24 июл. 2016 г.

Mr. Robot_dec0d3d.doc

Mr. Robot 2×0

& Fred Kaplan: The only completely secure computer is a computer that no one can use.

& Zachari Levi: Everything about us is all digital. It’s all in a cloud. Now you can go get somebody’s social security, fingerprints, images, everything. You can literally take over their entire life. That’s... frightening.

& Zachari Levi: It’s not like they’re talking about it in science-fiction terms. What they’re tackling is something that’s actually currently, right now happening.

& Peiter Zatko: People are horrible at being sources of randomness, so, you know, somebody might think, «Oh, I used my dog’s name, my baby’s name, and the birth... and the birth date.»
    That’s a horrible password. It might seem complicated to you, but we know how you think because you’re a human... and humans are predictable.

& Emily Yoshida: There were two instances on «Mr. Robot» where something incredibly prophetic happened on the show weeks away from it happening in real life. The Ashley Madison hacks were one. ... And then the other one was the shooting of the news anchor in Virginia that happened so close to a similar event happening on «Mr. Robot» that the finale had to be delayed a week just out of sensitivity. These aren’t just isolated incidences that exist in a bubble. These are things that are symptoms of larger things going on in our society.

& Ryan Kazanciyan: The hacks that are happening every week in the real world are stranger than fiction almost.
    Power plants hacked, a movie not released because North Korea was upset, some of the biggest retailers in the world lose millions and millions worth of credit cards or data, hospitals shut down because all their files got encrypted by someone trying to get ransom out of them.
    These all sound like the storylines of a TV show about hacking, but it’s actually happening now.

& Kate Coyne: «Mr. Robot» is absolutely showing everyone that we are living in a society right now in which secrets just don’t exist. You maybe can’t trust many people at all.

& Kate Coyne: The more accessible we make ourselves, the more people are probably going to be able to take advantage of that.

& Kate Coyne: By the end of watching season one of «Mr. Robot,» anyone who previously just typed away on a computer, you’re probably going about those transactions now with just a little more caution, a little bit more of a realization that that little lock symbol doesn’t mean a whole lot.

& Peiter Zatko: Ben Franklin said it best: «Those who give up liberty for security will have neither.»

& Kor Adana: Every single hack that we show on the show is possible...

& Rami Malek: I’ve learned quite a bit, maybe too much. It’s kind of scary, mm, what I’m capable of these days.

& Narrator: For the creators and fans alike, there’s an appreciation that the realism lies in the details.
    Peiter Zatko: People are screen-capturing the images on the computer screens, and looking at them to see if they’re real. And they are real, and that takes a lot of time.

& Narrator: «Mr. Robot’s» realism extends to the schemes and methods that are currently in use by the hacking community. Their ability to infiltrate and alter a physical environment was illustrated by the Steel Mountain hack, a scenario that closely paralleled one of history’s most famous cyber attacks, Stuxnet.

& Kor Adana: If you feel that there is injustice, sometimes the only way to deal with it is... to out-monster the monster.

& Sam Esmail: That’s great. I’ve infected my paranoia with everyone.

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