5 сент. 2017 г.

Alien: Covenant

David: May I ask you a question, Father?
Peter Weyland: Please.
David: If you created me... who created you?
Peter Weyland: Ah. The question of the ages... which I hope you and I will answer one day.

David: You seek your creator. I am looking at mine. I will serve you. Yet, you are human. You will die. I will not.
Peter Weyland: Bring me this tea, David. Bring me the tea.

Oram: Observation, reflection, faith... and determination. In this way, we may navigate the path as it unfolds before us.

Ankor: I hate space!
Lope: This is why you need to do yoga.

Daniels: Dr. Shaw... How did she end up here?

David: I was with our illustrious creator, Mr. Weyland, when he died.
Walter: What was he like?
David: He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation. I pitied him at the end.

David: Bravo! You have symphonies in you, brother.
Walter: I was designed to be more attentive and efficient than every previous model. I superseded them in every way, but...
David: But you are not allowed to create. Even a simple tune. Damn frustrating, I’d say.

Oram: Are they alive?
David: Waiting, really.
Oram: For what? What are they waiting for, David?
David: Mother.

David: Perfectly safe, I assure you. Take a look. Something to see.

Walter: Who wrote «Ozymandias»?
David: Byron.
Walter: Shelley. When one note is off... it eventually destroys the whole symphony, David.

David: It’s your choice now, brother. Them or me? Serve in heaven... or reign in hell? Which is it to be?

David: Shh! Don’t let the bedbugs bite. I’ll tuck in the children.

Walter: You’re next, Captain. When you wake up, we’ll be at Origae-6.
Daniels: What do you think it’s gonna be like?
Walter: I think if we are kind... it will be a kind world.

David: How about some music, Mother?
Mother: Selection?
David: Richard Wagner. Das Rheingold, Act Two. The Entry of the Gods into Valhalla.
Mother: Yes, David. As you wish.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Σ colonelcassad: "...Ридли Скотт на старости лет откровенно погряз в самокопировании и несмотря на все попытки быть оригинальным, налицо полная сценарная беспомощность...

...Можно сколько угодно нахваливать сочную картинку, но количество сценарного и сюжетного тупняка в новом «Завете» просто зашкаливает...

...И самое печальное, что это не конец. Будет еще 1 или 2 фильма, которые должны подвести предысторию к появлению корабля-бублика на искомой планете, где его нашел экипаж «Ностромо», чтобы зритель мог сказать, ах вот он как-туда попал, ...

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