28 июл. 2016 г.

Jane Got a Gun

& Katie: Do good people ever turn bad in the upside-down tree?
    Jane: No. Good people never turn bad.

& Jane: If them bullets don’t kill you, and this storm you somehow brought upon us don’t kill you, goes without saying... I will kill you... But I reckon, you might just be immortal.

& Dan Frost: Well... let’s hope the Bishop boys are all very big and fat.

& Jane: This is a job for him. Nothing more.

& Dan: Minus one.

& Jane: It pain you to take a life like that?
    Dan: Pain me a lot more to let him do it to me. Only point of a battle, Jane, is to end it in your favor.

& Dan: You know, fear is good, Jane. Fear will keep you alive.

& Dan: The hell with numbers. We had the Johnnies outnumbered well and truly. You know, it took us four years to do what we should’ve done in a few months, because they had will and purpose. If you got those two things, numbers ain’t shit.

& Dan: A man loses purpose, that’s when a man dies.

& Dan: A man pays for everything he takes, Hammond. You’re no different.

+ quotes on the IMDb

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