15 июн. 2018 г.

Game Night

Brooks: Trust me. This will be a game night to remember...

Max: All right. Here's the first clue... Looks like a riddle. "With shiny fangs..."
Sarah: "My bloodless bite..."
Michelle: "Will bring together what's mostly white."
Kevin: Donald Trump!

Kevin: Yes! You are so smart and unfaithful!

Kevin: Another riddle...
Michelle: "I'm brown and old by day, white and young by night. My eyes are glass. I have nine faces but no head. I sing to the sky but have no voice. I'm everywhere and nowhere..."
Kevin: What the fuck is that?!

Max: Why are we crouching?
Annie: I don't know. It feels right.

Annie: Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!
Max: Very nice, honey. Pulp Fiction, anybody? Right? It's a classic.

Kevin: Was it an actor?
Michelle: Yes.
Kevin: Was he over 40?
Michelle: Yes.
Kevin: American?
Michelle: Yes.
Kevin: It's Tommy Lee Jones!
Michelle: What? Ew. No.
Kevin: Denzel? Was it Denzel? Denzel Washington?

Annie: This is instructions on how to remove a bullet... It's an alt-right militia website, so I'm just gonna ignore the racist stuff.... Okay. "Step one, sterile gloves."

Ryan: You have a framed photo of game night?
Gary: Doesn't everyone have photographs of their best friends in their homes?

Annie: Turn on belt!

Gary: It was The Green Mile. .... This is me at the Regal Cinema crying as I did through much of the film.
Kevin: How were we supposed to know that, Gary?
Gary: I assume everyone cried during The Green Mile.

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+ Soundtracks!

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