22 мая 2018 г.

Hell of a Ride

Billions 3×4

Attorney: Don't say a thing until they say the magic word.
Dake: .... We are prepared to offer you immunity.
Attorney: That's the one.
Dake: In exchange for your cooperation.

Chuck: He's... a free-radical. Not taking my counsel at the moment.
Dake: Then you have a real and unsolvable problem.

Wags: Let the Saudis keep 432 Park. This is the real prize... The last burial plot in Manhattan.
Axelrod: And all the time to enjoy it.
Wags: Only $350,000, and this cool slice of earth is mine.

Wendy: You RSVP'd no, you hate reunions. "The dead are more present than the living,"

Rhoades, Sr.: Brace a man while he's grooming himself, hope the intimacy makes him feel vulnerable... An admirable tactic, Bryan.

Rhoades, Sr.: Well, I guess, you wait for someone to embarrass himself, he will.

Rhoades, Sr.: You must think I'm a physical moron. That's Victorian for retard, understand.

Bryan: Why does this keep happening to me...?

Mafee: How did we ever think to short that smile?
Taylor: His charm is a liability. It means people believe whatever he tells them. And he believes it, too. It ends up having a washing machine effect.

Mafee: Can I be honest? I'll be honest. I'm rooting for him to get there.
Taylor: I am too. First step is the ISS. Next, space colonization. My bet is against his business model. Not his vision.

Ayles: Who, in the name of goodness, is that?
Axelrod: That's the Bear Jew.
Ayles: ..... Savage.
Axelrod: Yes, he is. For the cause. As are we.

Taylor: Philanthropy is a cesspool. The charities you give to are blind to the problems they aim to solve. Even Bill Gates. He gave malaria nets. And people used them as herring nets. Only they were coated in chemicals. So coastal West Africa ends up with depleted and inedible fish stocks. They asked him to stop helping.

Nussfaur: Care for her? I love her. Tits made to fit in a nice sized martini glass. I'm sure you've seen pictures.

Wags: Look, man, I have fucked up a lot in life. I want to do death right.

Taylor: He wanted to save our lives... I profited off his death.
Wendy: You lost a hero and were rewarded for it. These things are in conflict... But conflicting emotions require we resolve the conflict.
Taylor: Can they be resolved?
Wendy: One emotion has to prevail. Otherwise you languish while the dispute carries on and you miss opportunities.

Wendy: There is a toxicity that comes with being charged with a crime. Sure, it may matter to people in finance, but their reputations are buttressed by money. Philanthropies only have their reputation. And you are a threat to theirs. It's like academia. Everything's a big fucking deal, because the stakes are so small...

Joe Scolari: Eastern Elk need all the help they can get... Delicate species... Require a certain habitat.

Bryan: We've both loved this man... you as his father, me as a sort of son. But it's time to do what's right.

Rhoades, Sr.: I would've thought that my son trained you better than to rely on emotion, when only true fortitude will get the job done...

Rhoades, Sr.: You have my statement, buckeroo.

Oscar: To the good we've done. And will do.

Taylor: Do you know why Ethiopians eat this way? Shared? In the center? It's to foster a sense of community. Keep everything in the open. So everyone sees how much is available. And everyone knows they got their fair share. It keeps everyone honest...

Rhoades, Sr.: I'm proud of you, son. You did what was required... Fucked me good... Damn the torpedoes.

Axelrod: Bravo, Wags.
Wags: As the epitaph shall read.

Axelrod: Fuck, 33. Too soon.
Wags: No, dying in your thirties is "tragic." As is forties. Sympathy dissipates from there. Fifties is "such a shame." Sixties is "too soon."
Axelrod: Seventies... "a good run."
Wags: And eighties is "a life well lived." Nineties...
Axelrod: ... That's a fuckin' hell of a ride.

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