5 авг. 2021 г.

Angel Investor

StartUp 1×4

Izzy Morales: Dude, Maya Hibert, I went to Stanford with her. They've been begging me to come work for them. I mean, they're a joke. Their code is shit.
Benny Blush: Well, maybe so. But you know what they say. It doesn't matter if you're the best. It only matters if you're first.

Nick Talman: You want the truth? ... GenCoin for me, it's not about giving loans to farmers in Afghanistan or bank accounts to political refugees. That is just something that's a New Age hippie pipe dream we like to tell ourselves so we can feel good when we close our eyes at night. But the truth is those things won't change. They never change. You know that. That is the way the world works. But what GenCoin can do, as a business, pure bottom line... just imagine owning a fraction of a penny of every dollar spent in the United States. Think about that. Owning a piece of currency... You know how much I care about kids in the Sudan? About as much as you care about cats and dogs.

Madie Pierce: That's some serious equipment.
Phil Rask: Mm-hmm. Only thing I got from my ex-wife. Don't mess with a man's coffee.

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