14 июн. 2018 г.


The Expanse 3×7

Holden: Well, what's that old saying? It's better to be lucky than good?

Monica: ...You had a major effect on those events. And that led you to this... The Ring. How does that make you feel?
Holden: Kind of makes me want a donut.

Holden: We are a regular, working-contract ship, even split, fair quarter-share for everybody.

Anna: Do you think it might've been alive in some way?
Kolvoord: A life-form?... Aren't you part of the godly contingent?
Anna: Well, I came here on a spaceship, not the wings of an angel... I'm able to appreciate the difference.

Kolvoord: An intelligence created it... an extremely intelligent intelligence.
Anna: What do you think it is?
Kolvoord: Pray that it's inert.

Alex: Mariner Valley Stroganoff, a Kamal family recipe... Now, mind you, the beef is soy, the cheese is soy, but these mushrooms, mmm, are mushrooms.

Amos: Not so close.

Ashford: I haven't lied to you... Yet.

Drummer: I don't expect you to be perfect, or anyone. That skiff driver was free to put whatever he liked into his body... we all are... until that freedom puts others at risk. And then we act accordingly.

Cameraman: You shot down Monica. Does that mean I have a chance?
Amos: Like I told her, I don't shit where I eat.
Cameraman: Well, you live on a spaceship...
Amos: And I don't shit in the galley.

Ashford: If we ever want to be accepted as equals with the great nations of Earth and Mars, we must act with greatness.

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