11 мар. 2020 г.

Magical Thinking

You're the Worst 5×10

Jimmy: 29 days. Can you believe it?

Edgar: How stupid are you?
Jimmy: Who are you talking to?

Jimmy: I am incredibly supportive.
Edgar: You guys are supposed to be creating a life together. The only way that works is if you take active interest in the parts of each other's lives that don't directly affect you.
Jimmy: Why would I do that?
Edgar: Because otherwise, you'll never really be a couple. You'll just be... two people.
Jimmy: Let's get to work on the script.

Jimmy: ...it is precisely because Gretchen and I lead separate lives that we're such a successful couple. If we were to share every iota of our lives with each other, there would be nothing to talk about... Counter-instinctually, it is separation that draws us closer.

Jimmy: I was talking to you.
Edgar: And I didn't like the way you were talking to me, so I am calmly removing myself from the situation.

Edgar: It's okay, Jimmy. I no longer look up to you, so you have no height from which to fall.

Edgar: I didn't ask for this to happen; it just did. Like when Neo saw the Matrix, I now see you as my equal.

Nock Nock: You told me your dinosaur clients are sad I murdered them.
Gretchen: Wow, I thought Sam and the boys were your heroes.
Nock Nock: Sure, but everybody's heroes got to fall off at some point.

Yvette: Stop looking for who to be. Because guess what... You already are her.
Lindsay: I'm who?

Edgar: You should be with her. She's gonna do something dumb.
Jimmy: Edgar, she told me her problem, I listened and solved it. We had our separate experiences, then came together in the end, just like I said. We don't need to be together to be together.

Jimmy: This is the first time I've seen her walk with purpose. It's quite sexy.

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+ Soundtrack

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