26 сент. 2017 г.

Mechanic: Resurrection

Courier: Seems that reports of your demise have been greatly exaggerated. My principal could make that known to certain... interested parties. Which means that your new life here would end rather quickly. Or you can do the job and go back to being dead. What’s your pleasure, Senhor Otto Santos?

Courier: What are you doing?!
Arthur Bishop: Tell your principal it never pays to fuck with the dead.

Arthur Bishop: I’ve spent my whole life setting people up to die. I can set you up to live.

Crain: How did I find you? You should know better than anyone, Arthur, there’s no privacy anymore. Not with wonderful things like facial recognition and satellite tracking.

Arthur Bishop: Magnificent. Even if it is all stolen and looted.
Max Adams: Cubo-futurist totalitarianism. Of course it’s magnificent. Like... dinosaur bones.
Arthur Bishop: It’s ugly.

Max Adams: I’ve been called a lot of ugly names over the years, Communist, socialist, racist, fascist... None of which is true, of course. Well... I’m certainly not a communist.
Arthur Bishop: You just admire their architecture.
Max Adams: I believe in fair play. I saw the David and Goliath story play out on the frontlines of Vietnam. Soviets in Afghanistan. Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. Chemical weapons on the Kurds. The little guy is always gonna need a slingshot, and somebody’s always gonna pay for it.
Arthur Bishop: An arms dealer with a moral clause...

Max Adams: I never imagined that dying would be so goddamn invigorating!
Arthur Bishop: Stay out of sight for two days. After that, you can invigorate all you want.

Max Adams: Clever son of a bitch. Sneaky bastard. Bang. You’re dead.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks
Σ nostradamvs: "И первый «Механик» был так себе, а уж этот алогичный набор кадров, случайно совпавших так, что получилось подобие кино, вообще не стоит внимания. ..."

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