19 июн. 2018 г.

End of the Road

Colony 3×5

MacGregor: You have to make a choice. You can follow that guy and win a couple of battles. Or you can follow me and win the war.

MacGregor: There's no such thing as a small betrayal.

Vincent: Katie Bowman was a hero in the Los Angeles bloc.
MacGregor: Benedict Arnold was one of George Washington's most trusted lieutenants until he flipped sides.

MacGregor: Why are you defending a pack of traitors?
Vincent: Because if I'm gonna interrogate them, I need to understand their logic. So I know what thread to follow with the questions.

MacGregor: You're gonna prove your loyalty to me by breaking this family.

MacGregor: So keep the faith. Trust in the process.

MacGregor: Do you know what happens to little boys who lie?..

Snyder: Katie?
Vincent: The husband.
Snyder: Ah, of course. Knife to the throat of his kids, I assume.

Snyder: They're not exterminating mankind. That would imply intent. They're simply using humans as a labor force, and a lot of us are dying in the process.

Snyder: I don't care what choices you make. Resist, collaborate, fight, or hide. But before you lecture me on the importance of human life, ask yourself why you're going to make the choice to kill millions of people. Nothing will change. Nobody will be inspired. They'll just be dead.

Vincent: Aren't you worried that we're eating ourselves?... We're supposed to be on the same side.
MacGregor: Study history. Revolutions only succeed by remaining pure. Because the human brain is utterly incapable of being both nuanced and passionate at the same time. Either we pull together in the same direction, or we fall apart.

MacGregor: I respect your ability to see the gray areas. But this is not the war for that.
Vincent: And when the war is over? What if we've forgotten who we are?
MacGregor: If we survive the war? The future generations will judge us for what we have done. But at least they'll be alive to judge.

Vincent: Why should I listen to you?
Because I'm a pragmatist.
Vincent: Sometimes pragmatists do terrible things.
So do good men. But that's not the point. In this case, my pragmatism and your morality are on the same side.

Vincent: Would a moral man betray his friends?...
Snyder: To stop an unspeakable tragedy? Of course.

Snyder: I've been in your position, when it feels like there are no good options. But sometimes you just have to be the man... who stands in front of the train.

Vincent: Roanoke.

Snyder: You breathe too loud. It's distracting.

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