29 дек. 2018 г.

Loving (2016)

Mildred: I'm pregnant.
Richard: ... Good. That's real good.

Sheriff Brooks: All you over there in Central Point don't know up from down. All mixed up. Part Cherokee, Rappahannock, part niggra, part white. Blood don't know what it wants to be. You just got born in the wrong place, is all...

Sheriff Brooks: I see you got to thinking it was fine. You might think people around here wouldn't care. Hell, maybe they wouldn't, if your dumb country ass hadn't gone off and married her, but not me. You hear me? That's God's law. He made a sparrow a sparrow and a robin a robin. They're different
for a reason.

Court Secretary: "...the said Richard Perry Loving, being a white person, and the said Mildred Dolores Jeter, being a colored person, did unlawfully and feloniously, go out of the state of Virginia, for the purpose of being married in the District of Columbia, on June 2nd, 1958, and afterwards returned to, and resided in the County of Caroline, State of Virginia, cohabitating as man and wife, against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth."

Mildred: I got a call from a lawyer today.
Richard: A lawyer?
Mildred: Mmm-hmm. From the American Civil Liberties Union. Robert Kennedy told him to call us.

Bernard Cohen: I've given this some thought, and I have a somewhat unorthodox idea on how to do this... My suggestion would be for the two of you to return to Caroline County, get re-arrested, and then we will have an avenue for our appeal.

Phil Hirschkop: ...And, Bernie, if you don't mind me asking, how much experience do you have with constitutional law?
Bernard Cohen: Some... Very little.
Phil Hirschkop: You realize this case could alter the constitution of the United States?
Bernard Cohen: I do.

Richard: How are they gonna defend what they done to us?
Bernard Cohen: I guess we won't know until the hearing, but it's likely that they'll use a defense similar to something they've used before.
Richard: What's that?
Bernard Cohen: It's your kids. ... The state of Virginia will argue that it is unfair to bring children of mixed race into the world. They believe the children are bastards.

Bernard Cohen: Well. Is there anything you'd like me to say to them? And by "them" I mean the Supreme Court justices of the United States?
Richard: Yeah... You can tell the judge... Tell the judge I love my wife.

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