25 сент. 2017 г.

Pilot: Merit Badge

«Мне не пошли детективные сериалы, на которых многие сидят, типа Касла или Теории лжи, и я думаю причина в одном, кроме историй в каждой серии, должна быть какая-то глобальная надстройка, из-за которой хотелось бы смотреть, это как в Хаусе, ведь почти никого не интересуют истории болезней... Так вот в сериале Life она есть, вернее была (его к сожалению закрыли после 2ого сезона). И она действительно прикольная и загадочная... эта „надстройка“. В двух словах сюжет такой. Из тюрьмы через десяток лет выпускают несправедливо обвиненного полицейского, восстанавливают его на работе, где ему никто не рад, дают нормально бабла в виде компенсации. Он покупает себе Бентлик, ставит мигалку и первым делом начинает затрахивать нового мужа своей жены, кушать фрукты (в тюрьме нету фруктов), ну и собственно расследовать преступления, параллельно выясняя, кто все-таки запер его в тюрьму... Ну вот как-то так... в общем, к просмотру!»

Life 1x1

Constance: Life was his sentence and life is what he got back.

Reese: Detective Crews? You are Crews, aren’t you?
Crews: Yeah. I guess I am.
Reese: Would you like to be sure? Because we’re about to go into a crime scene.

Crews: Dog must’ve took a bullet for the kid, then took the shooter’s finger off. Anyone ever love you that much?

Reese: It may be a habit of yours... but I don’t want to have the «what are you in for» talk.
Crews: Not a big talker. See? I’ve learned something about you already.

Reese: I’m your superior. I’m responsible for you. You get jammed up, I get jammed up.
Crews: We’re both adults. Got a problem, turn me over to the rat squad.

Reese: Are you going to get that?
Crews: A phone this small in your pocket. It’s science fiction, like living in the future.

Crews: Do you hate cops? ’Cause I hate cops too.

Correctional officer 1: Getting angry, convict?
Crews: Anger ruins joy, steals the goodness of my mind, forces my mouth to say terrible things... Overcoming anger brings peace of mind with no regrets. If I overcome anger I will be delightful and loved by everyone.
Correctional officer 2: Are you making fun of us?
Crews: It’s the universe that makes fun of us all.

Crews: I’m not attached to this car. I’m not attached to this car. I’m just a little attached to this car.

— When's all the furniture coming?
Crews: This is all my furniture.

Ted: Charlie saved my life, so now I handle his money.
— And you live in his garage?
Ted: I live in a room above his garage.

Alyssa: My husband told me about you. A cop in jail all those years. How did you go on living? How did you get past it?
Crews: Oh, I could tell you’re already past it... I could tell that this moment is your life. ... But none of that means anything, does it?

Alyssa: Tell me something that means something. Tell me anything that means something.
Crews: ... The man who killed your son is out there, right now... inside the same moment we are in... That means something, doesn’t it?

Constance: No Zen for daddy?
Crews: No Zen for daddy.

Crews: Do you ever think no one will ever understand what we did? What you and I came through? Ever think the world is you and me in one place? Everyone else in another?

Reese: I’m sending you his mug shot right now.
Crews: To my house?
Reese: To your phone...
Crews: Wow. It’s like...
Reese: Living in the future?
Crews: Actually, I thought about that. There really is no future or past... just now. And now. And of course now.

Reese: Wow, that sounds like a load of crap.
Crews: A lot of life is a lot of crap.

Reese: I need a drink.
Crews: I know something better.... Mango? It came all the way from Guatemala and now it’s here in this cup. It’s all connected, Reese.

Crews: Exactly where are the oranges?
Ted: They’re out of season in this part of California... for another 6 months. Are you in a rush?
Crews: Actually, no. I’m not.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

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