28 янв. 2019 г.

Iron in War

The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco 1×6

Cop: It's an awful long way for two English ladies to travel by themselves...
Jean: I'm Scottish, dearie.
Millie: She's Scottish, you dummy!

Olivia: ...nobody hates a red more than our men in blue.

Paul: We're called the Mattachine Society...

Millie: I was a waitress for years. Bowing and scraping, on my feet for hours, smile painted on, but just because I take orders doesn't mean I take orders.

Mitch Bloom: You give a guy a badge and, suddenly, he's Dick Tracy, solving problems that don't need fixing.

Det. Bryce: "Audere Facere" is part of our force's motto... "Audere est facere, servire est defendere"... "to dare is to do, to defend is to serve."

Millie: Like you said... no one ever expects a skirt.

Det. Bryce: I tell you what... next time you want to invite me to join your activities... How about we make it croquet?

Iris: We are who we are. We love who we love.

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