31 мая 2019 г.

Halloween (2018)

Aaron Korey: So, is he real?
Laurie Strode: Who?
Aaron Korey: The Boogeyman.

Laurie Strode: You don't believe in the Boogeyman?
Aaron Korey: I believe in Michael Myers, deranged serial killer, but... the Boogeyman, no.
Laurie Strode: Well, you should.

Laurie Strode: If the way I raised your mother means that she hates me... but that she's prepared for the horrors of this world, then... I can live with that.

Sheriff Barker: Michael Myers loose with a bunch of nutbags in Haddonfield on Halloween night? We're gonna have a fucking circus on our hands. But hey. What are we gonna do? Cancel Halloween?

Laurie Strode: All right, pick your poison... I like a revolver. They never jam... This is accuracy and stopping power. This is tactical...

Laurie Strode: He waited for this night. He's waited for me. I've waited for him. Come on, Michael.

Dr. Sartain: I would suspect the notion of being a predator or the fear of becoming prey keeps both of them alive.

Officer Richards: Banh mi is essentially just the Vietnamese version of a French baguette.
Officer Francis: Mm-hmm.
Officer Richards: And the term actually refers to the bread and not so much the contents therein.
Officer Francis: Mm.
Officer Richards: But your partner, the greatest partner in the world...
Officer Francis: Oh.
Officer Richards: ...made an arrangement with the Vietnamese folks at the restaurant...
Officer Francis: Mm.
Officer Richards: ...and had them make you your very own peanut butter and jelly banh mi sandwich.
Officer Francis: That sounds disgusting.

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+ Soundtracks

Orgy Pants to Work

Lucifer 4×6

Eve: Maze? As in Mazikeen of the Lilim?

Eve: This world is full of dumb-ass rules. You know, "No drugs for breakfast," or "Put on some clothes," but you... For years you have been the keeper of Lucifer's devilish flame. He just forgot to mention you are so damn hot!... I like her.

Amenadiel: Lamaze. It's a baby class for mom and partner. Not mom, partner and demon. So...

Lucifer: Oh! Oh, dear. I've worn my orgy pants to work, haven't I?

Lucifer: In fact, I hereby promise that the personal shall interfere with the professional no more.

Lucifer: Silent from here on in, you won't even know that I have a personal life.

Eve: Lucifer and I were supposed to bake and Drake tonight. You know... Like, really bakes and watch a Drake concert...

Mazikeen: You are Eve! You are the first best party girl ever!

Amenadiel: Remy, put your wings away!

Chloe: We all have our personal lives and I go to parent-teacher conferences and you host sex parties, so... To each their own. Look, as long as you continue to wear actual pants to work... then, if you're happy, I'm happy.

Lucifer: Fetch me the goat!

Eve: It's just that when he leaves me hanging like this... Reminds me of Adam. You know I was his second wife, right? Literally created for the guy and our entire marriage he was just pining over wife number uno. "Lilith tamed the beasts of the night." Stupid, perfect Lilith.
Mazikeen: She wasn't perfect.
Eve: Oh, my God... My God. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot that she was your mother.
Mazikeen: Yes, so did she.

Ella: Oh, my gosh! Can I please come?

Guard: Sorry, but rules are rules. You want to go inside, you got to get naked. Either that or get a warrant.

Ella: We're not cops.
Lucifer: We're not cops.
Ella: I'm actually a forensic scientist.
Lucifer: And I'm the devil.

Remiel: How can human women wear these torture devices? What are they called?
Amenadiel: Jeans.

Eve: I wanted Adam to love me so badly that I devoted myself to becoming something I wasn't. In order to please him. I wanted to be Adam's ideal woman. But then I realized something. I was never going to be Adam's ideal woman because, spoiler alert... I'm not Lilith. I am me.

Eve: I see you pretending to be something that you're not. You don't have to. You're already perfect.

Lucifer: You asked what I am... I'm the devil.

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30 мая 2019 г.

Seven Days in May (1964)

Gen. James Mattoon Scott: I'll make the point again, Senator. I think the signing of a nuclear disarmament pact with the Soviet Union is, at best, an act of naivete and, at worst, an insupportable negligence. We've stayed alive because we've built up an arsenal, and we've kept the peace because we've dealt with an enemy who knew we would use that arsenal. Now we're asked to believe that a piece of paper will take the place of missile sites and Polaris submarines and that an enemy who hasn't honored one solemn treaty in the history of its existence will now, for our convenience, do precisely that. I have strong doubts.

Gen. James Mattoon Scott: There hasn't been a single piece of paper in the history of mankind that could serve as a deterrent to a Pearl Harbor. I wonder why we haven't learned that lesson by now. Every 20 years or so, we have to pick ourselves up off the floor bleeding and pay for that mistake.

President Jordan Lyman: Let's sum it up, shall we? You're suggesting what?
Col. Martin 'Jiggs' Casey: I'm not sure, just some possibilities, what we call "capabilities" in military intelligence.
President Jordan Lyman: Got something against the English language?
Col. Martin 'Jiggs' Casey: No, sir.
President Jordan Lyman: Then speak it plainly, if you will.

Gen. James Mattoon Scott: This country's in trouble, Jiggs. Deep trouble. Now, there are two ways we can handle this. We can sit here on our duffs, ask for divine guidance, and hope for it. Or we can... Or we can what, Jiggs? What would your advice be?
Col. Martin 'Jiggs' Casey: Well, sir... We're a nation of laws, rules. We're military men, so we've taken an oath to uphold the constitution.
Gen. James Mattoon Scott: The Democratic way... The Democratic way — do your duty, and, as you put it, ask for divine guidance. You're right, Jiggs. You're absolutely right.

Sen. Raymond Clark: Now you listen to me, Mud. I'm going to tell you the damnedest story you ever heard...

Sen. Raymond Clark: I'm going to phone the White House. ... Say, you got a dime to stop a revolution with?

Christopher Todd: I think it's time we faced the enemy, Mr. President.
President Jordan Lyman: He's not the enemy. Scott, the Joint Chiefs, even the very emotional, very illogical, lunatic fringe, they're not the enemy. The enemy is an age, the nuclear age. It happens to have killed man's faith in his ability to influence what happens to him. And out of this comes a sickness, a sickness of frustration, a feeling of impotence, helplessness, weakness. And from this— this desperation— we look for a champion in red, white, and blue. Every now and then, a man on a white horse rides by, and we appoint him to be our personal God for the duration. For some men, it was a Senator McCarthy. For others, it was a General Walker. Now, it's a General Scott.

President Jordan Lyman: You want to defend the United States of America? Then defend it with the tools it supplies you with— its constitution. You ask for a mandate, General, from a ballot box. You don't steal it after midnight when the country has its back turned.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

The Invisible Man

Sneaky Pete 3×5

Julia: You want us to get to the city on time? Make that waffle disappear.

Ellen: He bet me I couldn't find the queen.
Julia: You-you taught my kid...
Marius: They're life skills.

Carly: Don't freak out, okay?
Julia: That sounds ominous.

Carly: No, it's fine. Mom-Mom's back from the dead and nobody gives a shit but me. It's fine.

Carly: How can I not be emotional? This is emotional.
Audrey: Yes. That's why I'm here.
Carly: What do you really think?
Audrey: I'm trying not to. Not until we get some facts that we can trust.

Audrey: Sorry to interrupt. I think you might have some information I'm looking for.
Chuck: Oh, boy. Has there ever been a happy conversation that started with those words?

Carly: Why are you purposely trying not to believe people?!

Audrey: Come on, we're going. Back to Bakersfield, to talk to the liar-in-chief.

Julia: I... I, I-I think it's sudden and reckless and, uh, I don't think we should give in so easily.
Marius: It's really just a question of what have you got to lose?

Julia: How? How? How? How will it work out?!
Marius: Julia. Julia. Julia.
Julia: What?! Marius.
Marius: There is no Sy Rubinek... There's no Sy Rubinek.

