23 янв. 2019 г.

A United Kingdom (2016)

Radio Broadcast: 'Indians will go to their beds as subjects of the Queen, and awake to a new day.'
George Williams: The next day they'll awake to wish we were running the place again...

Ruth Williams: I do love jazz, but I've never trusted an Englishman to play it.

Ruth Williams: I looked it up, you know, your country. The size of France and 121,000 inhabitants.
Seretse Khama: And one of the poorest countries in the world...
Ruth Williams: Is that right?

Sir Alistair Canning: Have you no shame?

Ruth Williams: I know what's happening in South Africa. It's poison, and it's already affecting you here. That sign outside.
Seretse Khama: You have those in England too.
Ruth Williams: I know. No blacks, no Irish, no dogs...

Seretse Khama: Let us not allow the ugliness of this world to take our joy away from us.

Ruth Williams: Where will he go?
Seretse Khama: He will start a new settlement somewhere. It's our way to avoid conflict. We stay apart, but we stay at peace.

Seretse Khama: When a man tells a lie, he loses his dignity. And so it is with a country.

Seretse Khama: No man is free... who is not master of himself.

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