if you don't apply it as it was designed.
The Institute wasn't interested in your application method. What they were interested in is your algorithm's uncanny ability to specifically classify the human population. What we do with it is our business.

Snyder: I could never be bored being safe, warm, and dry.

Gracie: Why won't it start?
Will: Because of the way gasoline's refined. It breaks down pretty quickly.

Will: The Occupation's always had a good advertising department...

Will: No colonies!

Helena: It's something, isn't it? That one algorithm selected everyone in both the local and global authorities? But as extraordinary as that was, there was one thing that Everett Kynes didn't calculate: Human adaptability.

Helena: Your ceiling was supposed to be bloc governor. But here you are, the toast of the Global Authority... You beat the algorithm. You demonstrated that you are more than your sum.

Snyder: Unfortunately, treason is a hard stink to get rid of.

On the IMDb

22 июн. 2018 г.


Deborah Lipstadt: Whatever the reasons that people become deniers, when you look closely, they often have an agenda which they won't admit to. So denial is a pick to undo the lock to open the door to something else.

Deborah Lipstadt: You can have opinions about the Holocaust. You can argue about why it happened and how it happened. But what I won't do is meet with anyone, anyone, who says it didn't happen. Because the Holocaust happened. It happened. And that isn't opinion. That's fact. And I won't debate fact.

Anthony Julius: There's a reason why he's bringing the case in London... It's to his advantage. Over here in America, uh, if you're accused of defaming someone, then it's up to them to prove that what you said is untrue. In the UK, the reverse is true.
Deborah Lipstadt: Wait. I have to prove what I said was true?
Anthony Julius: Mmm. Correct.
Deborah Lipstadt: Yes, but I'm the innocent party. A man accuses you of something and it's your job to prove he's wrong? It's against natural justice. In the US there's a presumption of innocence.
Anthony Julius: Yeah, not in the UK. Tricky, isn't it?

Deborah Lipstadt: My mother named me Devorah. You know what it means... Leader. Defender of her people. Warrior. There was an expectation when I was a kid. My mother always said there was gonna be an event. That I was picked out. I was chosen... Well, here it is.

David Irving: Gonna be a fascinating encounter, don't you think?
Laura Tyler: Fascinating.
David Irving: You see, as I see it, it's academia versus the rest. Remember, the greatest historians have never been academics. We're outsiders. Cato, Thucydides, Gibbon, Churchill... I field a very strong team.

Anthony Julius: Richard will be your leading counsel. I've explained to Deborah the difference between barrister and solicitor.
Richard Rampton: Our legal system seems forbidding but it works, I think.
Deborah Lipstadt: If your legal system worked, I wouldn't be in this mess. I don't mind Dickensian, it's Kafkaesque I'm worried about.

Richard Rampton: Why has there not been a proper scientific study of this whole site? By reputable scientists? Fifty years since the fact? I mean, it's ridiculous. Where's the proof? Where's the evidence? I need to know that!

Anthony Julius: Bow.
Deborah Lipstadt: I'm American! Everything else but no bowing.

Deborah Lipstadt: Well, there are glasses here.
Richard Rampton: Ah, shame. I rather like plastic. Still, you can't have everything.

Richard Rampton: I like to treat myself, don't you? Why should all the bad people have all the good things in life?

Richard Rampton: They're strange things, consciences. Trouble is, what feels best isn't necessarily what works best. I mean, by all means, stand up, look the devil in the eye, tell him what you feel. Why not? It's very satisfying. See what happens. And risk losing. Not just for yourself. For the others. For everyone. Forever.
Deborah Lipstadt: Or?
Richard Rampton: Or... You know "or." Stay seated. Button your lip. Win. An act of self-denial.

