3 мая 2018 г.


Silicon Valley 5×2

Dinesh: I ordered it a month ago. But still, it's an investment.
Gilfoyle: As I understand, cars depreciate 10 percent as soon as they fall off the truck... Like that. So if the car costs $100, well you just lost $10. Did it cost $100? Or more?..

Dinesh: I, my friend, am now part of the green revolution.
Gilfoyle: Are you? Most electricity still comes from gas plants and coal-burning smoke stacks. Do you know where your electricity comes from?

Richard: Look there, the new Internet. That's inspiration. Use that.
Jared: Richard, this is all an idea. And people don't wanna follow an idea, they wanna follow a leader. Look at the last guy to create a new Internet. Al Gore. His ideas were excellent, but he talked like a narcoleptic plantation owner, so he lost the presidency to a fake cowboy and now he makes apocalypse porn.

Jared: ...And I don't even mean the word "guys," which I just learned is a micro-aggression.

Richard: I'm a coder, Jared. So I'm gonna code. And if I have to build my entire new fucking Internet by myself, I'll do that, so...

Hoover: Sir, is this a good time?
Gavin: It's a great time. I just fired Banksy.
Hoover: Banksy, the vandal?

Dinesh: Are we bad people for leaving Richard there to work by himself?
Gilfoyle: We've been coding for 48 hours straight. I could give a shit about deontological ethics.

Dinesh: He implemented all those tasks? By himself?
Gilfoyle: That was supposed to take the whole team four days.
Jared: It's amazing. I mean, I feel... I feel like Mary Magdalene on resurrection day. And that's not the greatest miracle of all.

Richard: I think you mean to call me Frankenstein's monster 'cause Frankenstein is the...
Dr. Crawford: Oh, you're one of those guys, huh?
Richard: No, I'm just... the doctor's name is Frankenstein...
Dr. Crawford: I know. It's just an annoying thing to point out. If you want people to like you, just go along with what they say and have fun.

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