27 сент. 2017 г.

Cloudy, with a Chance of Mayhem

Mr. Mercedes 1x3

Brady: That is messed up, Robi. Seriously, that’s almost cruel. What kind of monster do you think I am?

Janey: Somebody dead?
Bill: Sorry?
Janey: I see retired people in ties, my brain immediately goes to funerals.
Bill: Well, the tie just means I’m on the job.

Bill: If I don’t go forward with this, I’m withholding evidence, which is a felony offense. I’d never get to vote for President again.

Bill: What’s going on here? I’m on your team.
Pete: No, Bill. No. You’re off the team. You’re retired.

Bill: When did I get so easy to fucking ignore?

Bill: Thank you.
Bartender: Yeah, no prob’.
Bill: What does that mean?
Bartender: What? It means «no problem.»
Bill: Yeah, I’m fully aware there’s no problem that you serve me a drink I pay an exorbitant price for. Part of that exorbitance goes to your salary for you to pay your rent and go on Shit Tweet or Facefuck or Arse-book or whatever you call it. The proper response to my «Thank you» is not «No problem.» It’s... It’s, like, «You’re welcome,» or «My pleasure,» even.
Bartender: My what?
Bill: «No problem» implies that serving a customer what he pays for could be a problem. It shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re the fucking problem.

Bartender: Hey, sir, if you continue to use abusive and inappropriate language...
Bill: I’m not being inappropriate, I’m being an arsehole. Whereas you are being more of a cunt!

Bill: We didn’t say «inappropriate» in my day. We said, «Yes, sir,» or, «No, ma’am,» or, «You’re welcome.» We helped neighbors shovel their walks... We opened doors for women... We didn’t think everything was fucking relative! We actually thought that principles mattered... Manners mattered! Doing your fucking job right mattered!!

Bill: You «call the police,» man. They won’t come, man. You don’t get it. We’re all on your own. They tell you the opposite, of course, so we won’t storm the castle. The sad fucking fact of the matter is, they’ll just build their hills higher and their walls thicker and leave us all to drown in the fucking flood.

Lawrence: I jumped through every goddamn hoop known to man to give that boy his best shot. «Just don’t fuck it up» has pretty much been my mantra. A while back, it dawned on me. It might not be me who fucks Jerome up. Could be anybody... a schoolteacher, buddy, girl. World’s full of people to fuck things up.

Janey: That’s not why we’re doing it. We’re not trying to help. It’s like we both have vengeance on the brain.
Bill: Nothing wrong with a little vengeance. Ain’t just love makes the world go round.

Janey: Bill? When was the last time you danced?
Bill: I danced? 197... The ’70s.
Janey: I think you’re long overdue.

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