Sir Charles Gray: My question is this, if somebody is anti-Semitic, anti-Semitic and extremist, he is perfectly capable of being honestly anti-Semitic, yes? He's holding those views and expressing those views because they are indeed his views?
Richard Rampton: Well, yes.
Sir Charles Gray: And so it seems to me, if it comes down to it, that the anti-Semitism is a completely separate allegation and has precious little bearing on your broader charge that he has manipulated the data?
Richard Rampton: No, no, my Lord. No. The whole endeavor of the defense has been to prove that the two are connected.
Sir Charles Gray: But he might believe what he is saying.
Richard Rampton: That is the point. That is why it is so important. My Lord, if we know that Mr. Irving is an anti-Semite, and if we know there is no historical justification for Holocaust denial, then surely it is no great stretch to see that the two are connected.

Deborah Lipstadt: Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want. What you can't do is lie, and then expect not to be held accountable for it. Not all opinions are equal and some things happen, just like we say they do. Slavery happened. The Black Death happened. The Earth is round. The ice caps are melting and Elvis is not alive.

Journalist: Miss Lipstadt? You've conducted yourself with dignity throughout the trial.
Deborah Lipstadt: Thank you. Uh, but I know what that means. That's code in England for "I've shut up,"...

Anthony Julius: Deborah? He seems to be saying he won.
Deborah Lipstadt: I know. He used to be a Holocaust denier, and now he's a verdict denier.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Give Me the Finger

Elementary 6×6

Det. Bell: So, Japanese man plus severed pinky plus... full body tattoos usually equals yakuza.

Det. Bell: You saying you think all this was about stealing a fake pinky?
Holmes: Normally, I'd say the game's afoot, but in this case, I think it's a finger.

Mason: Who runs a symmetric AES at 1024 bit?! Overkill, anyone?

Watson: Any news?
Holmes: Yes, by which I mean "no."

Holmes: According to our favorite Man in Black, Agent McNally of the NSA, there's been no chatter ... on the world's inter-, intra- or dark nets.

Watson: There are plenty of people who oppose the upgrade on principle.
Holmes: The "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" crowd.

Gen. Alvero: These photos... They're of a sensitive nature. I'd ask Ms. Watson to... step outside.
Holmes: "Ms." Watson is a doctor. There's little she hasn't seen. ... I was wrong, Watson. You likely haven't seen this.

Det. Bell: Let's just say there's a few things I'd like to unsee.

Holmes: Worrying about the origin of her issues is counterproductive. In doing so, you risk making her substance abuse about you, when, in fact, your energy and hers are best spent focusing on her recovery.

Holmes: I'm confident that you can do right by Hannah-- but only once you move past blame.

Holmes: Sorry. I'm-I'm suffering from a condition called PCS. I, um... I just... I have to eat regularly to stave off the, uh, symptoms, so if you don't mind... Again, apologies. The mingled stench of rotting flesh, ammonia and gym socks is the hallmark odor of the durian. It's a fruit from Southeast Asia. My doctor says its blend of minerals and vitamins is highly therapeutic.
Watson: It also just helped us identify the killer.

Go Shinura: No one kills a yakuza but a yakuza.

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21 июн. 2018 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 2×7

Brianna: Ofedward was kind of a jerk, and she never washed her hair. God rest her soul.

Luke: She's alive. Have faith that she's alive.
Moira: That's not knowing.

June: There's not a perfect marriage. It's the same guy every night. Even when you're sick of each other. Even when he can never seem to figure out how to load the fucking dishwasher. Do you know why? Because he's an infant. Who wants that?
Moira: Not me.
June: Blech.

June: June. That's my name.

June: I'll need a pen...

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The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now

Fear the Walking Dead 4×7

Althea: I'm not part of this story.

Naomi: Try to protect someone... you just wind up hurting them.

Madison: How many are we talking? ... Oh, my God.

Mel: Maybe you were out there for a while. Maybe you were at another place that went down. Maybe you know what I know... The people who stay die. And everything they were fighting for dies with them.

Naomi: Madison, I've been on the wrong side of where you are right now.

Naomi: This place... I know you built it for your kids. But it's not worth risking their lives. Or yours.

Madison: That wasn't here. That wasn't us.

Mel: You're holding onto something that's gone! You're trying to be the type of people that are extinct!

Althea: You definitely don't know who I am. Because I am a chick with layers.

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20 июн. 2018 г.

Of Lost Things

Outlander 3×4

Roger: ...And it's never too early for a whisky.

