15 дек. 2018 г.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

Ian Malcolm: I'm talking about... man-made cataclysmic... change.
Senator: What kind of change?
Ian Malcolm: Change is like death. You don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the gates.

Benjamin Lockwood: ... So we have created sanctuary. No fences, no cages, no tourists... just as Mother Nature intended. John said it best: "These creatures don't need our protection. They need our absence."

Benjamin Lockwood: John and I. What fools we were. Trying to run before we'd learned to walk. As all young men do, I suppose.

Owen Grady: Rescue Op. Save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode... what could go wrong?

Claire Dearing: Oh, Owen? Be careful, okay?
Owen Grady: If I don't make it back... remember... you're the one who made me come.

Eli Mills: If the entire run of our sorry history has taught us one irrevocable lesson, it's that man is inevitably drawn to war and is willing to use any means necessary to win it.

Claire Dearing: You authorized the creation of the Indominus rex!
Eli Mills: You exploited a living thing in a cage for money. How is that different? Huh? And you. The man who proved raptors can follow orders. You never thought about the applications of your research, Owen? How many millions a trained predator might be worth? You two, you're the parents of the new world.

Owen Grady: Claire. You press that button, there is no going back.

Claire Dearing: We can't let them die.
Maisie Lockwood: ... They're alive, like me.

Ian Malcolm: ... Humans and dinosaurs are now gonna be forced to coexist. These creatures were here before us. And if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after. We're gonna have to adjust to new threats that we can't imagine. We've entered a new era. Welcome to Jurassic World.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ humus:nbsp;«Однозначно лучше первого мира и уж точно динамичней. Хуан Антонио Байона не стал идти по стопам своего предшественника и решил снимать то, что ему лучше всего дается. Поэтому получился настоящий хоррор, пусть и не очень кровавый. Плохие актеры первого ряда компенсируются прекрасными актерами второго плана, прошлое унылое бла-бла-бла и беготня от динозавра на шпильках уступило место безудержному экшену, динозавры заполнили не только отдаленный остров, но и особняк в Калифорнии. Динозавр на крыше особняка вместо традиционного петушка и зауропод в коридоре - что еще нужно для счастья в таком фильме? Третья часть развернется уже в черте города, динозавры идут к вам. Встречайте новых репатриантов.»

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