Taylor: I got nothing to hide.
Det. Lockley: Just because you're an idiot, don't be a moron. Ask for a rep.

T.H. Vignetti: Show me how you deal seconds.
Marius: Why, is there a card game you want to cheat in?
T.H. Vignetti: I'm a student of the con, not a practitioner.
Marius: Why not?
T.H. Vignetti: To begin with, I have a soul. But I also have these shovel hands. Even if I wanted to do something, it's useless.
Marius: Well, a con is in the mind, not in the hands.
T.H. Vignetti: There's still the aforementioned soul.

Kilbane: This dark tempest rising... I loved it with my full and open heart. It's an insane thing to say about a painting, I know, but it meant more to me than any amount of money. You understand that?
Julia: No, but I barely have enough money for groceries.

Kilbane: Finding out a painting that you love is a forgery is like... it's like finding out that a lover has betrayed you. I mean, there they are, they're dressed in the same clothes, in the same frame, but you can never look at them the same way again.

Julia: You're gonna screw me over, right at the end. I'll trust you, you'll run out, and I'll be left with nothing.
Marius: I don't know what your other options are.

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+ Soundtracks

Алексей Викторович Иванов — Пищеблок

«У любимого писателя легко любить каждую новую книгу. А этот “пионерский ужастик” вообще прелесть! ... С одной стороны, качественное ностальжи по атрибутам пионерского детства (если в вашем детстве и не случилось гипсовой горнистки, то уж вряд ли кого миновал фольклор черной-черной комнаты). С другой – живенький вампирский триллер с тонкой такой перекличкой советских и вампирских реалий. Написано с присущими автору умом и иронией (вот у кого с чувством юмора все в порядке, одни эпиграфы чего стоят – залюбуешься).»

цитаты | Алексей Викторович Иванов | Пищеблок | пионерский лагерь | вампиры | пионерлагерь | вожатый | ветеран | летние каникулы | Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller
  “– Они были сигнальщиками. ...
&  Если тьма сильнее тебя, не покидай свой дом, пока не прозвенит песня горна.

&  Тут как везде. Флаги – флагами и серпы – молотами, но даже в пионерлагере людям хочется жить попроще, полегче и получше.

&  – Так, ребята, теперь нам нужно выбрать командира, – деловито сказала Ирина Михайловна. – Есть предложения?
     Предложений не было. Ребята ещё не перезнакомились, зато по школе помнили, что командир – это не тот, кто командует сам, а тот, кто заставляет остальных выполнять команды учителей или вожатых. Нафиг кому надо?

&  Жизнь – вещь парадоксальная. Чтобы сохранить хотя бы относительную самостоятельность, человеку надо быть в роли ведомого, то есть того, кто, по идее, вовсе не имеетникакой самостоятельности. Беречь то, чего нет, – абсурд. Но Игорь привык к абсурду. Призывают же беречь идеалы коммунизма, и никто не спятил от удивления.

&  – Люди не такие, как ты думал? Ждал от них что-то хорошее, верил в них, а они тебя подвели, обманули, оказались мелкими и равнодушными?
     У Валерки в животе что-то дёрнулось, и глаза стали набухать слезами. Серп Иваныч говорил истинную правду – всё именно так, как Валерка и чувствовал. Валерка отвернулся и шмыгнул носом. Можно быть стойким, когда ты один, но, когда тебя поняли, сдерживаться не получается.

&  Конечно, Бекля не врёт. Просто он понимает добро по-своему. Впрочем, многие другие люди тоже понимают добро не так, как он, Валерка. В этом и заключается сложность жизни. Наверное, нельзя рассчитывать, что люди поверят тебе, но можно надеяться, что помогут. Да, люди бывают глупыми, жадными и трусливыми. Но это люди. Они не пьют друг у друга кровь. И потому мир остаётся прекрасным.

&  – Даю пионерское задание: все берём грабли, и за работу!
     Когда вожатые или учителя говорили, что дают пионерское задание, это означало, что работа будет скучная, трудная и за кого-то другого.

&  Работать не хотелось, а бездельничать было скучно.

  ... И они безмятежно рассмеются, вспоминая, словно сквозь радужную мглу, как однажды жарким олимпийским летом они храбро сражались с вампиром.”

29 мая 2019 г.

Ghost in the Shell (2017)

«Фильм является практически полным ремейком нетленного аниме 1995 года, которое серьезно продвинуло жанр и повлияло на создание той же "Матрицы", авторы которой, тогда еще братья Вачовски, обильно использовали идеи "Призрака в доспехах". Аниме во всех отношениях было замечательным и даже сейчас оно смотрится весьма достойно. Ну а тут значит фильм подоспел. Сразу стоит оговориться. Фильм скорее всего сильно по разному зайдет тем, кто смотрел аниме и тем, кто аниме не смотрел. Так как я аниме видел, мне трудно судить, какое впечатление произведет вся эта история на тех, кто не знаком с оригиналом....»

Major: My name is Major Mira Killian, and I give my consent.

Major: It feels like there's always this thick fog over my memory and I can't see through it.
Batou: You're lucky. Every single day I get screwed by my memories. It's better to be pure. Like you.

Dr. Ouelet: We cling to memories as if they define us, but... they really don't. What we do is what defines us.

Dr. Ouelet: Try and understand your importance, Mira. You're what everyone will become one day.
Major: You don't know how alone that makes me feel.

Skinny Man: Don't get me wrong. I love that kid to pieces. I do. She's amazing. But when she practices that thing, it is painful, right? Why not piano? I mean, it's the same price, you know? And doesn't sound so bad. At least, if you can't play that proper, it sounds...

Batou: At least, he got to believe he had a kid. What's the difference, huh? Fantasy, reality... Dreams, memories. It's all the same. Just noise.

Major: You're a murderer.
Kuze: They tried to kill me first. It is self-defense. Defense of self!

Kuze: Your shell belongs to them, but not your ghost. Your ghost is yours.

Major: How many?
Dr. Ouelet: Dozens.
Major: How many?
Dr. Ouelet: Ninety-eight unsuccessful attempts before you.
Major: You killed 98 innocent people.

Batou: What's it like down there?
Major: It's cold and dark. Just a million miles away. No voices. No data streaming. Just nothing. It scares me.
Batou: Then why do you do it?
Major: It feels real.

Major: My name is Major Mira Killian, and I do not consent to the deletion of this data. I do not consent.

Major: Tell him this is justice. It's what I was built for.

Major: My name is Major, and I give my consent.

Major: My mind is human. My body is manufactured. I'm the first of my kind, but I won't be the last.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
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Σ nostradamvs: «9 стран! 9 стран официально являются со-создателями этого фильма! Ну… не знаю. Слишком много усилий ради довольно обыденного результата. Вообще говоря, «Призрак в доспехах» – это вполне классическая манга с должной идеей и боёвкой, а фильм получился… ну, скажем, скучным. Неинтересным. Вообще. Что там происходит с героиней, что она себе думает, в кого она там стреляет – неважно. Йоханссон уже давно перестала быть лицом, которое просто привлекает зрителя независимо от сюжета, и на этом тоже сыграть не получилось. В общем, это было впустую. 4/10.»

~= Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Expire Erect

Lucifer 4×5

Linda: Oh, right. The Eve, from the Garden of Eden. I mean, I am carrying an angel baby. I guess this is just a normal Tuesday for me now.

Lucifer: Detective! To what do I owe this... ill-timed interruption?

Lucifer: No, don't let me put you off. I'm just... stopping to smell the detective droning on about the case in total command of all the boring details. It is very nostalgic.

Lucifer: Well, we can't miss the part of the case where we chase the suspect. Or you chase and I watch, I mean.

Lucifer: Well, I'm just trying to appreciate every moment of the last time we're working together. One final case to get closure on the whole thing.

