18 авг. 2021 г.

Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)

Therapist: Now, is there anything you want to talk about from your childhood, perhaps?
Michael Bryce: And my childhood would be relevant how?
Therapist: Well, quite often validation issues stem from a disapproving father.
Michael Bryce: I don't have validation issues. I have a licensing issue. I am a bodyguard without a licence. That's like being a... a belly dancer without a torso.

Therapist: What are you thinking about right now, Michael?
Michael Bryce: I'm thinking about the fact that you're seated six feet away from an exposed window with multiple sniper nest positions on the building opposite, most likely on the eighth floor. The additional height gives the marksman an advantage. I'm thinking about the closest available weapon to me right now - the letter opener/ stabbing instrument on the desk to my right. What are you thinking about?

Therapist: I'm thinking you need to forget bodyguarding for a while and find happiness within.
Michael Bryce: Within what?
Therapist: Within yourself! Happiness in who you are.
Michael Bryce: I'm listening.

Michael Bryce: First of all, your mouth needs an exorcism.

Michael Bryce: Do you have pepper spray? I'm on sabbatical.

Michael Bryce: We're gonna do this my way. That means no killing, no guns, and no blood. Boring is always best. Understood?

Michael Bryce: You lied to her back there. You weren't on a job.
Darius Kincaid: And how would you know that?
Michael Bryce: Because there's, like, 22 body indications when somebody lies and you exhibited... 40.

Sonia Kincaid: I know your secret. You are so lonely that you were talking to yourself.

Sonia Kincaid: Say my age, bitch!

Sonia Kincaid: You'd better say something nice about my Breesey.
Darius Kincaid: Michael was... very careful.
Sonia Kincaid: Yes, he was.
Darius Kincaid: He loved seatbelts.
Sonia Kincaid: He did love seatbelts so very much.
Darius Kincaid: Mm-hm. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We will never forget the time you spent with us.
Sonia Kincaid: That was beautiful. You should have been a priest.

Sonia Kincaid: This is no fucking honeymoon, motherfucker! This is shittymoon!

Darius Kincaid: Babe, you alright?
Sonia Kincaid: I'm great. I mean, our honeymoon is a delicious fuckery. I don't have a foetus in my womb, but I do have a bomb on my wrist. In other words, this lifestyle that you dragged me into has made me a horrendous mother of the children we don't even have. In other words, this is all your fault!

Darius Kincaid: When the fuck were you gonna tell me your dad was black?
Michael Bryce: Stepdad. And I fail to see how that's relevant. Why don't you start seeing with your heart instead of your hate?
Darius Kincaid: Relevant? Heart? Hate? What the fuck are you talking about?!

Michael Bryce: What in the A-double-money-sign is that?

Michael Bryce: Maybe she's playing him to play you, you know, like a triple cross...

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