4 авг. 2021 г.

The One After Vegas

Friends 6×1

Chandler: Oh, my God! Is everybody getting married?

Phoebe: What's the big deal? It's not like it's a real marriage.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: If you marry in Vegas, you're only married in Vegas.
Monica: If you marry here, you're married everywhere.
Phoebe: Really?.. Oh, my God!.. Oh, well.

Rachel: Why are we in bed together?
Ross: I don't know.
Rachel: Do you have any clothes on?
Ross: Yes. Rachel: Really?
Ross: No.

Joey: Well, my movie has been officially canceled.
Phoebe: Joey, I'm so sorry. You want my breakfast?
Joey: Too depressed to eat. I'll probably eat in, like, five minutes.

Joey: How about if you come with me?
Phoebe: It's a long trip.
Joey: That would be great. We c ould talk and play games.This could be our chance to, like, renew our friendship.
Phoebe: Are you asking me to have a "frienaissance"?
Joey: Sure?..
Phoebe: All right, although I don't think we need one. I never stopped loving you.

Chandler: So has anybody talked to Dr. and Mrs. Geller yet?

Chandler: How do I tell her without crushing her?
Joey: Tell her she's not marriage material.
Chandler: What?
Joey: Girls say it to me all the time. And if she's anything like me, she's just gonna be relieved.

Monica: Oh, hi. We were just talking about bacon.
Phoebe: No, we were talking about tennis. Tennis is more believable.

Phoebe: Oh, that's your thing!
Ross: What?
Phoebe: Your thing, that you're the guy who gets divorced.
Ross: No, no, that's not "my thing. " I do not love getting divorced.
Phoebe: Yes, you do. This is your third divorce. You love divorce so much, you're probably gonna marry it... and then it won't work out, so you're gonna have to divorce it.

Ross: Look... I can't have three failed marriages. I can't, okay? I am not gonna be that guy.
Rachel: So what, we just stay married forever? How is this going to affect you, really?
Ross: I mean, you fill some form out once in a while... instead of checking the box "Miss," you check the box that says, "Mrs. " It's right next to it.
Rachel: Okay. I'm sorry, you're right. You know what? We can stay married... because I thought that the boxes were far away from each other.

Rachel: Look, just... please take a moment here... and think about what you're asking of me. Okay?
Ross: I am asking you to do me a favor.
Rachel: You are asking me to be your wife!
Ross: And, as my wife, I think you should grant me this favor.

Ross: Listen. I know you wanted to talk to me... but I have an idea that may make you wanna stay married. We register... and you get to keep all the presents.

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