Lucifer: Detective, please. One last time for posterity... Kev, tell me... what is it that you truly desire? Power? Wealth? Better dress sense?

Lucifer: This is for the best, I think. There's no sense in dragging it out. One last case should be enough.
Chloe: Enough for what?
Lucifer: Well, for closure, of course.
Chloe: What does that mean?
Lucifer: I... I'm not sure, but the doctor told me I needed it.

Lucifer: I really had forgotten how much fun this is. You solving puzzles, me trying to distract you... waiting to come up with the big insight...
Ella: Found it!
Lucifer: ...that breaks the case.

Lucifer: I just want to say... great last case. Great partnership.

Lucifer: Brother. How's it going with the teenage mutant ninja angel baby?

Chloe: Wait. Do you mean as in Eve Eve, as in Adam and Eve?
Eve: I can't believe they still put his name first. These are supposed to be more progressive times.

Mazikeen: No public records. No social security number. No social media footprint. What is this? 2014?

Mazikeen: Shared office workspace. Even I find this a bit cruel... torture wise.

Eve: You know... I was literally created to be someone's wife. No-one ever asked me if that's what I really wanted. Except for him.

Lucifer: Ladies... Oh, it's a comfort to know I'll expire erect.

Dan: Thank God you were in there, Ella!
Ella: That is just it. I was in there. I was in there. I was right in the middle of it. And I asked him for a sign and that's when I realized, Dan, I wasn't going to get one. I wasn't going to get one because I had to count on myself, because... God doesn't exist!
Dan: Are you on drugs?

Amenadiel: After all that you've been through, Chloe... what you're worried about most is what's best for those that you care about.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
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28 мая 2019 г.

New Year's Day

Billions 4×10

Chuck Rhoades: How about New Year's Day? Things will be quiet...

Wendy Rhoades: Orrin. Can. I. Win?
Orrin Bach: I'll let you know when we're done today.

Bobby Axelrod: Let's win this thing.

Lonnie Watley: My experience was similar. Brought close just to be expelled. Like Sammy Hagar in Van Halen. Because, in the end, the Rhoades' only really take care of the Rhoades'.

Wendy Rhoades: "Take the deal." Not "try and make a deal." Not "perhaps there's a deal to be made." Oh, you fucker. You're not guessing. Or spitballing. You're doing what magicians call a "force." Letting me think I'm making a decision you've already made.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': How's she doing?
Ira: Not good, frankly.
Orrin Bach: She looks guilty, sounds guilty...
Bobby Axelrod: That's 'cause she feels guilty.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': Says something good about her actually...

Mafee: Well, new year, so I want to be upfront about something. We don't have any specific guidelines, but with things the way they are in the world, would it be okay if I asked an employee out, socially?

Bryan Connerty: Our first session was... it's already paying dividends. I'm cooking here. You saw when you came in... I wasn't sitting behind my desk. "Battle stance at all times. Ready for action."

Bryan Connerty: Something big is happening today. Something that made it impossible.
Dr. Gus: Are you dead?
Bryan Connerty: You ask that literally?
Dr. Gus: Yeah. I do. Are. You. Dead? Mort. Because then, maybe it would have been impossible for you to show up. There is always a story to tell yourself. You say that word impossible to me again one more time, and I will kick it out of your mouth along with your teeth.

Dollar Bill: Happy fucking New Year.
Bobby Axelrod: Why's everybody keep saying that?

Bonnie Barella: Good luck at the hearing. Go kill it.
Wendy Rhoades: You go kill it.
Bonnie Barella: Nature is metal. And I'm nature. Will do.

Ari Spyros: The Italians think anyone who puts milk on their coffee after 11 AM is animale. I tend to agree. In theory, but in reality...
Bobby Axelrod: Just gimme the espresso.

Bobby Axelrod: Now, that puts a bounce in my man's step. Though I'm not sure I'd use that room for that. Hard floor. Too hard. And very public...
Wendy Rhoades: She's not what you think she is...
Michelle: You need to know that you might cry. And if you do, that's just release. It means connection. It means freedom from having to hold it all in.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': That sounds so good. How do we...

Bobby Axelrod: I don't like it. If I'm here grinding, they should be here grinding too.

Wendy Rhoades: It's not all your time. It's a holiday.
Bobby Axelrod: There are no holidays when it's my money. They are rich because of me. So they can help me stay that way.
Wendy Rhoades: You're punishing them because they're not you. You need to let them go home, Bobby. So they can come back tomorrow and actually work. What's the point of any of you being rich if you can't fucking enjoy it.
Bobby Axelrod: I'll let you know when I do...

Bobby Axelrod: I can't let you lose that hearing. Because I have always known I need you more than anyone else here. At least I have since... Have I ever told you why and when, exactly, I knew that you were gonna be my partner at all this. Forever.
Wendy Rhoades: You remember?
Bobby Axelrod: What kind of man would I be if I didn't?

Bobby Axelrod: ..... But that's not the moment. The moment is when you got to my car after. And you said...
Wendy Rhoades: I said, "Bobby, you better fucking deliver for those people. Or I won't just make you quit. I'll kill you myself."
Bobby Axelrod: And right then I knew that you were my partner in this for life. Because you were loyal to me in the face of the world, but in private you held me to account and you were loyal to the bigger cause. And you were fun as hell to watch. And you still are.

Bobby Axelrod: ... And I will back you to the ends of the earth on it.

Bobby Axelrod: Go to Taylor. Talk to them. And ask for their forgiveness.

Bobby Axelrod: ...And then get yourselves ready to get back here for when the market opens ready to motherfucking destroy for me!

Wendy Rhoades: Well, that's where this kind of vengeance leads. It's ugly, it's sickening and I don't recommend it, to my worst enemy.

Dr. Gus: No. No. No. No. No. You're doing this. You can. And will. You know what this symbol is?
Bryan Connerty: Yeah. Divine wind.
Dr. Gus: Kamikaze. Right? Who made the ultimate sacrifice for their emperor, their nation, their ideals.
Bryan Connerty: But the board? The metaphor I get, but this isn't... it's not kids' karate class.
Dr. Gus: Go beyond the metaphor! Break through it!... Feel it!

Dr. Gus: Do you see that? Do you see, Bryan, nothing makes you feel the purest version of yourself more than going kamikaze!

Dr. Gus: The kamikaze get a bad name because everyone wants to focus on the suicide. But what they miss out on is the purity of the commitment.

Wendy Rhoades: Chuck... When did you know you needed to marry me? I mean the... the exact moment and why.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

The Further Adventures

Elementary 7×1

Bernardo "Beppo" Pugliesi: Who are you?
Holmes: I'm the man who's going to bring you to justice.

Watson: Once again, just because I'm American does not mean that I love guns.
DCI Jones: Right. I suppose you don't call football "soccer," either.

Holmes: Watson, we've been over this many times. Athelney Jones is not your enemy.
Watson: Do you hear the way she calls me "Doc"? It's a dig.
Holmes: Is she a bit of an Ameri-phobe? Yeah.
Watson: A bit?
Holmes: The point is, she respects your work, which is outstanding.

Holmes: Think of the year that we've had so far. We've had the Boscombe Valley Mystery, that Adventure at Abbey Grange. ... Keep going like this, I might get knighted. You could be a dame.

Det. Bell: I don't know which of you idiots saw Strangers on a Train. I was always partial to Throw Momma myself...

DCI Jones: Another day goes by without an arrest, I half expect Elton John will rewrite the lyrics to "Candle in the Wind" again.

Kitty: Ice cream? Seriously?
Holmes: I'm the boy's godfather. I can treat him every now and again.
Kitty: It's 10:00 in the morning!

Kitty: I know you want her here. I want her here, too. Doesn't mean that she belongs here.

Holmes: She was a model. Self-promotion is second only to carbohydrate avoidance.