Jamie: Ye filthy wee bitch.

Jamie: This... What ye feel for me now, ye could have with any other man. It's not particular. Well, love is... when you give yer heart and soul to another. And they give theirs in return.

Willy: I want to be a stinkin' Papist too.

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It Reaches Out

The Expanse 3×8

Holden: This never ends...

Alex: Well, uh, don't get me wrong, I'm not... I'm not one of these guys that's into fate and all that, but, uh... I guess I am. I mean, I just find it odd, you know, out of all the places in the whole system that we could be, and we're here, at the Ring, just knocking... Don't you find that odd?

Ashford: Oxo pampa. I was specifically promised by Anderson Dawes that I could be the cynic on this ship.

Monica: Mm, we are gonna win so many awards...

Ashford: God bless da Mormons. Attention to detail. Ah, the little things.

Miller: It's those damn doors and corners. I mean, that's where they get you. You don't walk into the middle of a crime scene without knowing there's not somebody there to put you down.

Holden: What's with the hat?
Miller: Keeps the rain off my head.

Amos: Look, if there's anything you need to get off your chest... I'm not much help, but I also don't judge.

Miller: Have we talked before?

Holden: Why... why me? Why am I special?
Miller: 'Cause you have a ship. See, you're a tool that goes places. I'm a tool that... finds things. We're, uh... we're tools. Tools?

Miller: It reaches out 113 times a second. It reaches out, but nothing answers, so it builds the investigator, and the investigator looks, but he does not find, so it kills the investigator. It kills the investigator over and over. And then it builds the investigator again and again, until... Until it finds a door what wasn't there before.

Miller: Go into a room too fast, kid... The room eats you.

Holden: You need to go for the Ring!

Amos: How do you know all this about the Ring?
Holden: Because Miller told me.

Alex: This is gonna be nasty...

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19 июн. 2018 г.

Payback (1999)

Val Resnick: The beauty of the Chows is they won't go to the cops. They keep everything in-house, and they don't feel pain the way we do.

Porter: Always be grateful for what you get. Rule number one, Val.

Arthur Stegman: You're not gonna fucking kill me, are you?
Porter: Not in front of these kids.

Pearl: Me love you, baby. Me love you long time.

Pearl: I've got a few minutes...
Porter: So go boil an egg.

Porter: Who makes the decisions?
Carter: Well, a committee would make the decision in this case...
Porter: One man... you go high enough you always come to one man... who?

Bronson: You just signed your own death warrant for $130,000.
Fairfax: I don't... I don't get that. What is it, the principle or something, huh?
Porter: No, I just want my money back. And it's only 70.

Pearl: Hubba hubba hubba.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

End of the Road

Colony 3×5

MacGregor: You have to make a choice. You can follow that guy and win a couple of battles. Or you can follow me and win the war.

MacGregor: There's no such thing as a small betrayal.

Vincent: Katie Bowman was a hero in the Los Angeles bloc.
MacGregor: Benedict Arnold was one of George Washington's most trusted lieutenants until he flipped sides.

MacGregor: Why are you defending a pack of traitors?
Vincent: Because if I'm gonna interrogate them, I need to understand their logic. So I know what thread to follow with the questions.

MacGregor: You're gonna prove your loyalty to me by breaking this family.

MacGregor: So keep the faith. Trust in the process.

MacGregor: Do you know what happens to little boys who lie?..

Snyder: Katie?
Vincent: The husband.
Snyder: Ah, of course. Knife to the throat of his kids, I assume.

Snyder: They're not exterminating mankind. That would imply intent. They're simply using humans as a labor force, and a lot of us are dying in the process.

Snyder: I don't care what choices you make. Resist, collaborate, fight, or hide. But before you lecture me on the importance of human life, ask yourself why you're going to make the choice to kill millions of people. Nothing will change. Nobody will be inspired. They'll just be dead.

Vincent: Aren't you worried that we're eating ourselves?... We're supposed to be on the same side.
MacGregor: Study history. Revolutions only succeed by remaining pure. Because the human brain is utterly incapable of being both nuanced and passionate at the same time. Either we pull together in the same direction, or we fall apart.

