9 авг. 2021 г.

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)

Ted: Please enjoy the first three movements of... That Which Binds Us Through Time... The Chemical, Physical, and Biological Nature of Love... An Exploration of the Meaning of Meaning. Part One.

The Great Leader: You were supposed to unite the world in song. According to her father, a song created by Preston/Logan...
Bill: That's us, dude.
The Great Leader: ...at a concert performed by everyone in the band at 7:17 p.m. at MP 46, that's tonight, will save reality as we know it, uniting humanity across all time.

Kelly: This was my dad's. He'd want you to have it. It'll help keep track of the time in San Dimas. Bill: "Sometimes things don't make sense..."
Ted: "...until the end of the story."
Kelly: That's what my dad always said.

Lui Armstrong: So, what you're all saying is that you love a song that I wrote in my future?
Jimi Hendrix: Which is in your past.
Lui Armstrong: But we're all here in this present.
Jimi Hendrix: Which is actually the past?
Willamina "Billie" S. Logan: Exactly, gentlemen.
Lui Armstrong: Fascinating.

Kid Cudi: Can someone please tell me what the hell is happening?
Kelly: Basically, all time and space are about to end unless their dads come up with a song by 7:17 p.m.
Billie: Wait. What?
Thea: Wait. What?
Billie: We thought this was about the music.
Kelly: It is. It's also about the end of space and time.

Bill: Dude... are you dead yet?
Ted: No. Are you?
Bill: No..... There's one more thing we need to do before we go.
Ted: Definitely..... Ready, Bill?
Bill: Ready, Ted.
Ted: One...
Bill: Two...
Ted: One, two, three, four!

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