30 авг. 2021 г.

Drive In

American Horror Stories 1×3

Chad: I'm gonna die a virgin...

Milo: Do you want to know what makes girls get on the crazy train? It's not about relaxation. It's fear.
Chad: Fear?
Milo: Why do you think horror films were invented? Back in the 1930s, do you think guys were bringing their sweethearts to watch Dracula because they liked Tod Browning's mise-en-scène? No, dude. They wanted Lugosi to give them a chance at some skirt. Fear is the ticket. You tickle that fight-or-flight response, she's an oyster ready for shucking.

Chad: All right, unpopular opinion: horror films suck now. They're either low-rent shit to fill up a streaming menu or pretentious crap that puts you to sleep. What's left?

Chad: Rabbit Rabbit? What is that?
Milo: Just the most infamous cursed film in cinema history.
Quinn: It was only ever shown once back in '86. ..... I got up at 3:00 a.m. to snag the tickets. There's only room for 60 cars. I got one extra ticket if you want it. Not cheap.
Chad: What's it even about?
Quinn: I don't know. I don't even know what the title means.
Milo: I guess we'll find out. If we live through it.

Kelley: What does the title even mean?
Chad: I googled it. It's, uh, an old British superstition. On the first day of the month, you say "rabbit, rabbit." It's supposed to buy you 30 days of good luck.
Milo: Weird title for a movie that's cursed.
Quinn: How bummed are you guys gonna be when the movie ends and everyone's still alive?
Milo: There's always tomorrow...

Rabid Ruth: Listen to me! It starts right away! Don't look! Don't let her look!

Chad: Die! Die! Fucking die! Die! Die! Bitch, die!

Chad: Are you good with that?
Kelley: My dad's a Marine. Point, pump and pull.

Chad: Who lives in a trailer and drives a Rolls-Royce?

Larry Bitterman: "Everyone"? Every person who watched was affected? The response was 100%? Unbelievable!

Larry Bitterman: It's an experience. It's a cinematic happening. A horror movie where the horror isn't on-screen. It's in the audience. Try to appreciate what I'm talking about!

Larry Bitterman: You must know about the, uh, subliminals in The Exorcist?... William Friedkin cut two frames of a demon's face into reel six. People were throwing up in the aisles. There were cases of women going into labor. One gave birth right in the theater. People thought they were possessed, and all because of two frames, two little frames, and some creative sound.

Larry Bitterman: I applied everything I learned like Edison creating the light bulb...

Chad: You put us in a horror movie. Now we're just returning the favor.

Larry Bitterman: You think this is the end of the movie? It's only act one! And the rest is gonna be fucking epic!

Larry Bitterman: My name will go down in cinema history. Kubrick! Coppola! Spielberg! And Larry fucking Bitterman!

Larry Bitterman: I got a fucking Rolls! You want to know why? Ask yourself why! You won't like the fucking answer!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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