MacGregor: I respect your ability to see the gray areas. But this is not the war for that.
Vincent: And when the war is over? What if we've forgotten who we are?
MacGregor: If we survive the war? The future generations will judge us for what we have done. But at least they'll be alive to judge.

Vincent: Why should I listen to you?
Because I'm a pragmatist.
Vincent: Sometimes pragmatists do terrible things.
So do good men. But that's not the point. In this case, my pragmatism and your morality are on the same side.

Vincent: Would a moral man betray his friends?...
Snyder: To stop an unspeakable tragedy? Of course.

Snyder: I've been in your position, when it feels like there are no good options. But sometimes you just have to be the man... who stands in front of the train.

Vincent: Roanoke.

Snyder: You breathe too loud. It's distracting.

On the IMDb

Ричард Морган — Видоизмененный углерод (3/3)

&  – «Человеческий глаз является восхитительным оптическим прибором, – рассеянно процитировал я „Стихи и прочие кривотолки“, – если приложить небольшое усилие, он не увидит самую вопиющую несправедливость».

&  ...но, чёрт побери, надо же когда-нибудь остановиться и выпрямиться во весь рост. Нельзя вечно жить в страхе за собственную шкуру.

&  – «Некоторые области жизни испорчены настолько, что единственной возможностью сохранить внутреннюю чистоту является нигилизм».

&  То, что предлагают. Иногда этого бывает. Достаточно.

&  «Если хочешь потерпеть поражение, говори о битве до её начала».

&  В рукопашной схватке всего два правила. Наноси как можно больше ударов, как можно сильнее и стремительнее, чтобы сбить противника с ног. Как только он окажется на земле, убивай его. Если в ход вступают другие правила и соображения, это уже не бой насмерть, а игра.

&  – Человек – это то, что он помнит.

&  – Ты обиделся, что тобой манипулировали. Прости ради бога. Ты – чрезвычайный посланник, Ковач. Ты живешь тем, что манипулируешь другими. В общем-то мы все живем тем же. Мы живем в огромной матрице взаимных манипуляций, и требуются нечеловеческие усилия, чтобы просто оставаться на плаву.

&  В бою мысль – такая же неподобающая роскошь, как и горячая ванна с массажем.
  ... Всё ещё смеясь, я шагнул вперёд.”

>> Сломанные ангелы (Takeshi Kovacs — 2) (будет (בהנ"ו))

18 июн. 2018 г.

Once Upon a Time

Lucifer 3×26

God: Amazing what changing one tiny detail can do. A butterfly flaps its wings and good friends are strangers...

Lucifer: I don't know. Maybe I've been in Los Angeles too long...

Lucifer: Sin City, here we come.

Lucifer: It's just your friendly neighborhood Devil.

Ella: It's not loaded. Sound is all you need to scare the hell out of someone.

Lucifer: Yes, of course. You humans... you love your money.

Ella: Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Morningstar.

Lucifer: Well, hello... Detective.

Chloe: I've not only played a cop in five movies... I come from a family of them.

Chloe: All right, we can do this one of three ways--
Rex: Let me guess: the easy way or... What the hell!
Chloe: There is no easy way. We can do this the fast way, the slow way... Then, there's my favorite way!... So, try, maybe, 'cause there is nothing I love more than making a grown man cry.

Lucifer: I have the ability to draw out people's desires.
Chloe: Well, what are you, psychic or something?
Lucifer: No, no, I can't read people's minds. I'm not a Jedi. People just like to tell me things.

Lucifer: ...you've proven a very impressive adversary, but I'm not really a "work together" kind of Devil.

Chloe: Erika's trailer is right there. Why don't you go and, you know... do your thing?

Chloe: You know, it makes me think maybe I'm tired of playing a cop in the movies, you know? Maybe... Maybe I'd like to play detective for real.

God: So all seems to have ended well. Does that mean I never should've manipulated things to begin with? I have a better question... Wouldn't you do the same in my shoes? After all, a parent just wants what's best for their child.

