16 мая 2018 г.


Ted Spencer: What the idea, sir? What’s the point of all this wrecking?
Superintendent Talbot: Making trouble at home to take our minds off what’s going on abroad. Same as in a crowd, one man treads on your toe and while you’re arguing with him, his pal picks your pocket.
Ted Spencer: Who’s behind it?
Superintendent Talbot: Ah, they’re the people, you and I will never catch. It’s the men they employ that we’re after.

Vladimir - Paymaster: You made London laugh. When one sets out to put the fear of death into people, it is not helpful to make them laugh. We are not comedians.
Karl Anton Verloc: It’s not my fault if they’re such fools.
Vladimir - Paymaster: Londoners are not fools. They laughed because they realized what happened last night was laughable. They had a right to laugh... this time.

Mrs. Verloc: Just one happy little family...

Mrs. Verloc: He is the kindness, most harmless, home-loving being...

Superintendent Talbot: Is that girl psychic? She said that Verloc was...
Detective: Dead, sir? You don’t need second sight in a case like this.
Superintendent Talbot: But she said it before... Or was it after?.. I can't remember.

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