Holmes: You were very nearly correct when you said...

On the IMDb
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27 мая 2019 г.

Gifted (2017)

Mary: ... 7,695. The square root is 87.7. And change. Now what does ad nauseam mean?

Frank: It's Trachtenberg. Jakow Trachtenberg.
Bonnie: I'm sorry?
Frank: Spent seven years in a Nazi concentration camp. Developed a system to rapidly solve problems. It's the Trachtenberg method.
Bonnie: But she's... I mean, she's seven though.
Frank: I learned it when I was eight. Do I look gifted to you? It's kind of gone out of vogue since the invention of the calculator... but, uh, I can still win a drink at a bar using it.

Mrs. Davis: This is a mistake. We'll never be able to raise this child to the level of scholarship she deserves.
Frank: Well, just dumb her down into a decent human being. Everybody wins.

Evelyn: Never get on the bad side of small-minded people who have a little authority. I thought I taught you that.

Frank: How do you design something you know is gonna fail? Gotta be devious or clueless, right?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Vermont Victim & The Bakersfield Hustle

Sneaky Pete 3×4

Mr. Kilbane: What do you think? Can I, uh, can I trust Mr. Josipovic here?
Julia: No. Not remotely... But that's why you have me, to watch him like a hawk.

Marius: You think I'm a terrible person. But, really, I'm just honest about human nature.

Marius: Julia, what is it you think I do?
Julia: Lie to people, pretend to be their cousin, steal their money.
Marius: No, I'm a confidence man. I earn people's trust and then I exploit that trust to get whatever I want.
Julia: So you're a thief.
Marius: No, no, no. I'm not a thief. I don't reach into people's pockets and steal things.... Okay, sometimes I reach into people's pockets and I, and I steal things, but that's beside the point.

Marius: Listen, I get people to give me what I want by making them think that they want to give it to me. And if I do my job right, they walk away feeling good because they've decided that they wanted to do it.
Julia: So you're a saint.

Marius: So if we're intruding...
Hickey: Don't do that. Make like you're apologizing so I'll have no choice but to invite you in... Come on inside.

Marius: Can we see? I'm just excited to see what you've been painting. Unless you haven't been painting. Wait, are you not painting? 'Cause it would break my heart if you're not painting.
Hickey: You see the trick?... All you have to do is stand in one place, and he'll run himself around in a circle until he's right back where he started.

Hickey: There it is. That thing in your eyes...
Julia: Probably just yesterday's mascara.
Hickey: Mm-mm. Ambivalence.

Hickey: You don't do romantic getaways. So either you're running away or you're running a con.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

26 мая 2019 г.

Pi (1998)

Maximillian Cohen: 9:13. Personal note. When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once, when I was six, I did.

Jenna: Max, Max, can I do it?
Maximillian Cohen: Jenna.
Jenna: What's 322 times 491?
Maximillian Cohen: 158,102. Right?
Jenna: Right! OK, 73 divided by 22?
Maximillian Cohen: 3.318...18...18... 18...18...18...18...

Maximillian Cohen: 12:45. Restate my assumptions.
    One: Mathematics is the language of nature.
    Two: Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
    Three: If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.
    Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature.
    Evidence: The cycling of disease epidemics; the wax and wane of caribou populations; sun spot cycles; the rise and fall of the Nile.
    So, what about the stock market?

Maximillian Cohen: How could he stop, when he was so close to seeing Pi for what it really is? How could you stop believing that there is a pattern, an ordered shape behind those numbers, when you were so close? We see the simplicity of the circle, we see the maddening complexity of the endless numbers, 3.14 off into infinity.

Lenny Meyer: The Ancient Jews used Hebrew as their numerical system. Each letter's a number. The Hebrew A, Aleph, is 1. B, Bet, is 2. Understand? But look, the numbers are interrelated. Take the Hebrew for father, ab. Aleph, Bet. 1, 2 equals 3. The word for mother, haim. Aleph, Mem. 1, 40 equals 41 . The sum of 3 and 41, 44. Right? Now, the Hebrew word for child - mother, father, child. Yeled. That's 10, 30 and 4. 44. Torah is just a long string of numbers. Some say that it's a code, sent to us from God.

Maximillian Cohen: 10:28. Results. Bullshit.

Sol Robeson: ..... And thus Archimedes solves the problem. He screams "Eureka!" and he is so overwhelmed, he runs naked through the streets to the king's palace to report his discovery. Now, what is the moral of the story?
Maximillian Cohen: That a breakthrough will come.
Sol Robeson: Wrong! The point of the story is the wife. Listen to your wife, she'll give you perspective. Meaning, you need a break. You must take a bath or you'll get nowhere. There will be no order, only chaos. Go home, Max, and you take a bath.

Lenny Meyer: We're searching for a pattern in the Torah.
Maximillian Cohen: What kind?
Lenny Meyer: We're not sure. All we know is it's 216 digits long.

Sol Robeson: The Ancient Japanese considered the Go board to be a microcosm of the universe. Although when it is empty it appears to be simple and ordered, in fact, the possibilities of gameplay are endless. They say that no two Go games have ever been alike. Just like snowflakes. So, the Go board actually represents an extremely complex and chaotic universe.

Sol Robeson: You want to find the number 216 in the world, you will be able to find it everywhere. 216 steps from a mere street corner to your front door. 216 seconds you spend riding on the elevator. When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, you will filter everything else out and find that thing everywhere. 320, 450, 22, whatever. You've chosen 216 and you'll find it everywhere in nature.

Maximillian Cohen: 4:42. New evidence. Remember Pythagoras. Mathematician, cult leader. Athens, circa 500 BC. Major belief: The universe is made of numbers. Major contribution: The golden ratio. Best represented geometrically as the golden rectangle. Visually, there exists a graceful equilibrium between its length and width. When it's squared, it leaves a smaller golden rectangle behind, with the same unique ratio. The squaring can continue, smaller and smaller, to infinity.

Rabbi Cohen: You're not pure!
Maximillian Cohen: How are you pure? I found it!
Rabbi Cohen: Who do you think you are? You are only a vessel from God. You're carrying a delivery which was meant for us!
Maximillian Cohen: It was given to me. It's inside of me. It's changing me.
Rabbi Cohen: It's killing you! Because you are not ready to receive it.

Maximillian Cohen: It's just a number. I'm sure you've written down every 216-digit number. You've translated all of them. You've intoned them all. Haven't you? What's it gotten you? The number is nothing. It's the meaning. The syntax. It's what's between the numbers. You haven't understood it. It's because it's not for you. I've got it. I've got it! I understand it. And I'm gonna see it. Rabbi, I was chosen.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

All About Eve

Lucifer 4×4

Ella: Manual strangulation. Not a fun way to go. Unless it's your thing.

Ella: You. Lucifer. Spill.

Eve: Hey, Luce. Long time, no see.

Lucifer: Back here. On Earth. How?
Eve: Found a way out of heaven.
Lucifer: I didn't think that was possible. For humans.
Eve: What can I say? I've always been a bit of a rule breaker. But you know that.
Lucifer: I do.

Lucifer: And... Adam? Where's that barrel of laughs?
Eve: Still up there. Where everyone is always so... happy.

Eve: You know, I've been in heaven longer than any other human and, let me tell you. Paradise can get a little... predictable.
Lucifer: Preaching to the choir.

Lucifer: You're not Rafael with five stars... I am canceling this ride.

Linda: [I'm feeling] Great actually. Tons of energy, sleeping well. Not to mention I have a truly supernatural support team.

Amenadiel: A boy?
Mazikeen: Better luck next time.

Amenadiel: Do you see a second protrusion anywhere? Maybe even a third?..
Nurse: Typically, there's only one penis.
Amenadiel: Nah. I was looking for the wings.

Chloe: Isn't this nice? Just a couple of sensible, law-abiding detectives on a case. No hidden flasks, no random drug use. No crazy shenanigans...

