8 дек. 2018 г.

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)

Matt Graver: You think I'm gonna waterboard you, Bashiir?... Waterboarding is when we can't torture. This is Africa. I can do whatever the fuck I want here.

Bashiir: This is a bluff. You American. You have too many rules.
Matt Graver: No rules today, sport, just orders.

Matt Graver: What happened to the price of cocaine after 9/11, Ken? Tight borders are good for business.

Hammonds: How would you define terrorism, Mr. Graver?
Matt Graver: I think that's your job, sir.

Matt Graver: If you want to start a war... kidnap a prince. King will start it for you.

Hammonds: You did this sort of thing in the Middle East.
Matt Graver: Hmm.
Hammonds: You think those tactics will work here?
Matt Graver: If you want it to, sir.

Matt Graver: It's a nice day for a drive, huh?
Steve Forsing: Ah, beautiful day. Blue skies, large-caliber weapons... I love getting out of the office.

Matt Graver: Dirt roads make me nervous...

Alejandro: Your father has a lot of enemies.
Isabel Reyes: And you're one of them?
Alejandro: Yes, I am.

Matt Graver: You know what? This-this is why nothing ever changes.
Cynthia Foards: You think change is the goal? Really? You've been doing this too long to believe that.

Cynthia Foards: They're U.S. citizens. They're from New Jersey.
Matt Graver: Doesn't change anything.
Cynthia Foards: It changes the fucking narrative!

Military Contractor: Rules of engagement?
Matt Graver: Fuck it all. Clean it up.

Alejandro: So you wanna be a sicario... Let's talk about your future...

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