17 сент. 2017 г.

Trial by Fire

Grimm 4×13

"And glory like the phoenix
midst her fires,
Exhales her odours, blazes,
and expires."

Lord Byron, «English Bards and Scotch Reviewers»

Juliette: So what happens when Adalind finds out you’re a Grimm again?
Nick: Well, one less hexenbiest wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it?
Juliette: ... No, I guess not.

Nick: Is he wesen?
Orson: Wesen what?
Hank: You’re Bauerschwein. Nick’s a Grimm... Yeah, we know.
Orson: Wow. I’ve been away too long. Does everybody in the precinct...
Capt. Renard: No. And we’re gonna keep it that way.

Adalind: We need to get to Juliette!
Viktor: Not just yet.
Adalind: Then what are we doing?!
Viktor: It’s called back channel diplomacy, and it cannot be done truly effectively when done so loudly.

Rosalee: You’re not an idiot.
Monroe: What if I hadn’t come back?
Rosalee: Then you might have been a little bit of an idiot.

Damien Barso: See, that’s the problem with you parents. You’re always pushing your dreams onto your kids.

Hank: Is that what’s supposed to happen?
Monroe: Well, it’s not an exact, you know, science.

Wu: So he exploded?
Hank: Spontaneously combusted.
Wu: Is it possible the victim had some sort of homemade bomb strapped to him?
Nick: Yeah, sure. Anything’s possible.
Wu: It’ll look better on the report than...
Nick: Yeah. We like bomb.

Monroe: Hey, Orson. You know I still don’t forgive you for Hap.
Orson: And I will never forgive Angelina for what she did to my brothers.
Monroe: Deal.

On the IMDb

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