Bashir Al-Fassad: As Lucifer would say... what is it you desire?
Chloe: The truth.

Amenadiel: Can you believe it? A son. .... My very own mini Amenadiel. No, no, wait, wait. A-mini-diel. Baby warrior angel. Ha!

Linda: Well... it wasn't easy. None of it is. The devil, a demon... Dating an angel. Having his baby...
Chloe: Right... Wait, what? You're pregnant?
Linda: Yeah. With an... angel baby.

Linda: There's a good chance it could come out with wings. Wings! Is that even safe for a human to deliver? Should I have a C-section? Will insurance cover any of this? I mean, who knows?!

Linda: So how about Lucifer?
Chloe: It's, it's... It's complicated.
Linda: I mean, I guess what it really all comes down to is one... simple question. Do you want him in your life or not?

Ella: I'm so sorry. Chloe, he... He brought me a caramel triple frappe with extra whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles.

Mazikeen: This some weird fetish I don't know about?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!
+ All About Eve

25 мая 2019 г.

Hidden Figures (2016)

White Cop: NASA... Now that's something. I had no idea they hired...
Dorothy Vaughan: There are quite a few women working in the space program.
White Cop: ... Damn Russians are watching us right now. Sputniks.

Katherine Johnson: Dear Lord, I don't even know where to begin!
Mary Jackson: Oh, I'll tell you where to begin. Three Negro women are chasing a white police officer down the highway in Hampton, Virginia... 1961. Ladies, that there is a God-ordained miracle.

Jim Webb: You know what's dangerous, Mr. Stafford? Inaction and indecision.

Jim Webb: Get us up there, Harrison. We can't justify a space program that doesn't put anything in space.

Al Harrison: Where's the machine?
Ruth: Any day now, Mr. Harrison.
Al Harrison: Any day now... What's it called? The initials.
Ruth: The IBM.
Paul Stafford: International Business Machines.
Al Harrison: Space is a business...

Vivian Mitchell: Well, that's NASA for you. Fast with rocket ships, slow with advancement.

Karl Zielinski: Mary, a person with engineer's mind should be an engineer. You can't be a computer the rest of your life.
Mary Jackson: Mr. Zielinski... I'm a Negro woman. I'm not gonna entertain the impossible.
Karl Zielinski: And I'm a Polish Jew whose parents died in a Nazi prison camp. Now I'm standing beneath a spaceship that's going to carry an astronaut to the stars. I think we can say we are living the impossible.

Katherine Johnson: Excuse me. May I ask where the ladies' room is?
Ruth: Sorry. I have no idea where your bathroom is.

Katherine Johnson: There are 20 bright, highly capable Negro women in the West Computing Group. And we're proud to be doing our part for the country. So, yes. They let women do some things at NASA, Mr. Johnson. And it's not because we wear skirts. It's because we wear glasses.

John Glenn: Seem to be in a big rush around here. The Russians certainly aren't slowing down any. They can't build a damn refrigerator. How the heck did they beat us into space?

Al Harrison: There you have it. No more colored restrooms. No more white restrooms. Just plain old toilets. Go wherever you damn well please. Preferably closer to your desk.

Al Harrison: Here at NASA, we all pee the same color.

Paul Stafford: Do you have any idea how exacting these calculations have to be?
Katherine Johnson: It's like shooting a sawed-off shotgun from a thousand feet and getting that one BB through a hole so tiny, you can't even see it.

Vivian Mitchell: You know, Dorothy. Despite what you may think... I have nothing against y'all.
Dorothy Vaughan: I know. I know you probably believe that.

Al Harrison: So, um... you think we can get to the moon?
Katherine Johnson: We're already there, sir.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

The Stamford Trust Fall

Sneaky Pete 3×3

Lizzie: Tell me what you taste.
Marius: ... I taste wine. It's definitely wine. Red. Red wine.

Lizzie: You know, I-I didn't have to make you my Misha.
Marius: No, I-I'm... Look, I'm glad you did.

Lizzie: This is a commitment. So if you're in... you're in.

Lizzie: That's the fake.
Marius: What's in it?
Lizzie: Ash, mold, tree bark...
Marius: Mold?
Lizzie: And just a teeny-tiny pinch of... chicken shit.

Marius: How did you find me?
Julia: I'm a skip tracer. That's what I do.

Marius: Okay, so that-that was not cool, all right? That was not cool the first time. That was definitely not cool the second time.

Audrey: I really appreciate this, Joe. It's not my ideal...
Senator Joe Ramli: If everyone had their ideal, Audrey, there'd be no need for politicians.

Natalie: Just 'cause your grandpa used to bang my mom doesn't give you the right to harass my friends.

Julia: 20 minutes, in and out. You're Pete. You're Marius. You get what you need, you're gone.

Lizzie: It's not about creating a 1937 DRC. It's about making them believe that they're tasting a 1937 DRC. Perception is everything.

T.H. Vignetti: The con is an act of trust turned on its head.

T.H. Vignetti: I'll pay you. Well. And all you have to do is help me con a con man.

Marius: You don't want to let Sy Rubinek out of the box. Nobody's ever laid a glove on him. He's smart and he's mean and he's ruthless. And he's paranoid.
Julia: So it's a challenge. You'd be on the right side for once.

Marius: No, there is no right side. There's just a bunch of sides with people and their stupid reasons.

♪ My heart above my head ♪
♪ Rush in where wise men never go ♪
♪ But wise men never fall in love ♪
♪ So how are they to know? ♪

Marius: No, it can't be that bad.
Lizzie: We need 3,000 bottles, 2,000 of which need to be real.

Lizzie: $400,000.

Marius: I'm gonna get the money. 'Cause it's my fault, anyway.
Lizzie: Who the hell are you, and what have you done with Marius Josipovic?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

24 мая 2019 г.

The Sisters Brothers (2018)

Charlie Sisters: He says for the next job, we need to have a lead man.
Eli Sisters: What's it mean about money?
Charlie Sisters: It means more for me.
Eli Sisters: No. My money, I mean. Same as before?
Charlie Sisters: Well, no. Less, obviously.
Eli Sisters: If the Commodore wants to pay for a lead man, that's fine. But it's bad business to short the man underneath.

Charlie Sisters: He does business in every corner of the country, even overseas. The man can't be everywhere at once. It stands to reason he'd be victimized.
Eli Sisters: Victimized?
Charlie Sisters: Yes, victimized.
Eli Sisters: The Commodore is victimized?
Charlie Sisters: Well, what would you call it? If a man is forced to protect his fortune with the likes of us, what would you call it?
Eli Sisters: Not victimized.
Charlie Sisters: You're not gonna start nitpicking over every word, are you? What's your problem? Are you upset? You're upset because I'm the lead man? Is that it? If that's it, say so, but stop splitting hairs.
Eli Sisters: I'm not splitting hairs. You're using a strange word, and I'm making you take notice.

Charlie Sisters: We're the Sisters brothers. S-I-S-T-E-R-S, like sisters.

Charlie Sisters: You know what, brother? I don't think you and I have ever gone so far.
Eli Sisters: You mean between us, in our conversation?
Charlie Sisters: What are you talking about? I meant in a straight line. You and I have never gone so far in a straight line.

Charlie Sisters: I think you should say something to them.
Eli Sisters: Uh... After a series of dramatic events... that she had only herself to blame for, um... Mayfield is dead.
Charlie Sisters: No, no, no, not like that! You don't have anything more positive to say?
Eli Sisters: My brother and I have some good news for you people. You can change the name of your fucking town. Ya!

Charlie Sisters: Goddamn, this place is Babylon! You know, when we find Warm, it won't be worth looking for a quiet spot. There isn't one in this whole place. More importantly, nobody will care. We can kill anyone we want here... Fuck! Everyone's mind is focused on something else.

Eli Sisters: You've never thought about stopping?
Charlie Sisters: And do what?

