23 авг. 2021 г.

The Gold Coast

Ozark 2×10

Photographer: If I was going on a trip, I'd be smiling...
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Well, it's a white background, no shadow, eyes open, neutral expression. That's a TSA checklist right there.

Helen Pierce: I'm not sure you appreciate the historical significance of what it is you're about to pull off. Medellín, Sinaloa, Juárez, every one of them tried to create something like this. Every one of them failed. A legitimate, self-sustaining operation like a casino. This is why crime organizes.

Helen Pierce: Have you given any thought to the next five years?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Uh, I'd love to talk about the operational account.
Helen Pierce: Because you're pillars of the community now...

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I could be working now...
Helen Pierce: Well, is there some kind of rush I'm not aware of?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Just trying to be efficient.
Helen Pierce: Well, call us superstitious. On a long road trip, you're most likely to get into an accident a mile from your home.

Wendy Byrde: So you were never really trying to make any of this work.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I did try to make a lot of it work, but Charlotte wants to emancipate, and our son is describing getting his head shaved by a fucking lunatic as just a message, like it's normal? Nothing's working.

Wendy Byrde: There's no way for you to win.
Darlene Snell: Did the Viet Cong have to win?
Wendy Byrde: I'm sorry?
Darlene Snell: The gooks. They didn't have to win. They just had to not lose. It's my land.

Helen Pierce: Once you tell me something, it can't be retracted.
Wendy Byrde: I know what you're saying, and I understand.
Helen Pierce: No, you don't. You can't. Not really. Your whole body changes. The way you smell, your reflection, how it feels when your husband touches you.

Wendy Byrde: You're not acting out of logic. You're acting out of emotion. And I know I've asked you to be more emotional. I've begged. ..... And you were right all along. We can't make emotional decisions based on other people's choices. So we just have to wake up and make the right choices for us and our kids.

Wendy Byrde: What if this is the Gold Coast?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's not.
Wendy Byrde: Hmm. We only know what it's been. What about what it could be?

Wendy Byrde: Always better to be the person holding the gun than the one running from the gunman.

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