10 мар. 2020 г.

He's Only There To Stop His Skeleton Falling Over

Avenue 5 1×5

Billie McEvoy: Captain, you ready to do this?
Ryan Clark: I'd always hoped that my last words might be better than... "Fuck me, no."

Billie McEvoy: Okay, it's a spacewalk, so... walk.

Billie McEvoy: So, Captain, what exactly are you looking at?
Ryan Clark: The inside of my eyelids.
Billie McEvoy: Ha.
Ryan Clark: Ah. There appears to be no floor.

Alan: Where are you going?
Rav Mulcair: I'm gonna do 600 pushups and then throw up in the sink.

Billie McEvoy: Can you get visuals on the wet suit compromise?
Ryan Clark: "Have visuals"? What's wrong with "see"? Or "come back in".

Ryan Clark: I might actually sneeze. What happens then? Billie, what's the sneezing protocol in space?

Herman Judd: He's so modest, he could almost be British. Why the fuck did I say that?
Iris Kimura: I think that stuff is neurodevelopmental.

Passenger: Hey, is... is that true?
Matt Spencer: Well, it was true when I said it. Like a marriage vow.

Iris Kimura: So... Jokes. Do some.

Ryan Clark: Who's Frank?
Karen Kelly: My husband.
Ryan Clark: Oh! Do you mind if we don't talk about him? He's... He's only there to stop his skeleton from falling over.

Ryan Clark: I just did something, and I don't know what it was! I don't know what I'm doing! I don't know how anybody knows what they're doing! Does anybody know what they're doing? How does anything work? Does anybody know? How... I mean who knows how that door works?
Karen Kelly: It doesn't work.
Ryan Clark: Well, I didn't even know how it doesn't work!

Frank Kelly: The sky is full of S-H-I-T...

Ryan Clark: We make a really great team. You saving the ship, and me thanking you for that.

Billie McEvoy: Was your oxygen restricted in your early developmental years?

Doug: I ruined it for her. So I won.

Ryan Clark: Billie, don't ever, ever show anyone your feelings. All right? Just bury them as deep as you can. Scrunch them up into a little tiny ball and then just... Grow a couple of ulcers if you wanna mark the spot, but otherwise, just smile, pretend everything's fine.

Herman Judd: Why is the shit still outside there? Iris! It's getting thicker.
Iris Kimura: We're... We're working on it.

Karen Kelly: You hurt him without my consent and involvement and I will harm you deeply.

Ryan Clark: Do you have a whistle you can blow to keep him under control?
Iris Kimura: When he gets like this, it's best to just let him wear himself out.

Ryan Clark: Calm... and I cannot stress this enough... THE FUCK DOWN!!!

Ryan Clark: Mr. Judd did not mean shit anybody out. He was making a joke.
Herman Judd: Yeah. Yeah. You guys don't understand comedy. I do. What I did back there, that was comedy. Idiots.

Billie McEvoy: I think everything will be okay if we just stick together.
Ryan Clark: Worked for every extinct species in history.

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