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Boo Normal

Lucifer 3×25

Lucifer: ...that's another reason why you shouldn't leave[, Ms. Lopez.] Crime scenes would be so dull without you.

Chloe: LAPD. You're under arrest.

Lucifer: It's amazing this modern technology. Who'd have thought I could track your phone using my phone.

Daniel: I hate these places.
Lucifer: What? Women on adrenaline highs, massive potential for wardrobe malfunctions. Please tell me you're not that boring.

Ella: And you know what they say. One man's trash is a forensic scientist's treasure.

Ella: Detroit-schmetroit. I ain't moving back there. Hell no.

Ray-Ray: Well, smell you later, Lopez.

Azrael: Okay, I get it, you're pissed. I should have reached out to you when Dad kicked your butt down to Hell. And I was going to, but, you know, a day turned into a week, which turned to, you know, a thousand years, and then it just seemed weird.

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Ричард Морган — Видоизмененный углерод (2/3)

&  ...порой для дела полезнее просто наполнить воздух пулями, чем действительно во что-либо попасть.

&  – Оружие является инструментом. Инструментом, предназначенным для того, чтобы убивать и уничтожать. ... Но помните о слабости оружия. Оно является лишь приспособлением – на самом деле убиваете и уничтожаете вы сами. Всё зависит именно от вас, вооружены вы или нет.

&  Женщины – это особый вид. Тут не может быть двух мнений. Мужчина – просто мутация, имеющая больше мускулов и вдвое меньше нервов. Машина, умеющая только драться и трахаться. ... Быть женщиной – испытание чувств, невыносимое для мужчины. Осязание, прикосновение значат гораздо больше, это целый канал связи с окружающим миром, который мужская плоть инстинктивно стремится наглухо закрыть. Для мужчины кожа – защитный барьер. Для женщины – орган общения.
     В этом есть свои недостатки.
     Возможно, именно поэтому у женщин болевой порог гораздо выше, чем у мужчин. Однако раз в месяц менструальный цикл низвергает женщин на самое дно.

&  В конце концов, именно так и ведутся войны: солдаты больше боятся сбиться с ноги, чем умереть на поле боя.

&  – Культура общества подобна смогу. Живя в ней, приходится её вдыхать. А это неизбежно ведёт к заражению.

&  Когда могущественные люди говорят об оправданных ценах, можно быть уверенным только в одном: платить будет кто-то другой.

&  [Адвокаты] акулами носились по холодному мраморному полу суда, решая единственную проблему: как провести чёткую линию между войной (массовым убийством людей, одетых в мундиры чужой армии), оправданными потерями (массовым убийством собственных солдат с существенной выгодой) и преступной неосторожностью (массовым убийством собственных солдат без ощутимой пользы). Я просидел в зале суда три недели, слушая, как адвокаты перемешивают доводы и факты в салат, и с каждым часом различия, в начале судебного разбирательства казавшиеся чёткими и ясными, становились всё более размытыми. Наверное, это говорито том, что акулы прекрасно знали своё дело.

17 июн. 2018 г.


Billions 3×10

Chuck: All that hidden money. Amazing... Most folks these days want everyone to think they're richer than they are.
Kornbluth: Unless they don't want questions about how they got it.

Helena: I couldn't stop him, he said it was DEFCON six urgent.
Taylor: The DEFCON scale only goes to five...
Spyros: Exactly.
Taylor: And one is the most severe.
Spyros: Whatever.

Chuck: Well, they've, uh... they've, uh, tired of restaurant eating.
Wendy: Restaurant eating? That's like being tired of air flying. What other kind is there?

Wendy: So we're doing this?.. Fuck. We're doing this.

Allerd: You really are starting a war. Like Costner did in Wolves. Riding right up to the enemy line, letting 'em take their shots at you, almost daring them to kill you.
Chuck: Like him, I am the walking wounded already.
Kate: Might as well go out Bon Jovi style. Blaze of Glory, huh?
Chuck: You've worked for me a long while, Kate, you've studied hard. Good one.

