23 авг. 2014 г.


& Bethan: Have you even told your wife that someone’s having your baby?

& Locke: No, no. Right now nothing is a joke anymore.

& Locke: Do you know, in fact, I would like to take a fucking shovel and dig you up out of the fucking ground and make you watch me tonight. I would pull open your eyes and kick the mud and worms and shit out of your fucking ears just for the duration of this journey. Because it’s me driving. Me, not you. And, unlike you, I will drive straight to the place where I should be, and I will be there to take care of my... To take care of my fuck-up.

& Locke: Donal, you don’t trust God when it comes to concrete.

& Donal: ... It says C6.
    Locke: It says C6... And you know why? Because, eventually, when my building is complete, it will be 55 floors high. It will weigh 2,223,000 metric tons. Okay? My building will alter the water table and squeeze granite. It will be visible from 20 miles away. At sunset, it will cast a shadow probably a mile long. Now, if the concrete at the base of my building is not right, if it slips half an inch, cracks appear. Right? If cracks appear, then they will grow and grow, won’t they? And the whole thing will collapse.
    Donal: Ivan, look...
    Locke: You make one mistake, Donal, one little fucking mistake, and the whole world comes crashing down around you.

& Sister Margaret: You are her partner?
    Locke: I am the father.

& Locke: Okay, well, let me educate you. Even no matter what the situation is, you can make it good, like with plaster and brick... You know what? You can take a situation and you can draw a circle around it and find a way to work something out. You don’t just drive away from it.

& Locke: You see, you take things in your own hands, and you push against it and you push against it until it’s upright. And you stick to the plan.

& Locke: You see? Life. Yes, life sentence.

& Locke: Two words I learned tonight... Fuck Chicago.

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