Charlie Sisters: Let me tell you something, John Morris. You are one goddamn arrogant asshole.
John Morris: Let me tell you something, Charlie Sisters. I don't care what you think. That is to say if you think.

Eli Sisters: Hey, have you noticed how long it's been since anyone tried to kill us?
Charlie Sisters: I don't know. Three or four days?
Eli Sisters: Don't you find that strange?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

O, Ye of Little Faith, Father

Lucifer 4×3

Lucifer: Forgive me, Father... for not offering you a drink.

Lucifer: Vatican investigator? Sounds like a soon-to-be-canceled TV show.

Father Kinley: You need to be careful, Mr. Morningstar. God knows what she has planned for you...

Dan: It's not funny, Chloe. I swear he only exists to... torture me.

Lucifer: I just meant... a celestial impregnating a human... How is it even possible?
Amenadiel: And, if it is, how has this not already happened to you?
Lucifer: True.

Lucifer: You are here on Earth, so, if it's any consolation, you couldn't do worse than our father.
Amenadiel: How do you know that?
Lucifer: Because ours was literally never there.

Lucifer: Unbelievable as it may seem, being the actual devil does have its downsides. I can't get drunk on normal, human amounts of alcohol. I only drink because I like the taste.

Ella: It's always the ones you least suspect, the ones you trust the most, that hurt you. They wait until your guard is down and then... WHAM!! In my case, it was tequila.

Lucifer: What do you do when someone has betrayed you? Normally I'd go straight to punishment, fire, brimstone, public humiliation via YouTube...

Lucifer: I just need you to tell me how to deal with her.
Linda: Cautiously, Lucifer. There may be a very reasonable explanation for Chloe's behavior.
Like a spouse who suspects their partner's been cheating, an accusation of betrayal is a bell that can't be un-rung.
Lucifer: T— Translation, doctor?

Ella: No, no, you're right. Practice what you preach. And right now... I'm not sure what I'm preaching.

Lucifer: Thank you for your honesty. I like honesty. Now, if you wouldn't mind sharing with us a sympathetic and logical explanation for your betrayal.

Mazikeen: Is it true that human spawn erupt from their mothers' bodies in a ceremony of blood and pain?
Linda: What?

Mazikeen: In hell... torture via birth was a favorite. If half of what we did is accurate... your sex holes are never going back to normal.

Lucifer: ...so tell me. What did you desire?

Amenadiel: This one's good, because this Dr. Spock... he seems to know the most about babies.

Lucifer: A ceremony to banish the devil to hell? That is priceless. Ha-ha! No, seriously, you all need to take End of Days out of the Vatican movie night rotation. Definitely not one of Arnold's best.

Amenadiel: Will you marry me?!

Chloe: You are the... actual devil. I mean... every story of good and bad from throughout history, throughout time, says that you are the embodiment of evil. And how am I, Chloe Decker, a nobody... supposed to deal with that?

Father Kinley: I'm trying to save lives. To stop the prophecy... When the devil walks the earth and finds his first love, evil shall be released.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

23 мая 2019 г.

The Iron Throne

Game of Thrones 8×6

Grey Worm: It is not over until the queen's enemies are defeated.
Ser Davos: How much more defeated do you want them to be? They're on their knees.
Grey Worm: They are breathing.

Tyrion: I freed my brother. And you slaughtered a city.

Jon Snow: She's everyone's queen now.

Arya: I know a killer when I see one.

Tyrion: Did you bring any wine?

Tyrion: I suppose there's a crude kind of justice. I betrayed my closest friend and watched him burn. Now Varys's ashes can tell my ashes: "See? I told you."

Tyrion: It just occurred to me. I'm talking to the only man alive who knows where I'm going. So is there life after death?
Jon Snow: .... Not that I've seen.
Tyrion: I should be thankful. Oblivion is the best I could hope for.

Tyrion: She liberated the people of Slaver's Bay. She liberated the people of King's Landing. And she'll go on liberating until the people of the world are free... and she rules them all.

Tyrion: Would you have done it?

Jon Snow: What's it matter what I'd do?
Tyrion: It matters more than anything.

Tyrion: Our queen's nature is fire and blood.
Jon Snow: You think our house words are stamped on our bodies when we're born and that's who we are? Then I'd be fire and blood too.

Jon Snow: "Love is the death of duty."
Tyrion: You just came up with that?
Jon Snow: Maester Aemon said it a long time ago.
Tyrion: ... Sometimes duty is the death of love.

Daenerys: We can't hide behind small mercies. The world we need won't be built by men loyal to the world we have.

Jon Snow: The world we need is a world of mercy. It has to be.
Daenerys: And it will be. It's not easy to see something that's never been before. A good world.
Jon Snow: How do you know? How do you know it'll be good?
Daenerys: Because I know what is good. And so do you.
Jon Snow: I don't.
Daenerys: You do. You do. You've always known.
Jon Snow: What about everyone else? All the other people who think they know what's good.
Daenerys: They don't get to choose.

Daenerys: Be with me. Build the new world with me.

Arya: Say another word about killing my brother and I'll cut your throat.

Sam: Um-- We represent all the great houses, but whomever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies. Maybe the decision about what's best for everyone should be left to... well, everyone.

Tyrion: What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags?... Stories. There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has a better story... than—

Tyrion: To Brandon of House Stark... I say aye.

Tyrion: All hail Bran the Broken, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Grey Worm: This man is a criminal. He deserves justice.
Bran the Broken: He just got it. He's made many terrible mistakes. He's going to spend the rest of his life fixing them.

Jon Snow: There's still a Night's Watch?

Tyrion: No one is very happy. Which means it's a good compromise, I suppose.

Jon Snow: Was it right? .... It doesn't feel right.
Tyrion: Ask me again in 10 years.

Jon Snow: I don't expect we'll ever see each other again.
Tyrion: I wouldn't be so sure. A few years as Hand of the King would make anyone want to piss off the edge of the world.

Sansa: Where are you going?
Arya: What's west of Westeros?

Bran the Broken: You were exactly where you were supposed to be.

Tyrion: What's this?
Sam: A Song of Ice and Fire. Archmaester Ebrose's history of the wars following the death of King Robert. I helped him with the title.

Tyrion: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach and Master of Coin, would you say the crown's debt to you has been paid?
Ser Bronn: In full, my lord Hand.
Tyrion: Good. Time to start incurring a new one. We have hungry people to feed. Can we expect some assistance in this regard?
Ser Bronn: Indeed we can.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Trivia
+ Soundtrack

The Huckleberry Jones

Sneaky Pete 3×2

Julia: Life's too short.

Julia: Okay. Make good choices!

Carly: How do you get people to stop lying to you?
Marius: Torture... Or you buy them a box of Cracker Jacks.

Marius: People need to be incentivized.
Carly: What does that mean?
Marius: You, you have to convince them that telling their secret is better than holding on to it. Not better for you. They don't care about you. Better for them. It's a trade. They tell you the truth, and you give them something they want.

Marius: You know what's fun about a con?
Lizzie: Winning.
Marius: Control. I get the mark to give me what I want by making them believe they want to give it to me. All you care about is how big a lie you can tell and get away with.
Lizzie: The bigger the lie, the bigger the con.
Marius: The bigger the payoff, the bigger the con. The lie can be simple.

Lizzie: They have all the money, they're morons, and they love me for the same reason you do... They have no idea what I'll do next.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

22 мая 2019 г.

Anonymous (2016)

Sye: And you want to approach every buyer differently. I know that sounds simple, but it is important, because you say the wrong thing, you could lose credibility. You know, you could get blacklisted real quick. You don't want to do that. .... But if you can put yourself in the shoes of the buyer, whew, you're gold. ... And then there are also people, you know, sometimes people in high places that you... you don't think are on the market, and they're not until you find them something they like. ... Now then, there's your longtime buyer. You always got to make them happy. You got to keep bringing 'em stuff, because trust is the most important commodity in this business, all right? Takes a long time to build, but you can lose it just like that.