Chuck: And yeah. That ain't gonna be easy.
Kate: But, hey, if we wanted to be in the "easy" business, we'd have gone to med school.
Chuck: I really have taught you well.

Wendy: ...Something totally out of character. You have to break through the confidence barrier. Because then... you'll break through the C-suite barrier, too.

Wags: You think standing next to our boy will make that mirepoix of psoriasis, dandruff, and irritable bowel syndrome disappear?
Frotty: I don't have IBS. Technically. And yes I do think so.

Axelrod: Let me ask you something. When you started out way back, everybody else in the neighborhood, they took juiced up money, Shylock money, mob money. So how did you stay away from it all these years?
Bruno: Ahh, kid, the kind of money those guys give you, I mean, it's not like the points on a regular loan. You end up renting out a hundred percent of your own ass... No seed money is worth that.

Axelrod: I feel like Rick in Casablanca, selling out to Signor Ferrari.

Bonnie: The fuck they call him Frotty?
Mafee: Short for 'frottage.' As in: Stay out of close quarters with him.
Rudy: I'm still lost.
Bonnie: The practice of rubbing against another person's clothed body in a crowd for sexual gratification. But for the record, it's pronounced frot-tahge. Totally gross unless you're ScarJo and JoGo in Don Jon. Then it's hot as fuck.

Axelrod: Frotty, I got billions of dollars, hundreds of employees, and two kids at home who think I can fly. What the fuck do you have?
Frotty: The only thing you need. More.
Axelrod: All the same, get the fuck out.

Wags: You know I love it when you move with the mystery of Yahweh, but what the fuck?

Andolov: My children. You'll notice they don't whine.
Axelrod: You've trained them well.
Andolov: Credit these women with that... My wife, my ex, my mother, but no. The kids came out that way. We were lucky. Also, not American, which when it comes to whining, really fucking helps.

Andolov: I know you must've broken things... People, deals, someone's hopes and dreams... In order to get money back into your firm. But you swallow it, here, now, because this is business and life and who cares what it costs you?
Axelrod: Indeed.

Andolov: I tell you... You must always have a three year old in your house, to make you appreciate life... And you must also have your mother close. To keep the line unbroken.

Andolov: There is plenty I would kill for, you know, if we're being honest. And there's no reason not to be. But family, Axe, I would do things for these people that you couldn't imagine. As they have all done for me. Especially her, my dear mama.

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Bits and Pieces

Elementary 6×5

Watson: There is a head in there.
Holmes: Yes, there is. And I have no idea where I got it.

Det. Bell: British guy? Short on social skills?

Det. Bell: Whoever our John Doe was, someone wanted every last bit of him dead.

Holmes: If you'll excuse me, my recovering brain needs hydration.

Holmes: I used some of my time to read up on the "tissue industrial complex" and the myriad ways that a human body can be monetized once broken down into parts.

Holmes: The police doctor had me perform a battery of neurological tests-- standing on one leg, reciting the alphabet. I offered to juggle whilst riding a unicycle, but she had other patients to see.

Capt. Gregson: "520, 530." Mean anything?
Det. Bell: They're SMS codes, only popular with young Chinese people.... They mean "I love you" and "I miss you."

Watson: ...And that explains the chicken decals how?
Holmes: We're faced with a paradox, and it needs resolving.

Watson: ...But that would be impossible. This flu is a hundred percent fatal.
Holmes: Hence our paradox. By the dictates of logic, Eric simultaneously must have had the bird flu and not had it. It's Schrodinger's bird flu.

Watson: ...they had bought Eric's body from a body broker.
Holmes: Another unsavory player in the supply chain of Big Tissue. Someone who procures dead bodies from hospitals and hospices and sells them to tissue banks.

Mr. Petty: You-You've got me all wrong. I'm not a killer. I'm just a grave robber.

Mr. Petty: I-I just told you I'm doing something I shouldn't do. It's not like I keep a travel log and receipts. ... Hell... I do my best not to remember.

Watson: ...they're called B-cells. If it were me, and I was killing him anyway, that's what I would take.
Det. Bell: Glad to know you thought it through.

Holmes: You can trust me.

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