10 дек. 2018 г.


The Walking Dead 9×8

Jesus: That's... not normal.
Daryl: No. No, it ain't.

Negan: Screw it. My mind never "empties," anyway. Generally goes straight to that place that would blush the collar right off of you.

Gabriel: We'll try this again next week.
Negan: It's your world, boss.

Luke: What's not to like about us? We're a solid-looking group. We're scrappy.

Tara: It's like the old gang's back together...

Carol: ...And we kept going. For each other. We've always been a family.
Michonne: And we still are. But Kingdom is Kingdom, Hilltop is here, and Alexandria is there, and in between, there's a whole lot of broken world, and we cannot pretend otherwise. We've got to take care of our own now. It's just the way it is.

Negan: You know, I read something fascinating the other day... You know what a smell is? It's when odor molecules activate neurons in your nasal passages. So every time you come in here to change my bedpan and smell my shit, something that was actually in my ass goes right up your nose.

Gabriel: It's bad enough I got to clean up your shit, I shouldn't have to listen to it, too.

Michonne: At least they're alive so they can hate me for it.

Rosita: They have no idea what they're dealing with.

Eugene: They were... They were whispering to each other.

Henry: If I had to explain it, you wouldn't understand.

Jesus: They're dead, they're not evolving.
Eugene: Being dead hasn't exactly stopped them from perambulating ad infinitum, though, has it? They're not dead in any sense that makes sense.

Jesus: It's not any crazier than the dead being alive in the first place.

W.D.: You... are where... you do not belong.

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