12 сент. 2017 г.

Burning Love

Big Little Lies 1×6

Madeline: This is my problem in life... I can never let dead dogs lie.
Jane: Well, but that’s the problem. He’s not dead.

Nathan: You know, it’s okay for things to be ugly sometimes. That’s, like, life.

Dr. Moriarty: When are you gonna leave him, Celeste?... When he hurts you badly enough? When... he hurts the children?

Dr. Moriarty: Get it all ready so we can at least remove «Where on God’s earth would I go?» from the equation.

Celeste: Perhaps my self-worth is made up of how other people see me.
Dr. Moriarty: I’m sorry. I... I’m just amazed by patients who can harbor such profound self-awareness underneath the hard shell of denial.

Dr. Moriarty: «.... In fact, you’ve repeatedly maintained what a wonderful husband and father Perry is. Haven’t you, Mrs. Wright? Nobody’s ever witnessed this alleged abuse, ever. Isn’t that true, Mrs. Wright? We only have your word. You said he was wonderful. Now you say he’s a monster. Were you lying then or are you lying now?..» You’re a lawyer. You know how important it is to have a witness.

Jane: Sometimes... magic comes from icky, Ziggy.

Puppet: ♪ Everything in life ♪
               ♪ Is only for now ♪

Ed: Sometimes that’s the... the essence of a happy marriage, isn’t it? The ability to pretend.

Bonnie: She is auctioning off her virginity on the Internet. For Amnesty International... so
it is for a very good cause.
Nathan: She’s... selling her virginity on the Internet?!
Bonnie: Good cause?

Madeline: So, you think our marriage is pretend?
Ed: No, I said that in every marriage there is pretending. Even the best ones.

Madeline: Fucking up doesn’t fix your life.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack!

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