5 июн. 2018 г.

Maigret's Dead Man

Maigret (2016) 1×2

Interpreter: Chief Inspector, whatever crime this woman is suspected of, she is a Czechoslovakian citizen and has not only legal rights but an expectation of human dignity. I ask you to suspend questioning until a time when...
CI Jules Maigret: .... Do you want to continue with your speech about human dignity?

CI Jules Maigret: She has an hour to think about answers to those questions, and to think about how, in this country, we still send murderers to the guillotine... She needs to start co-operating. She has a child now.

Interpreter: Chief Inspector, I would like to point out that that woman is not Czech, she is Slovak. Those people from the rural east, they are uneducated. Some are no better than peasants from the Middle Ages. No better than animals... I feel I need to point that out to you.

Inspector LaPointe: Why?
CI Jules Maigret: Because the room is cold, and because there's a woman with a child in there.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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