Sye: I'm sure it'll surprise you, but the single most important people that I get to know, people in the service industry. Anybody that knows anybody, right, those are the people who are going to help you get to the people that are staying there at the hotel or at the restaurant. These are the people that you need to know.

Alex: I want to cause a little chaos in the bank, and I want to do something that'll disrupt their system, stall 'em for weeks, something that'll make them close their doors.
Sye: Sounds good, but I don't get it. Where are we making our money?
Alex: Oh, it's not always about the money, Sye... This time, it's about payback.

Sye: Can you do a British accent?
Alex: Uh... probably.
Sye: If you can, do a British accent.
Alex: Why?
Sye: Chicks love it. She'll fall for it on the spot.
Alex: You sure?
Sye: Works every time, mate.

Kira: See? You're an idiot. I know your name, where you're from, and your birth date. With that information, I could steal your identity and ruin your life.

Alex: ...we were just making money, a lot of it, and the trouble with that is money doesn't change people. It reveals them.

Zed: Remember, Oz, money doesn't change anybody. It only reveals them. Let's see what our friend does with his money...

On the IMDb

Somebody's Been Reading Dante's Inferno

Lucifer 4×2

Lucifer: ...since you're here, you can help me decide. Moscow Midnight or Blue Lagoon?
Amenadiel: That's the same shirt.
Lucifer: Are you sure?

Amenadiel: Listen to me, Lucy. You need to get out there and take a chance. Carpe diem.

Father Kinley: Every day he remains on Earth, people are in danger. The Devil must go back to Hell.

Lucifer: Well, speaking of extreme, ever heard of extreme dates? Swimming with sharks? Jelly wrestling. That's always a good ice breaker—

Judd the Jock: I'm telling you, ma'am... nobody is what they seem to be around here.

Chloe: So... you don't bite the heads off of children?
Lucifer: No, of course not! I detest the little creatures. And I'd certainly never put one in my mouth.

Lucifer: It was a job... Detective. Something I was forced to do... Gosh. Someone's been reading Dante's Inferno.

Father Kinley: Why do you think they call him the Prince of Lies?
Chloe: No, n-no... Lucifer always tells the truth. Always. He does not lie.
Father Kinley: What if this is the biggest lie of all?...

Ella: So who is ready for some stomach contents?.... Okay, so we've got rice, coconut, snails. All typical for someone on a survival reality show. Here's what's not typical... We got sugar, flour, cacao, raisins, cherries, and rum...?
Lucifer: Uh, that is the ingredients of Hungarian rum balls.

Father Kinley: There's something you need to know about Chloe Decker...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

21 мая 2019 г.

The Stockholm Syndrome

The Big Bang Theory 12×24

Leonard: This might be the glue talking, but that was a very pleasurable 139 and a half hours.

Penny: Well, I can't get more pregnant.
Leonard: Mm-hmm. We'll see about that.

Bernadette: You realize it's been years since we've got away just the two of us.
Howard: I know. I can't wait. Fancy hotel room. The big bed...
Bernadette: Yeah. We're gonna sleep our asses off.

Amy: Go.
Sheldon: "Your majesties, members of the Nobel Academy— when I was a young boy growing up in East Texas I always knew I'd wind up on this stage, ......

Amy: Sheldon, this isn't about ruing. This is about... humbly accepting a great honor.
Sheldon: Amy, we won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Humility is for people who win the goofy Nobels like Literature, Economics and Peace.
Amy: Please tell me that's not in your speech.

Bernadette: Sometimes you're just... ech.

Howard: I was just looking at the map. Couldn't help thinking: we're here and they're there, and if anything happened, we'd have to go here to get all the way back there.
Bernadette: Why are you trying to freak me out?
Howard: This is our vacation. I thought we should do things together.

Sheldon: Good news, Amy. She's just pregnant.

Sheldon: Oh, please, you couldn't upstage us. We won a Nobel Prize. Any idiot can have a baby.

Penny: Oh, my God!... Pickled herring. Who knew how good it was!.. Sounds gross. Looks gross. Smells gross... It's delicious!

Penny: It's so strange. No matter how thoughtless and selfish he is, I still love him.
Leonard: If you think about it... he has kind of been our practice kid.

Sheldon: I was there the moment Leonard and Penny met. He said to me that their babies would be smart and beautiful. And now that they're expecting, I have no doubt that that will be the case.

Sheldon: Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Penny, Leonard, I apologize if I haven't been the friend you deserve. But I want you to know in my way, I love you all. And I love you.

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+ Vanity Card # XXX

The End

The Change Constant

The Big Bang Theory 12×23

Sheldon: That's the beauty of half-lives: it's impossible to determine when you'll arrive at zero.

Penny: Leonard, coffee?
Leonard: Black and strong, like Luke Cage.
Penny: I'm too tired to even be disturbed by that.

Sheldon: Oh, why don't we play a game to pass the time? Here. Uh, I am thinking of a number. Hint: it's a cube of a cube of a prime.

Sheldon: We did it.
Amy: I know. Can you believe it?
Sheldon: That's a good point. What if I'm dreaming?...

Sheldon: We won the Nobel Prize!

Sheldon: Aw. It's a congratulations text from my meemaw. Ooh. Oh, and there's one from my mom. And my sister. Oh, and my brother. And my brother's ex-wife. My brother's other ex-wife.

Raj: Was it your left hand or your right hand?

Sheldon: What kind of tea is appropriate for winning a Nobel Prize and now everything is changing and you feel unmoored from reality?...
Leonard: I don't know. Earl Grey?

Sheldon: I like you better the way you were.
Raj: But she looks beautiful! Classic lines, colors that complement her skin tone, and hair that goes from "office" to "on the town" in minutes...
Sheldon: I don't care. Put it back!

Leonard: My fault. I was out of Earl Grey.

Penny: Can you believe it? They finally fixed the elevator.

Leonard: You need to focus on the positive. You won a Nobel Prize. I slapped Sheldon. A lot of dreams came true today!

Sheldon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.
Penny: I'm playing a drinking game. Every time you say the word "change," I take a slug.

Sheldon: And now there is a completely different woman who botched my drink order. How hard is 65% Coke, 35% Diet Coke?
Penny: Well, judging by the look on her face, it's at least one percent saliva.

Penny: I guess the only thing that actually stays the same is that things are always changing.
Sheldon: Interesting... So you're saying the inevitability of change might be a universal constant.
Penny: Well, there's a little more to it than that, but, yeah, sure.

Sheldon: I'll join you. Waitress, uh, 95% Hawaiian Punch, five percent vodka.

Sheldon: This is wild.

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+ Soundtrack

20 мая 2019 г.

Gold (2016)

Kenny Wells Sr.: God, we work hard in this business. Sometimes for nothing... I wake up every morning. I tell myself, "I don't have to do this. I get to do this." And then it's just blue skies... Blue skies, baby.

Kenny Wells: You know, I tell you... When I get done with this trip, all right? Shouldn't take more than a week...

Kenny Wells: All right, maybe you're not running the hottest in your career right now either, so let's prove them wrong. You and me. Let's prove them all fucking wrong.

Kenny Wells: The Ring of Fire is right, Mike. You called it. You just haven't found it yet.

Michael Acosta: This jungle will... will test you. It will hold you up, weigh you, and decide your worth within an ounce.
Kenny Wells: Do you always talk like this, Mike? Like a book on tape?

Kenny Wells: My dream... is out there.

Kenny Wells: The guy who invented the hamburger was smart. But the guy who invented the cheeseburger... Genius.

Michael Acosta: What's the meaning of the tattoo on your arm?
Kenny Wells: Oh, it's a bird. It's from a poem I read when I was a kid... Bird with no feet... sleeps in the wind.

Kenny Wells: No good?
Michael Acosta: No good..... More in the vicinity of great.

Walt Kealer: Any message you'd like to give to the readers of Gold Digger magazine?
Kenny Wells: The last card you turn over is the only one that matters.

Michael Acosta: There's something about... finding gold... that is so difficult to put into words. It's real difficult. Taste of it on your tongue. The feel of it between your fingers, it's... it's electric. It's like a drug, 'cause it hooks you.

Kenny Wells: I feel like a million bucks, only a few hundred times better.

Kenny Wells: It was my dream. I dreamed it. You sell your dream... what do you have left?

Kenny Wells: I fucking love that... You went looking for bauxite, and you found copper. I went looking for gold and... found a friend.
Michael Acosta: That is the single hokiest thing I've ever heard in my life....
Kenny Wells: So, you got a plan?
Michael Acosta: Don't you?

Kenny Wells: I'm touching a tiger... Mike, I'm touching a tiger right between the eyes.

Brian Woolf: 15% is a terrible deal!
Hollis Drescher: Is it? What's 15% of $30 billion?

Kenny Wells: All right, let's talk about the truth. The only truth here is, when everybody's getting rich, nobody gives a shit about the truth.

Paul Jennings: Mr. Kenny Wells... you are free to go.

Paul Jennings: What are you gonna do now, Wells?

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A Swedish Science Thing and the Equation for Toast

Young Sheldon 2×22

Mary: What on Earth...?

Meemaw: I bet you're wondering...

Meemaw: Spellbinding, ain't it?

Sheldon: Wednesday morning, the Nobel Prize winners are going to be announced in Sweden, and we'll hear it as it's happening.
Dr. Sturgis: Well, 2.8 milliseconds later.
Sheldon: Sure, because of the propagation.

George: Your thing is... I don't even know what your thing is.
Sheldon: It's the most prestigious award in the field of physics.
George: I'll think about it.
Sheldon: When I win one, I might just thank you in my speech.

George: The things I do for you...

George: I'm not paying for television. Television is free. Always was, always will be.
Georgie: You're so cheap.
George: If you want cable, pay for it yourself. Or better yet, try turning that thing off and go read a book.
Georgie: "Read a book"?

Mary: Was he in here taking a bath and just started thinking about science stuff?
Meemaw: Read the top right part...
Mary: "Time plus heat plus bread equals toast."
Meemaw: That ain't science.
Mary: Well, it's not wrong, either.

Sheldon: You'll be amazed to know that the Nobel Prize, while being the most prestigious award in science, is not generally celebrated in this country. No parades, no fireworks...

Missy: You know what I like about you, Sheldon?.. You're incredibly smart, but you're also really dumb.

Georgie: What's the $10 a month "peema" charge?
George: Oh, P-I-M-A, that's a "Pain in My Ass" tax. My way of getting compensated for you taking years off my life.

George: Well, look at that, there's boobies on my TV...

Dr. Sturgis: Well, there's nothing to be scared of. Tomorrow, somebody will win the Nobel Prize about these particles... not me. But I'm experiencing them firsthand... which could be better.

Dr. Sturgis: It was my dream to win the Nobel, and I'm not going to. I bet Sheldon will.
Connie: That'll be something.

Dr. Sturgis: You know, neutrinos are interesting. They never bond with anything, they're always alone...

Adult Sheldon: A primary feature of quarks is that they're always bonded together, but in that moment, I felt like a neutrino, destined to be alone forever.

Beverly: Leonard, dear, you should be in bed.

Mrs. Wolowitz: Howard!! Turn off that fakakta game and go to sleep!

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+ Soundtrack

19 мая 2019 г.

Sneaky Pete 3×1

Julia: You... I know who you are!

Julia: Oh, my God, you're a horrible person.
Marius: What did I do that was so horrible?
Julia: You want a list?

Otto: Julia, don't text and drive, huh?

Julia: Get... OUT of here!

Taylor: Why are you so determined to have Carly believe they were shitty? Hmm? Will it somehow make you feel better about your own life?

Taylor: They loved me, I love them. They loved each other. That's the end of the story.

Audrey: People rem-remember things the way they do for a reason.
Julia: What about what I remember?!
Audrey: Don't be selfish.

Julia: They weren't perfect. No parents are. ... It's hard. I mean, you do things... because of your kids. You do things in spite of your kids. What's important is that you love them even when you don't always do the right thing by them.

Audrey: So, not only did we break the law, but we lost money doing it...

Marius: What answer do you want to hear?
Carly: I want the truth...
Marius: Everybody has their own version of the truth. And, you know, most of the truth is only half true. So it doesn't matter, right? 'Cause there's no truth. It's all just fungible.

Marius: Well, I have an idea, but I don't think you're gonna like it...

Taylor: You always were a sneaky fucking Pete, Pete!

Shawn: You can't scam someone who knows you're trying to scam them.

Audrey: How did you do it?
Marius: A good magician never reveals his tricks.
Audrey: I'm gonna need you to do better than that.

Marjorie: I don't know. You know? At a certain point, a person could want more in life than lies and duplicity.
Marius: Yeah, good luck with that.

Bagwell: You know, she seems to be concerned with your level of honesty, and quite frankly, so am I...
Marius: Well, you can only prove yourself one day at a time.

Bagwell: You have any other plans?
Marius: A friend of mine told me to go sit under a tree.
Bagwell: Trees are magical things. They talk to one another through the latticed fungi buried in the soil.
Marius: I didn't know that.

Bagwell: You know, and, and really, that's your problem, because you seem to think that people can't see past your mask... Who is Marius Josipovic? No, more to the point, who is Marius Josipovic without his criminal self? Don't answer that. It's rhetorical.

Marius: I get it.
Bagwell: You don't get it. Buy yourself a mirror. Take a long, long look. The truth will set you free if you can stand it.

Betsy: This is it. The bridge that's in all the movies.

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Everything's Okay

Lucifer 4×1

Lucifer: Have I played that song too much? I have, haven't I?

Mr. Said Out Bitch: Don't kill me, man. Please, I... I'm just a thief. That's all.
Lucifer: That's not true... That's not all you are.

Mazikeen: What? Are you still upset about me trying to betray you and kill you? It was a month ago.
Lucifer: No, of course not. What do you think I am? Human?

Lucifer: I refuse to be a scapegoat for which something I bear no responsibility. It's a theme in my life.

Lucifer: But how does it make you feel? Afraid? Terrified? Do you want to yell at me? Punch me in the face? Run away again?
Chloe: I... I think I just want to get back to work.
Lucifer: That's all?
Chloe: That's all.

Linda: I know nothing I can say is going to stop you from doing that. But all I can ask is... Take it slowly.
Lucifer: Of course, Doctor. Baby steps.

Lucifer: I'm the Devil.

Lucifer: Isn't this fun, Detective? Now you know the truth about me and, as you said, fine with it... Well, we can both be in on the joke. You can watch humans twist themselves into pretzels to justify what I tell them instead of considering the most obvious answer.
Chloe: I think it's kind of mean.

Lucifer: Detective, since you're clearly comfortable with my devilishness... Care to see my mojo in action?

Glenn Dobbs: I was pissed that Bob and Lenore's gimmicky honey was putting my stand out of business. I mean, avocado honey? Come on! I'm from LA and even I think that's going too far.

Lucifer: Oh, you'd be surprised. I mean, after all, she has the Devil at her side...
Chloe: Maybe it is kind of fun being in the know.

Mazikeen: One, I like to fight when I'm happy or... horny. And, two, I really don't want to accidentally kill my best friend.

Reynolds: Jesus!
Lucifer: Not quite!

Amenadiel: Dan, you're the most human person that I know.
Dan: Thanks?...

Lucifer: Well, then... problem solved, Detective. Because if you can accept me, then... that really is all that matters.

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